You work for a company that does educational consulting.Your boss knows that you are a genius when it comes to Excel and decides to impose upon you a little – he assigns you a project to create an Excel spreadsheet that will be a teacher’s companion.

computer science


You work for a company that does educational consulting.Your boss knows that you are a genius when it comes to Excel and decides to impose upon you a little – he assigns you a project to create an Excel spreadsheet that will be a teacher’s companion.It has to have an input area for the grades, rank them, split them into different quartiles, create relevant charts, give all the summary statistics that are relevant, color code grades that need to be looked into, have a conditional format highlighting when a student does better or worse than previous exams, show relevant lookup values for grades according to number and letter, have relevant pivot tables, etc.The goal is that it is a stand-alone tool for teachers to use to assess everything possible about a student. 

● You work for a finance firm and are asked to firstly prepare a report detailing whether or not your company should invest in one of the following companies of your choice: CREE, TSLA, PCLN, AMZN, NFLX, KO, PG, CIT, AIG, or something else (with a market cap of over 10B).You must prepare a report that details all the financial information (using Excel functions) and presents it in a clear and concise manner.Secondly, you were asked to come up with a system to invest in this stock. You must create something based on past history, test it, and show that your system is a relevant and important approach. 

● You work for a government agency, and although you have been there for fifteen years, your boss only recently came over to you and asked you to actually do some work.At first you weren't sure what he was talking about; after consulting with some friends, you remembered that supposedly that is what you are being paid for.Thankfully, you have been very keen to fiddle around with Excel in-between checking email, Facebook, and Halo.Your boss said that the government has a spent a lot of money on a huge housing project which is now empty. Your job, should you choose to accept it, is to create an ad campaign to entice people to move in.You must use government statistics to decide how, where, what when and why to target certain neighborhoods, etc.You must detail and present the reasoning for your plan with clear and precise procedural steps of how you arrived at your conclusion. You must use every tool at your disposal. You must use clear, concise and appropriate formulas. You must present your information in a detailed and relevant manner. You will be graded on the “level” of formulas you used, on your ability to manipulate data, on your ability to present data for the intended audience, on how inventive you employ the tools at your disposal, on how thorough you are in your presentation, etc.

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