Write a function header called Signature with no parameters that prints “Created by your name”.

online quiz


Python Programming 1

Unit 1 Module 2 Practical Test




Copy the questions below into repl.it (Python 3 of course). Write your code underneath each question.

When completed, print your code.  (Note: There is only one printer for the room. I will pick up and bring it to you to see your code run).

Make certain you have the following in comments at the top: Name, Period #, Test #.

This part of the test is worth 50 pts.



1.       #Q1  Write a function header called Signature with no parameters that prints “Created by your name”.

2.       #Q2  Write the call statement to test Signature().

3.       #Q3  Write a function header called Signature with one parameter for the name that prints “Created by your name”.

4.       #Q4  Write the call statement to test Signature(name).

5.       #Q5  Write a code for the function Signature with one parameter for the name that returns “Created by your name”.

6.       #Q6  Write the call statement to test Signature(name).

7.       #Q7  Write a code for the function Signature with one parameter for the name that returns “Created by your name”. Give the name parameter a default value of “an Awesome Programmer!”

8.       #Q8  Write the call statement to test Signature(name) using the default.

9.       #Q9  Write the call statement to test Signature(name) overriding the default.

10.   #Q10  Write a function called avgTest that has three parameters, test1, test2 and test3. Calculate the average (of the three numbers and return the answer.

11.   #Q11  Write the call statement for avgTest(test1, test2, test3) 

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