Write an essay of comparison and contrast1 that focuses on any TWO of the articles that we will have read and discussed by the end of Unit 2: Pollan (“Escape”),



Document 2.1--Synthesis Essay: Basic Handout

Task: Write an essay of comparison and contrast1 that focuses on any TWO of the articles that we will have read and discussed by the end of Unit 2: Pollan (“Escape”), Balko, Paarlberg, Moss, Regan, Pollan (“Animal’s Place”), Maxfield, Freedman. Bring together two essays that share common topics and shed light on each other. Analyze whether the writers agree with each other or not—and whether you agree with them or not. Provide evidence for your reactions.

Think of this paper as a kind of conversation between three people: the two essay writers and you. Let them have their say, but make sure your voice is the most important voice in the conversation. Understand that this assignment is not primarily an exposition paper, where your main job is to EXPLAIN what these writers think is true; rather, this essay is primarily a RESPONSE paper, where, in addition to providing explanations of other writers’ ideas, you put forward YOUR REACTIONS to these essays and the REASONING BEHIND + EVIDENCE FOR your reactions.

You are expected to quote from both readings, using the quote sandwich, and to cite texts appropriately using MLA citation style.

Audience: Classmates in this section of Freshman Comp, who have read the essays you are discussing but who may not remember or respond to the essays as you do.

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