Your app is a Grade Management System. The page has input boxes for student name and score.

computer science


In this exercise you will work with an array and add nodes to the DOM to display the results and test scores.

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Your app is a Grade Management System.  The page has input boxes for student name and score.  It also has an empty table to display the grades and a div to display the class statistics.  Please reference this document  TestScoresProblem.pdfPreview the document  for screen shots clarifying the instructions.  The two buttons should function as follows:

Add student button:  Input name and score and press this button.

  • Validate that name is entered
  • Validate that score is a number between 0 and 100
  • If either input is not valid, display message in the span element
  • If data is valid, add values to the array and display the updated table in the table on the page with id of “scores_table”
  • Clear the inputs after, focus on name
  • Clear the results section when a new student is added

Class statistics button: 

  • Calculate class average, display with 1 decimal place
  • Calculate highest score.  Display score and student name.
  • Display results in the div on the page with id of “results”
  • If there are no students then display a message of “No students”

Instruction Files

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