You need to identify an interval-level variable as the dependent variable. For the independent variables, the variable type does not matter




1. You need to identify an interval-level variable as the dependent variable. For the independent variables, the variable type does not matter (you can choose whatever variables you want to use, no need to consider the variable type)

2. "main independent variables" and "control variables" are all independent variables. The difference is that:

1) the main independent variables are the variables that I am most interested in

2) the control variables are the variables that I believe will affect the relationship between the main variable and the dependent variable. I will add them to the model, but they are not my main focus. 

For example, I am interested in the gender pay gap. So gender will be my main independent variable. But I also want to add education as the control variable, because I believe males and females tend to have different education levels, and education levels will affect the salary (as shown below).

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