Write a program that evaluates infix expressions of unsigned integers using two stacks. The program should consist of three classes.

technical writing


Write a program that evaluates infix expressions of unsigned integers using two stacks. The program should consist of three classes. The main class should create a GUI that allows the user input an infix expression and displays the result. The GUI should look as follows: (Please see attachment) The GUI must be generated by code that you write. You may not use a drag-and-drop GUI generator. The second class should contain the code to perform the infix expression evaluation. The pseudocode for performing that evaluation is shown below: tokenize the string containing the expression while there are more tokens get the next token if it is an operand push it onto the operand stack else if it is a left parenthesis push it onto the operator stack else if it is a right parenthesis while top of the operator stack not a left parenthesis pop two operands and an operator perform the calculation push the result onto the operand stack else if it is an operator

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