You are welcome to work in groups of a maximum of three students. Each group member has to hand in their individual problem sets with the names of the other members of the group




You are welcome to work in groups of a maximum of three students. Each group member has to hand in their individual problem sets with the names of the other members of the group. The problem sets are meant to help you understand the material. If you have any questions, please come to the instructor or TA.

I. Using the “Advertising” dataset, which consists of data on sales of computers in different locations as well as advertising spending on TV, radio and newspaper. Run the sample R program (“Advertising Sample Program”) provided to you on canvas. 

(a) Perform the following regressions: 

(i) regress Sales on T V , 

(ii) regress Sales on T V and Newspaper, 

(iii) regress Sales on T V , Newspaper and Radio. 

(b) Does the coefficient on T V change in regressions 

(i) and (iii)? Explain in detail. Perform any additional regressions to support your reasoning. 

(c) Does the coefficient on Newspaper change in regressions (ii) and (iii)? Explain in detail. Perform any additional regressions to support your reasoning. 

Instruction Files

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