What would it mean to persuade the laws as it is described in the Crito?



Essay One Plato's Five Dialogues


What would it mean to persuade the laws as it is described in the Crito? Does Socrates' account adequately allow for resisting evil legislation or is it essentially just a way to maintain the status quo?


Cite all sources with quotation marks for direct quotes and parenthetical references. Don't place urls in the body of your paper; cite online sources by author's name or article title. Place urls at the end of the paper in the work cited page. Every student is encouraged to submit drafts of papers to Upswing the online tutoring service for assistance with composition and proofreading.

Write an essay 2-5 pages typed, double-spaced, citing primary texts in the following way (Euthyphro 10b) and academic secondary sources such as the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

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