You will be given a search problem: details here. The assignment involves implementing the following types of search to solve this problem:

computer science


You will be given a search problem: details here. The assignment involves implementing the following types of search to solve this problem: depth first, breadth first, iterative deepening, and A* heuristic search. Examine how the time to reach the solution (or a solution of a given quality) increases/scales-up with problem size/difficulty (solution depth). Do an approx. six page write-up of your work. (you can exclude example output from the page limit if nec.) USE THESE HEADINGS: 1.Approach (Approx one page: a brief description of your methods/the approach you took; if you had to make any decisions about exactly how to do things/if you did anything unusual, describe these) 2.Evidence of the 4 search methods in operation (include thorough evidence that your 4 methods work using detailed example output over various scenarios, example solutions found; ie. debugging output that lets you (and me) know they are working correctly - you can exclude example output from page count if necessary. Make sure you explain what I am looking at.) 3.Scalability study (~one page: describe how you controlled problem difficulty; one plot of your results for the 4 methods with respect to scalability, and brief interpretation of the results and discussion of their significance -> conclusions). 4.Extras and limitations (if you did anything extra, anything beyond what I asked for (eg space complexity, more difficult version of problem). And limitations / self evaluation i.e. what are the weaknesses of the work you have done - you can get extra marks for recognising your own weaknesses) 5.References (if you used any) 6.Code (the code you wrote, in human readable form) - not included in 6 page limit. Make one pdf file including your write up and a human-readable version of your source code (same pdf file) (with the headings above). Also one zipped directory of relevant source code in a format that could be compiled. You must code the AI part yourself. A strict rule: when you submit your source code in pdf, ONLY hand-in the parts of the code that YOU wrote. If any code is found in the report that is not written by you then we can only assume that you implemented nothing yourself and you will get zero

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