Writeashortparagraphdiscussingthechartandwhetheryourhypothesisisconsistent with the chart (what did you think prior to looking at the data, has that changed given now you have the data?).



Using R Studio -

1. Ask a question you’d like to answer using the dataset. For instance, in class we are

trying to answer “whether class-size affects performance of students?”

2. Briefly, explain the data and the variables that you will use to answer this question. [What does the dataset have? What does the variable measure? What is the unit of measurement?] Remember this chart should be self-explanatory, so do label the axes, have a title, etc. Anyone, those who don’t work on data as well as those who do, should be able to understand your chart.

3. Using the variables of interest, create a chart in R (use ggplot library). This chart should be able to present to the reader what the relationship between the two variables are. If should answer, or hint towards an answer, to your question.

4. Writeashortparagraphdiscussingthechartandwhetheryourhypothesisisconsistent with the chart (what did you think prior to looking at the data, has that changed given now you have the data?). 

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