What was the most successful project I ever completed?



It can be tough to stand out in today’s modern world.  Good grades, volunteer work and extracurricular activities may not guarantee that you’ll land the job of your dreams. There are many qualified candidates out there. The secret to standing out is to impress recruiters with a unique and authentic you; in person, on paper, and with your online presence.


Your personal brand really matters. In many ways your brand is your reputation. It’s your calling card. It’s what you’re known for and how people experience you. It’s about bringing who you are to what you do and how you do it. Delivering your brand clearly and consistently will create a memorable experience in the minds of those you interact with and can open doors to new opportunities.



Why Personal Branding:

This personal brand project is a unique opportunity to learn more about yourself so you can identify your unique skills, strengths, and talents. It’s your chance to tap into your values, integrity, skillsets and passions to find your purpose. These areas form the foundation of your personal brand and can help you chart a course for your career and can position you to reach your goals.


This project will help you to:


§  Identify your strengths

§  Focus on your values

§  Define your medium & long term goals

§  Decide on your branding strategy



1.  Summary (5%)

Define personal branding

Write 300 words on how you believe personal branding can help you and your career


2.  Introduction (5%)

Introduce yourself briefly; state your name, course you are studying. State if you have ever used aspects of personal branding before or whether this is completely new to you. (200 words)


3.  Personal competencies (30%)



Focus on your strengths:

a.    Include your results from this FREE personality report: https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test


b.    What was the most successful project I ever completed?


c.    What made me successful?


d.    What was the most important team role I played and why?


e.    When faced with an overwhelming obstacle, what is my go to skill to over come it?


f.     What are the strengths that others acknowledge in me ?


g.    What strengths and skills came up over and over again?


h.    Which skills do I enjoy using as often as possible, regardless of the task?


i.      What skills have I mastered but would rather not use every day?


j.      Which strengths and skills are going to be most helpful as I begin

my career search?


k.    What skills are missing? What skills would I like to build but have not yet had the opportunity to practice?


l.      What are your top five strengths?


m.   What are the top five strengths your friends, colleagues and or family know you for?


n.    Compare the responses and write 300 words on what you learned from this exercise?

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