The Scenario:
You have been hired by a small startup company that is using a CentOS LAMP Server. The server is already setup and is serving virtually hosted websites as well as a MySQL database. Your task is to deploy and configure the open-source monitoring tool monit on the LAMP server. You will be using monit to monitor services and metrics as well as set up email alerts for specific events.
You will be creating a complete deployment and configuration guide for the specified objectives as though you were doing this for a real employer. Details on requirements to follow below.
It is expected that all work submitted will be your own. This is an individual assignment. No two people should be handing in the same assignment, academic honesty infringements will result in a grade of 0. You are able to use online resources to guide you in meeting the objectives but it is expected that all instructions submitted are your own and not an image snippet or cut and paste from a website. When doing your research and finding tutorials to meet the objectives it is expected that you will not be providing images of their instructions but writing your own. The use of screenshots to support your documentation is permitted if the screenshots are you own from your own VM.
Completing the assignment:
The assignment will be submitted as a word document. The document can be as long or as short as you deem necessary if all objectives are met. You will also supply a complete copy of your configuration file inside of the document.
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