Write a program to manage a Books store. The book store should have minimum 20 different books. All the book data should be collected from file (like book title, authors, publisher, publication year, price, max discount rate etc.), some data like book ord

computer science












Course: CS 213 "Concepts of Programming Languages"

Year 1441/2019                                    


Semester Project

Deadline: 12th Week



اسم الطالب:                             الرقم الجامعي:                       رقم التحضير:


Self-learning a new OOP language


Note -All the following questions should be solved and put into MS word file. You can put code and outputs as screenshot.


Problem Description: Write a program to manage a Books store. The book store should have minimum 20 different books. All the book data should be collected from file (like book title, authors, publisher, publication year, price, max discount rate etc.), some data like book order details can be collected through interactive way (like keyboard). 


From user you will take following inputs (you can get the input from a file or through the keyboards)-


1.       Customer information

a.       Name

b.       Address

c.        Telephone

2.       Order of the targeted Book (ex. 10 copies of “Harry potter and the order of the phoenix”.)

3.       For each you should have following information(minimum)

a.       Name/Title of the book

b.       Author/s

c.        Publisher

d.       Year of publication

e.        Type of publication format (i.e. Hardcover, paperback etc.)

f.        Price per unit

                                                               i.      Original price

                                                              ii.      Selling price

g.        Discount rates

h.       Book ID (like ISBN number)

i.         Postal charge

4.       Special offers. on some specific books.


You have to produce following outputs –


5.       Create a receipts for the whole order (a customer can buy multiple copies of multiple books)

6.       Present some statistical reports        

a.       Total sell (Should consider orders from minimum 5 different customers)

b.       Total profit/Loss report

c.        Most popular book of the day

d.       Highest selling (in terms of price) book of the day.

e.        Publishers ranking based on sell.

7.       Show the book ranking based on the actual profits.


For the project following restrictions apply-


1.       It should be written in a new language that is not covered in your previous courses in Al Qassim (so. C/C++, Java etc. can’t be used). Some suggested languages- Python, Visual Basic, PHP etc.

2.       Maximum two students can form a group to complete this project.


Mark distribution and Expected deliverables


1.       A Running program – 1 Marks

·         Have to provide the proof – source code, screenshot executable etc.


2.       Reading from file – 2 Marks

3.       Variable declaration of all major primitive types and structures – 1 Marks

·         Integer

·         Float

·         String

·         Array

·         Multidimensional Array 

·         Records (or class)

·         Other language specific variations

·         Use initialization of variables


4.       Use of conditional statements in different formats – 1 Marks

·         If/else

·         Switch/case 

·         Other language specific variations



5.       Use of all loop/control structures – 2 Marks

·         For

·         While

·         Do

·         Repeat/until

·         Other language specific variations


6.       Define your own object types (like class in C++) – 1 marks

·         Minimum 2 Object types

·         Should include private and public attributes/methods

·         Should have constructor and destructor


7.       Apply advance OOP practices – 1 Marks

·         Inheritance

·         Overloading

·         Encapsulation (probably covered in 5)


8.       Formatting & Standard – 1 Marks

·         Source code Indenting

·         Meaningful variable/function/object names

·         Nice output format


Final Report Format


·         Description of all the key language features you used (like control structure, data types etc)

·         Have a clear map to show where do you use those language features. You can have a table like below

Language Feature


Line No

If (condition) else



for (initialize;condition;increment)




·         Should contain screen shots

·         Should have the whole source code at the end.

Note: We may have a presentation on the project in that case 5 marks will be allocated for the final presentation.


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