Zip your codes and screenshots of the output in a single file. Your submission should be only one zip file which looks like:

computer science


1 Submission Instruction

Zip your codes and screenshots of the output in a single file. Your submission should be only one zip file which looks like:

Note that “main.cpp” and “screenshots.jpg” are just examples. You don’t have to give the same names. And you can also attach multiple source files (need an instruction of how to compile) and screenshots.

2 Problem 1 - Open Answer and Computation Questions

2.1 The Berkeley UNIX Fast File System uses an inode array to organize the files on disk. Each inode consists of a user id (2 bytes), three time stamps (4 bytes each), protection bits (2 bytes), a reference count (2 byte), a file type (2 bytes) and the size (4 bytes). Additionally, the inode contains 12 direct indexes, 1 index to a 1st-level index table, 1 index to a 2ndlevel index table, and 1 index to a 3rd level index table (Triply indirect block pointer). The file system also stores the first 436 bytes of each file in the inode. (20 pts) 2.

1.1 Assume a data block is 512 bytes, and assume that every entry pointer uses 4 bytes any auxilliary index table takes up an entire sector (i.e. a 512-byte block can hold up to 512/4=128 entries), what is the maximum size for a file in this system? 

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