Whether they appeal to human greed, the advancement of knowledge, and/or the betterment of human life, technological/scientific advancements have pervaded most facets of human existence.




Androids Are People Too: Science Fiction

Research Essay (30%)



Write an essay of 1000-1200 words on one of the following topics. Your essay must incorporate at least three sources, be written using the MLA documentation style, and include a Works Cited page. Although this essay is one that is idea-based and incorporates secondary sources, you may draw connections to one or more of the literary works we explored in class, but this is not required.  Remember, these are broad topics and must be narrowed into concise arguments.



1. Whether they appeal to human greed, the advancement of knowledge, and/or the betterment of human life, technological/scientific advancements have pervaded most facets of human existence.  Examine the ways in which the consequences of this, in terms of urbanization, education, consumerism, medicine and/or the modification of our natural environment, are evident in society.


2. Technology, it can be argued, has become an extension of our selves. It can be said that the tensions that arise in defining what is deemed natural and what is deemed artificial is at the heart of our collective psyche. Examine the ways in which the ideas behind the term posthumanismare apparent in science, culture, and/or society as a whole.


3.  The commodification of nature, human existence and/or human desire is a running theme in the works we have discussed in class. The term commodification, as defined by the OED, means to [turn] something into, or [treat] something as, a (mere) commodity; [it is the] commercialization of an activity, [or idea] that is not by nature commercial.Examine an example of commodification that is related to technological and/or scientific advancement and the consequences of this in society.


4. A topic of your choice, approved by April 16th.




·         Your essay is due on May 4th on turnitin.com by midnight.  This essay should include:

·         An introduction that includes your thesis.

·         Three to four supporting body paragraphs.

     Each should open with a topic sentence.

     Each paragraph should include at least 2 to 4 supporting points for your argument (there must be a minimum of 9 supporting points overall).

     Clearly analyze and introduce your quotations and provide all necessary references (MLA).

     Make sure that each supporting point is linked to an idea in your thesis.

     Include a concluding sentence.

·         A concluding paragraph that revisits the points made in your essay, restates to your thesis, and provides final commentary.

    Your analysis should be no less than 1000 words in length. Direct quotations do not count in the word total.

    Double space and indent all paragraphs.

    Include a Works Citedpage. There will be a penalty of 10 marks applied to essays that do not include one.

    The essay title should include a descriptive title that makes the topic of your essay clear.

[For example:  Artificial Reality: Hyper-Consumerism and the Cult of Celebrity]

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