Why is marketing ethics a strategic consideration in organizational decisions? Who is most important in managing marketing ethics: the individual or the firm's leadership? Explain your answer. What is the relationship between marketing ethics and orga



Why is marketing ethics a strategic consideration in organizational decisions? Who is most important in managing marketing ethics: the individual or the firm's leadership? Explain your answer. What is the relationship between marketing ethics and organizational performance? What are the elements of a strong ethical compliance program to support responsible marketing and a successful marketing strategy? 450 - 500 words minimum for each Topic. Two (2) references are required beyond the text book. Be sure to cite and source in APA format. Topic 2 Visit the Better Business Bureau website . Review the criteria for the BBB Marketplace Torch Awards - What are the most important marketing activities necessary for a firm to receive these awards? Expand on each criteria. 450 - 500 words minimum for each Topic. Two (2) references are required beyond the text book. Be sure to cite and source in APA format.

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