Your task for this examination is to use the 2018_Vehicles_Dataset to develop a short paper suitable for journal submission.




Your task for this examination is to use the 2018_Vehicles_Dataset to develop a short paper suitable for journal submission. The data is from the official U.S. government source for fuel economy information. For your own understanding on the variables in the data set, I would suggest that you visit for more information.


Structure of Paper: Your paper should have an abstract (5 points), introduction which should include the objectives of the paper (10 points), literature review of your chosen topic of interest (10 points), data and method. In the data section, make sure you provide a summary statistics of the variables that you will be using. Also, you should have graphs that are useful for explaining the variables chosen. The method(s) of analysis should include one-sample hypothesis tests, two-sample hypothesis test, using each of the following methods learnt in class; z-test, t-test, and chi-square test (20). Your results section should discuss in detail, the outcome of your analyses, including the explanation of all graphs used in the paper (40 points), conclusion (10 points) and references (5 points). The overall grade will be adjusted to the group work grade of 15 and Stata do files grade of 15. In essence the grade will be 30 points so make sure you work hard. 

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