Write a calculater that support 4 basic commands (+ , - , *, / ) with client-server module using linux and C.

computer science


Write a calculater that support 4 basic commands (+ , - , *, / ) with client-server module using linux and C.

The program should support the following:

a.       The server is running in the background

b.      The client receive in the arg line the following params and will look like this: ex2_client.out P1 P2 P3 P4

c.       The parameters represent the following –

d.      P1 – the server pid

e.       P2 – the first value with should use in the calculator

f.       P3 – the command itself (1-+ 2 – 3- * 4- /)

g.      P4 is the second number for the command

Example: if you’ll write the following in the command ex2_client.out 1234 70 2 30  means that the server pid is 1234 and that the client asked form the server to calculate – 70-30 and to return 40

h.      The client will wait for an answer from the server

i.        When the client receive the answer he should print it and quit

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