Write a MATLAB program to find , to five significant figures, using the following methods: Bisection, Modified False Position, Newton Raphson, and Modified Secant.



Write a MATLAB program to find , to five significant figures, using the following methods: Bisection, Modified False Position, Newton Raphson, and Modified Secant.

In a calling script, request the user to choose a value of  between 5 and 10 m3 /s, and the rootfinding method. Also, once the results are printed, ask whether the user wishes to run the program again. Each root-finding method should be coded as a function in a separate script. 

Have the code plot the function in the vicinity of the root and include the value of the function at the root. 

Explain your algorithm in a short report. Include in the report all equations solved in the code. Attach copies of your MATLAB scripts and sample results to your report. Submit a physical copy of the report to your instructor, and submit copies of the five m-files to Moodle.   

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