Write a report that provides facts about the student housing at Harrisburg University. Include the following: History of student housing at Harrisburg University – when it opened, when additional units began to be built and plans for future additions.



Write a report that provides facts about the student housing at Harrisburg University. Include the following: History of student housing at Harrisburg University – when it opened, when additional units began to be built and plans for future additions. Current status of student housing, including description of types of units, construction details, fixtures and amenities, square footage, living arrangements, costs. Reviews of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with student housing, based on surveys and interviews with students. This can be real research that you perform, or you can create hypothetical, imaginary information. Information about student housing at other regional colleges and universities. This information can be true facts that you find online, or you can invent imaginary information. Conclusions and recommendations about Harrisburg University's housing, based on information and observations that you included in your report. The audience for your report consists of members of the Dauphin County Commissioners – the elected government officials who have provided millions of dollars of taxpayer money to Harrisburg University. The length should be in the range of about 750 to 2,000 words. Longer is not necessarily better, but it should not be fewer than 750 words.

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