With the MGMT 566 readings as a resource, you are expected to spend time reflecting and thinking critically about ethical issues in business and the ethical implications and challenges for operating a business in a global context.



Assignment 1: A Case Study in Ethics

With the MGMT 566 readings as a resource, you are expected to spend time reflecting and thinking critically about ethical issues in business and the ethical implications and challenges for operating a business in a global context. You are required to compose 4-5 page paper (1100 words) that addresses the following:

1.     Describe an ethics case or issue that you believe to be important;

2.     Describe the ethical issues at play, relating these to the ethical theories discussed in the lectures;

3.     Identify the stakeholders affected by the ethical issue and describe any conflicting or competing interests held by these stakeholders;

4.     Make recommendations for addressing the ethical issues; and,

In this assignment, you will employ theoretical learning and current understanding of ethics and course concepts as these apply to your choice of industry, country or region. This gentle but challenging entry into ethical reasoning and analysis requires you to apply the language of business ethics in real-world contexts.

Length: 1100

The assignment instructions include:

1.     Briefly describe the context of the issue and identify the actions or decisions that you consider to be unethical. What is the rationale (reason) for the current practice? Whom does it benefit?

2.     What specific ethical principles are being ignored or violated?

3.     Which stakeholders are negatively affected? What is the local impact? The global impact?

4.     Is there a company in this location or culture that operates ethically, beyond compliance? If so, briefly describe those of its practices or decision processes that are more ethical, from your perspective. If not, what change in practices (or laws) might you recommend, to improve the ethics for each situation that you have identified?

This essay should be an evidence-based piece of writing. All sources must be referenced in APA format and a bibliography must be included and the end of the essay.

Due Date: Monday, April 26th 2020

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