You have to write a program for an automatic decoder on the assumption that the raw input data has been preprocessed.

computer science


Getting the Messages


Note: Use Java to implement this


The Morse code is


A  .-

B   -…

C   -.-.

D   -..

E   .

F   ..-.

G   --.

H   ….

I   ..

J   .---

K   -.-

L   .-..

M   --

N   -.

O   ---

P   .--.

Q   --.-

R   .-.

S   …

T   -

U   ..-

V   …-

W   .--

X   -..-

Y   -.--

Z   --..




You have to write a program for an automatic decoder on the assumption that the raw input data has been preprocessed. In this preprocessed form, dots and dashes are represented by two-bit sequences, as indication of end of letter and end of word. These are shown in the table below


Symbol or delimiter

Two-bit sequence





End of letter


End of word



The end of a sentence is denoted by two consecutive end of word sequences, i.e., 1111.


The data for your program will be therefore be entered as a sequence of bit pairs. For example, the message HELLO STOP I LOVE YOU STOP will be represented by the bit sequence




In order to reduce searching time, the alphabetic characters should be stored using B+Tree or B*Tree. Make sure your program is well tested.


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