“Young people, when informed and empowered, when they realize that what they do truly makes a difference, can indeed change the world”. Generation Z is 72 million people born between 1996 to 2010.



Executive Summary


“Young people, when informed and empowered, when they realize that what they do truly makes a difference, can indeed change the world”. Generation Z is 72 million people born between 1996 to 2010. From this all understood is that the future is in Generation Z’s hands now, but the question remains how will they change the marketing landscape? Initially Generation Z is the future, and it must be recognized that they are starting to make buying decisions that are going to shape the brand landscape for years to come. Generation Z are typically passionate in social issues and collaboration. Due to the high use of social media they are more aware of what is going on in the world with applications like Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and many other social media platforms. Social injustice has been a massive issue in the United States of America, with the “Black Lives Matter” movement and many more. Collaboration is also a huge part of changing the marketing landscape. With social media again, being such a big outlet for Generation Z, they tend to be more focused and enthusiastic about celebrities that they are engaged with.










Generation Z is a massive population of diverse, optimistic, and highly digital individuals. Very different from Millennials, their values and ethics differs. As Generation Z tends to be hard workers, it is suspected and interpret how they will change the marketing landscape. The first way to understand how they will change the marketing landscape is as followed: “Educators can foster the engagement of Generation Z students by leveraging their passions for social issues and collaboration. This article describes a marketing project, including the planning, promotion, and implementation of a campus-wide Canned Food Drive that culminated in a Canned Food Statue Contest securing more than 2,000 cans for hurricane victims.” (Rippe, 2020). From this article, it is understood how big of a role Generation Z plays. With the hurricane occurring, Generation Z was able to get 2,000 canned goods. That being said with the social injustice of African Americans, Nike is playing their cards perfectly towards Gen Z. All that’s going on in America, Nike has taken their marketing team to help push the movement of “Black Lives Matter”. This generates a massive applaud from Generation Z, since they’re passionate about social issues. Nike is doing their best to collect as many future customers that they can get knowing how big of a following they have around the world being the biggest sport company.











Engaging with Generation Z


“The secret to personal growth is being willing to be wrong about your own limitations”. Generation Z is very different from Millennials. “Needless to say, Generation Z matters. And it is more important than ever for HR professionals to become familiar with the following 10 characteristics so that they know to to engage with my generation” (Miller, 2018). Generation Z is very connected with the help of social media. With the power of technology, marketers must understand that their way of getting more connected to Generation Z is social media. Fashion Nova is a great example of how to do that. With brand ambassador Kylie Jenner who has just under 200 million followers, she herself as a brand ambassador is connected to almost 200 million people. While posting pictures on Instagram they consolidate in a smart way like Fashion Nova has, you can create a lot of growth. Now marketers need to understand that social media is a great new outlet to other businesses and how Generation Z is a part of it.

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