Write an applied review of an article which relates to some aspect of project management. This is an intentionally broad request as we want your review to be able to cover project management issues andapplications relevant to your area of interest or study program, reflecting the multi-disciplinary emphasis in thesubject aims.You can choose an article from a journal (electronic or web based journals may be acceptable but not all are suitableso check if unsure) in your discipline area. A comprehensive literature review of many texts and articles is notrequired but you can review multiple related documents if appropriate - for example: to compare or contrast severalrelated articles with respect to an aspect of project management (discuss this with your lecturer first). Your articletopic should be some activity or undertaking which is of interest or relevance to you, and which could form the basisof an applied discussion about basic project management concepts. In general, articles about real life projects,planning, or specific applications of project management are suitable. Academic papers or text books are notrecommended for this assignment”
The review must discuss aspects of a project or project management covered in the course. It is preferable you focuson general project management descriptions and issues and on case study examples as the more technical aspects ofproject management will be covered later in the lecture and tutorial program. Your review will:• .cite the reference (author, data, title, journal or text, page numbers). .summarise the paper to concisely describe the introduction/purpose, content and conclusions and therelationship to project/project management aspects therein use simple formatting (single-spaced text; 11 point font; basic paragraph formatting (no tabs, singleparagraph breaks); headings and subheadings in the default font). be between 1500 and 2000 words ( 3 - 4 typed pages). display a footer with your name, the papers author(s) and date and page numbering - in the format shownbelow. Gary Bridgman: Lock, D.I. (1993) SO THIS REVIEW BASICALLY ASKED ME TO WRITE AN LITERATURE REVIEW WHICH RELATES TO SOME ASPECTS OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT, CORRECT FORMAT ARE REQUIRED AND SHOULD BE WITHIN 3-4 PAGES LONG. THIS TASK NEED TO BE DONE BEFORE 21 MARCH 4:00 PM
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