When entering data into your stats template file be careful not to add or delete any rows, columns, or individual cells - this will affect the results. Simply input data, leaving blank cells blank.



LAB 7: Hypothesized Results & Practice Analysis


1.       First, sort your data so that the IVs are grouped together. Copy and paste the data from your export file into your stats template file. Your statistics should be automatically calculated. Save your stats template file.

a.       When entering data into your stats template file be careful not to add or delete any rows, columns, or individual cells - this will affect the results. Simply input data, leaving blank cells blank.


Reporting of Results & Interpretation (2-Level Design)

Choose one of your two dependent variables to complete the following.


Inferential Statistics


Is there a main effect of factor 1 (are means )?  Yes  /  No  / Maybe

a.    Now, consult your inferential stats for the following:

                                         i.    F  =  ______ ,  p = _______

Is there a main effect of factor 2 (are means  )?  Yes  /  No  / Maybe

b.    Now, consult your inferential stats for the following:

                                         i.    F  =  ______ ,  p = _______




Draw or paste a line graph in the space below to evaluate the interaction.












Does there appear to be an interaction between the factors (Are lines non-parallel)?

Yes   /   No   /   Maybe











Description of Results

[Hint: (1) state what statistic you are performing and why, (2) describe the differences in means (descriptive stats) for the main effect of the first factor/IV, with F and p. (3) describe the differences in means (descriptive stats) for the main effect of the second factor/IV, with F and p (4) describe the interaction, with F and p.

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