Write a Python application to keep track of a library’s collection of materials.

computer science



• Review classes and OOP 

• Review inheritance and polymorphism 

• Review overriding superclass method(s) in subclasses

Problem Specification 

Write a Python application to keep track of a library’s collection of materials. The collection will be read from an input file; users should be able to display a list of materials and check out materials using the materials’ call numbers. 

The library materials are either books or periodicals. The information stored for each type of library material is shown below. 

All library materials have a call number, and can be checked out. The date checked out should be the current date, and the due date depends on the type of material (21 days after current date for books; 7 days for periodicals). When displaying the item, show the specific information, along with the call number, whether or not the item is checked out, and if checked out, the check-out and due dates (see example output below). 

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