Write an essay on the following topic: Choose a company or an industry and explain why you think it fits a particular industry structure



This is an individual assignment of (maximum) 1,500 words. Students are required to work on it independently. Submission deadline (on Moodle): 4:00 p.m., 9 December 2019. Write an essay on the following topic: Choose a company or an industry and explain why you think it fits a particular industry structure – e.g. monopoly; or monopolistic competition; or oligopoly; or perfect competition. In your essay, you should provide evidence in the discussion to justify your choice. Data and statistics as well as relevant information should be used to support your arguments. (Note: OPEC cannot be used for the case of oligopoly.) Please provide an abstract of not more than 100 words (not included in the word count) to summarise your essay. To avoid too many similar choices, there is a limit of six students for each choice of company or industry in a country/region/global market (please specify). This will be on a first-come-first-serve basis. Please email the course convenor (Michael.Yap@nottingham.edu.my) to get his approval of your choice. A file with students’ approved choices will be posted on Moodle (and regularly updated). Please consult that file before you email your choice. In your email, provide the following four lines of information (nothing else required): Name: Josephine Kwan Student ID: 12345678 Choice: Automobile industry in China (or e.g. Maxis in Malaysia; Intel in the global market) Email: Josephine.Kwan@nottingham.edu.my Deadline for submission of topic: 12:00 a.m., 25 November 2019. Late submissions will not be accepted. Assessment is based on the following aspects: ▪ Clarity of thought and analytical ability. ▪ Substance of your contents. ▪ Grammar, presentation (includes writing skills) and organisation. ▪ Ability to source relevant information and data. ▪ Conformity to the format specified; proper referencing and citation. (Note on return of assignment feedback: Due to the course convenor having problems with his vision when doing prolonged near work such as online marking, there may be a slight delay in the return of the coursework. In that event, students will be notified.)

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