Your software company has been contracted to write a prototype program to perform simple statistical evaluations of integer data. Your portion of this program requires that you implement one object class: StatPackage. For final testing, your class will be

computer science


Your software company has been contracted to write a prototype program to perform simple statistical evaluations of integer data. Your portion of this program requires that you implement one object class: StatPackage. For final testing, your class will be compiled and linked to a driver program. You need to throughly test your package with your own drivers prior to delivery of your code. The interface specification for the stats package is: class StatPackage { StatPackage () // constructor for the class public void insert (double value) // insert value into the next position of the List // attempts to enter values once MAX is exceeded are ignored public void Histogram () // Print a histogram of the data in the List public double Mean () // Calculate the mean of the data in the List public double Median () // Calculate the median value for the data in the List public double Variance () // Calculate the variance value for the data in the List public double StdDev (double variance) // Calculate the standard deviation value for the data in the List } The functional specification for your package is: Your StatPackage will accept up to 500 values as input. Mean is the mean value for the values inserted into the StatPackage, mean is essentially the same as the average. Median is middle value if the number of items is odd or the average of the middle two values if the number of items is even. Variance is determined by the formula: the sum of the square of the values / count - square of the sum of the values / square of the count StdDev is the square root of the variance Histogram is a graphical output of the items inserted into the StatPackage. The format of the Histogram is: 1 - 10 | ********** 11 - 20 | ********** 21 - 30 | ********** 31 - 40 | ********** 41 - 50 | ******** 51 - 60 | ********* 61 - 70 | ********** 71 - 80 | ************ 81 - 90 | ******** 91 - 100 | ********* Where each '*' represents 5 items in the partition.

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