which in your opinion, is most important to overall mental well-being, short or long term memory? Which would be the hardest to function without, in daily life? You are required to cite a source in support of your analysis.

technical writing


which in your opinion, is most important to overall mental well-being, short or long term memory? Which would be the hardest to function without, in daily life? You are required to cite a source in support of your analysis. This means you need the in-text citation within your paragraph and the full reference at the end of your paragraphs. Please note that 40% of your grade for this assignment is based on including the in-text citation and the full reference. You may use your text, a book, a journal article or a website. Please ensure you are using a credible source. Do not use Wikipedia. This is not a credible source! Look for websites that end in .gov or .edu instead of .com. You must notate the total TIME ON TASK for the assignment, or points will be deducted for the missing time. Your document will be scanned for plagiarism through Turnitin. To cite a source, you need to do two things: Place an in-text citation right after the sentence you are citing. The in-text citation for our textbook is as follows: (Goldstein, 2015). If you are citing a quote from our text, you need to use the page number: (Goldstein, 2015, p. 133). If you are citing a paraphrase, APA encourages you to use the page number, but it is not required. Place the full reference at the end of your paper or post. The reference for our textbook is as follows: E. Bruce Goldstein (2015). Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research, and Everyday Experience. Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning. Here is a link for the Purdue Online Writing Lab. It has a terrific section on citing sources and shows you how to cite a variety of sources. I recommend using it as a guideline. https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ (Links to an external site.)

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