Essay Topic: Why is Corporate Social Responsibility Important to businesses today?
Words: 2000.
Use the help of the following citations to write the essay:
centric perspective (Order No. 3555045). Available from ABI/INFORM Collection.
(1318831995). Retrieved from
Mercer, J. J. (2013). Corporate social responsibility and its importance to consumers (Order
No. 3086752). Available from ABI/INFORM Collection. (305332686). Retrieved from
Elias, R. Z. (2014). An examination of business students' perception of corporate social
responsibilities before and after bankruptcies. Journal of Business Ethics, 52(3), 267-281.
Retrieved from
RESPONSIBILITY. Quality Congress.ASQ's ...Annual Quality Congress Proceedings, 58,
135-145. Retrieved from
values: A scale validation study (Order No. 3598537). Available from ABI/INFORM
Collection. (1459459782). Retrieved from
The essay requires:
Research and review of the contemporary literature in the topic area.
A range of citations and references that should demonstrate the breadth and depth of research.
Industry and/or organizational examples to be incorporated into the essay as illustrative evidence.
An original argument to be built using critical thinking.
Critical evaluation in the essay's conclusions.
Appropriate and accurate use of the Harvard referencing system
You must use a minimum of 10 references.) These must comprise:
At least 6 academic articles (these may be sourced from internet searches).
Up to 2 textbooks (including the prescribed text)
Up to 2 other authoritative sources of your choice. E.g. quality newspaper or professional
journal, government or NGO website).
Please avoid the use of corporate websites as these tend to be promotional and not
Wikipedia and other ‘popular’ or non-academic sources are not to be used.
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