What were some of the features of the booming cities in the late 1800s and early 1900s? What are the suburbs and why were cities no longer considered walking cities?



What were some of the features of the booming cities in the late 1800s and early 1900s? What are the suburbs and why were cities no longer considered walking cities? The basic facilities that a society needs to function such as transportation systems, water and power lines and public institutions like schools is known as a city's __________. Jacob Riis described the horrifying living conditions that many workers in cities lived in in his book called Describe living conditions in the tenement houses How did the Second Mississippi Plan work? How did poll taxes and literacy tests prevent people from voting?

 The controversial African American leader who founded the Tuskegee institute and became an advocate for accomodation with white southerners was W.E.B. Dubois Eugene Debs Booker T. Washington Alfred Knox The United States upheld segregation in the 1896 court case Plessy v. Ferguson Knox v Tennessee Grandfather clause case Williams v. Mississippi The belief in the superiority of old-stock values and the dislike of immigrants and foreign culture coming into the United States is known as The political philosophy that calls for the overthrow of government and wants to create chaos is anarchy socialism communism conservativism Who was Terrence Powderly? What organization did he lead and what did he stand for? Why was the Haymarket Affair so influential in turning America's opinion against labor? What were the long-term consequences of Haymarket? How do the Pullman strike and the Homestead strike demonstrate that big business had won the war against labor?

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