Where do you see external analysis in business, specifically as it pertains to sports, entertainment and event?



Where do you see external analysis in business, specifically as it pertains to sports, entertainment and event? Provide us with an example of one of the external forces that can affect your industry and explain how you would gather information about it.

After posting, respond to two classmates. Responses must continue the conversation in a thoughtful, substantive manner, allowing everyone to come away from the discussion with a fuller understanding of the topic.

Discussion Expectations and Guidelines:

  • Your initial post must be submitted by 11:59 PM on Thursday
  • Response posts must be submitted by 11:59 PM on Sunday
  • For more information about how you will be assessed, refer to the Discussion Rubric (.docx)
  • For more information about participating in a discussion, see the Post and Reply to a Discussion user guide.

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