Top of Form
An important advantage of the sequential tree implementation is that (select the
best answer):
Select one:
a. It is an extremely shallow tree
b. The data
structure can be transmitted between computers
c. It saves space because no pointers are
d. It uses dynamic nodes
The correct answer is: It saves space because
no pointers are stored
Question 2
A solution is said to be efficient if
Select one:
a. Solves the problem within the required resource constraints
b. Executes faster than other solutions
c. Is completed in the fewest number of
d. Can be explained in the context of Big-Oh notation
The correct answer
is: Solves the problem within the required resource constraints
Asymptotic Algorithm Analysis is primarily concerned with:
Select one:
a. The size of the constant in the algorithm running time equation
b. The speed of the
computing running the algorithm
c. The speed of the compiler
d. The growth rate
demonstrated in the algorithm running time equation
The correct answer is: The
growth rate demonstrated in the algorithm running time equation
For the following code fragment, select the option which represents the most
appropriate asymptotic analysis:
/** @return Position of largest value in "A“
static int largest(int[] A) {
int currlarge = 0; // Position of largest
(int i=1; i<A.length; i++)
if (A[currlarge] < A[i])
currlarge = i; // Remember
return currlarge; // Return largest pos
Choice 1. Θ ( n
Choice 2. O( 2n )
Choice 3. Θ( n log n )
Choice 4. Ω( n2 )
code fragment is not intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 5
The process of determining if two objects are in the same set
and then merging those sets is called:
Select one:
a. a Union Operation
Union / Find
c. a Weighted Union
d. a Merge Operation
The correct answer
is: Union / Find
Question 6
A sequential tree can be represented using a bit
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 7
Enqueue and Dequeue are notations associated with which
data structure:
Select one:
a. Queue
b. Stack
c. List
The correct answer is: Queue
Question 8
True/False: The
stack data structure is implemented as a LIFO structure (last in first out)
The correct answer is 'True'.
Correctly identify the following heap structure by selecting the best answer:
Select one:
a. partially ordered heap
b. max-heap structure
c. priority
d. min-heap structure
The correct answer is: max-heap
Question 10
True/False: Big Theta (Θ) indicates that the
Upper and Lower bounds of an algorithm are the same.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 11
A finite set of
one or more nodes such that there is one designated node call the root is a: (select the best
Select one:
a. Parent root
b. a B+ tree data structure
d. Tree
The correct answer is: Tree
Question 12
A={1, 2, 3, 4} and B={4, 5, 6}, find A∪ B .
Select one:
a. {1,2,3,4,4,5,6}
b. {4}
c. {x | x is all positive integers}
d. {1,2,3,4,5,6}
The correct
answer is: {1,2,3,4,5,6}
Question 13
Select the answer that best defines
Huffman Coding:
Select one:
a. A set of coding rules that is typically used for
b. A fixed length coding scheme for character representation
c. A tree
structure that trades off space and time requirements to provide a more efficient priority
d. An approach of assigning codes to characters such that the frequency length of
the code depends upon the relative frequency of the corresponding character in use
The correct answer is: An approach of assigning codes to characters such that the
frequency length of the code depends upon the relative frequency of the corresponding character
in use
Question 14
A leaf is any node that:
Select one:
a. Has
one child
b. Is an internal node with no ancestors
c. Is any node with two empty
d. Is the ancestor of the root node
The correct answer is: Is any
node with two empty children
Question 15
A linked list implementation relies
upon static memory allocation where static refers to the requirement to pre-allocate all of the
memory that will be used for the list.
Select one:
correct answer is 'False'.
Question 16
For the following code fragment,
select the option that represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
for (int i = 1;
i <= n; i *= 2) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
Option 1. O( 1 )
Option 2. O( 2n )
Option 3. O( n log n )
Option 4.
O( n2 )
Select one:
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option
Explanation: Here the outer loop is done log n times and the inner loop is done n
times, so T(n) = n log n. (Note that the default base for logarithms in Computer Science is
The correct answer is: Option 3
Question 17
In linked lists there
are no NULL links in:
Select one:
a. Single linked list
b. Linear doubly linked
c. Circular linked list
d. None of these
The correct answer is:
Circular linked list
Question 18
True/False: Big Theta (Θ) indicates
that the Upper and Lower bounds of an algorithm are the same.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 19
A list is said to
be empty when all of its elements have a zero (0) value
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 20
A full binary
tree has a restricted shape which starts at the root and fills the tree by levels from left to
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 21
Which of the following is NOT one of the design
patterns outlined in our text.
Select one:
a. Flyweight
b. Visitor
d. Synergy
The correct answer is: Synergy
The upper bound for the growth of the Algorithms running time is represented by
(please select the best answer):
1. Big Oh (O)
2. Big Omega (Ω)
3. Big Theta
4. Exponential growth
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice 1
The most time consuming of the following operations on an array based list
implementation is:
Select one:
a. Inserting a new element at position n-1 in the list
where n is the number of elements in the list.
b. Inserting a new element into the head of
the list.
c. Removing an element at position n-1 within the list
d. Removing an
element from the tail of the list.
The correct answer is: Inserting a new element
into the head of the list.
Question 24
Which of the following is not a
characteristic of an algorithm?
Select one:
a. It must be correct
b. It must be
composed of concrete steps
c. It can have no ambiguity
d. It must be composed of an
infinite number of steps.
The correct answer is: It must be composed of an infinite
number of steps.
Question 25
For the following code fragment, select the
most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
// Towers of Hanoi
static void solveHanoi(int
disks, char fromPole, char toPole, char withPole) {
if (disks >= 1) {
solveHanoi(disks-1, fromPole, withPole, toPole);
moveDisk(fromPole, toPole);
solveHanoi(disks-1, withPole, toPole, fromPole);
static void moveDisk(char
fromPole, char toPole) {
Option 1. O( n )
Option 2. O( 2n
Option 3. O( n log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
Select one:
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
The correct answer is: Option
Bottom of Form
For the following code fragment, select the option that represents the most appropriate
asymptotic analysis:
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
Option 1. O( n )
Option 2. O( 2n )
Option 3.
O( n log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
Select one:
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
The correct answer is: Option 1
The weighted union rule joins a tree with fewer nodes to a tree with more nodes by
making the smaller tree’s root point to the root of the larger tree.
The correct answer is 'True'.
The depth of node H in the following tree is:
Select one:
b. 2
c. 4
d. 1
The correct answer is: 3
The most significant difference between the B+-Tree and the BST is that the B+-Tree
stores records only at the leaf nodes.
Select one:
correct answer is 'True'.
Question 5
True/False: Big Theta (Θ)
indicates that the Upper and Lower bounds of an algorithm are the same.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 6
quicksort is typically slower than the heapsort by a constant factor.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 7
the following code fragment, select the choice which represents the most appropriate asymptotic
static int function ( n ) {
sum = 0;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
sum += n;
return sum;
Choice 1. Ω( n2 )
Choice 2. Ω( log n2 )
3. Θ( n log n )
Choice 4. O ( n )
(NOTE: code fragment is not intended to be
functioning code)
Select one:
a. Cho =!Question 8
compound computed search that combines a binary search to get close to the required record and
then uses sequential search to find the item is referred to as a/an:
Select one:
Zipf search
b. An Exact match search
c. A Dictionary search
d. bit map vector
The correct answer is: A Dictionary search
Question 9
process for visiting all of the nodes of a binary tree in some order is called a
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 10
For the following code fragment, select the choice which
represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
function ( n ) {
sum2 = 0;
for (k=1; k<=n; k*=2)
for (j=1; j<=k; j++)
Choice 1. O( 2n
Choice 2. Θ ( n )
Choice 3. Θ( n log n )
Choice 4. Ω( n2
(NOTE: code fragment is not intended to be functioning code)
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
correct answer is: Choice 2
Question 11
A linked list creates order through
the use of pointers that link one element to another.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 12
Inserting or
removing an item at position n-1 within a linked list has the same cost in terms ( n ) time as
the same operation in an array based implementation of a list.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 13
Select the
answer that best defines Huffman Coding:
Select one:
a. A set of coding rules that is
typically used for compression
b. A fixed length coding scheme for character
c. A tree structure that trades off space and time requirements to provide
a more efficient priority queue
d. An approach of assigning codes to characters such that
the frequency length of the code depends upon the relative frequency of the corresponding
character in use
The correct answer is: An approach of assigning codes to characters
such that the frequency length of the code depends upon the relative frequency of the
corresponding character in use
Question 14
A tree data structure whose shape
obeys the following definition,
o A node contains one or two keys
o Every internal
node has either 2 children if it contains 1 key or 3 children if it contains two keys
o All
leaves are at the same level in the tree
Is called a/an:
Select one:
b. BST
c. B+-Tree
d. 2-3 tree
The correct answer is: 2-3
Question 15
Data is stored within the disk drive on the: (select the
best answer)
Select one:
a. Spindle
b. Platter
c. Cylinder
The correct answer is: Platter
Question 16
For the
following code fragment, select the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
// Towers of
static void solveHanoi(int disks, char fromPole, char toPole, char withPole) {
if (disks Hanoi(disks-1, withPole, toPole, fromPole);
static void
moveDisk(char fromPole, char toPole) {
Option 1. O( n )
2. O( 2n )
Option 3. O( n log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
Select one:
a. Option
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
The correct answer is: Option
Question 17
The full binary tree theorem states “the number of
leaves in an empty full binary tree is@8 is 'False'.
Question 18
A full
binary tree has a restricted shape which starts at the root and fills the tree by levels from
left to right.
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 19
A list that organizes the order �8�U
�8�U $�
�U �:�
�U ��8�U @�8�U @ @�8�U nswer):
Select one:
a. Quadratic
Binary search order
b. A Zipf Distribution
c. A Self-organizing list
d. A
range query
The correct answer is: A Self-organizing list
An exchange sort is one where: (select the best answer)
Select one:
Records in an unsorted list are moved to a sorted list
b. Adjacent records in the list and
compared and exchanged
c. An inversion is executed
d. The sorting algorithm is said
to be stable
The correct answer is: Adjacent records in the list and compared and
Question 21
An algorithm that breaks a file to be sorted in
smaller files called runs which are sorted and eventually put back together resulting in a
sorted file is called:
Select one:
a. Quicksort algorithm
b. Replacement sort
c. An indexed key sort algorithm
d. Mergesort algorithm
correct answer is: Mergesort algorithm
Question 22
The lower bound for the
growth of the Algorithms running time is represented by (please the best answer):
1. Big Oh
2. Big Omega (Ω)
3. Big Theta (Θ)
4. Exponential growth
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
correct answer is: Choice 2
Question 23
For the following code fragment,
select the choice which represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
function ( n )
sum1 = 0;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
for (j=1; j<=n; j++)
Choice 1. Θ ( n2 )
Choice 2. O( 2n )
Choice 3. Θ( n
log n )
Choice 4. Ω( log n2 )
(NOTE: code fragment is not intended to be functioning
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice 1
Question 24
For the
following code fragment, select the choice which represents the most appropriate asymptotic
static int function ( n ) {
for (k=0; k<n; k++)
A[k] = k;
return A[k];
Choice 1. O ( n2 )
Choice 2. O( 2n )
Choice 3. Ω( n2
Choice 4. Θ ( n )
(NOTE: code fragment is not intended to be functioning
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice 4
Question 25
A technique
that allows a programmer to use more main memory than exists in the computer is called: (select
the best answer)
Select one:
a. Buffer cache
b. Random access memory
Secondary storage
d. Virtual memory
The correct answer is: Virtual
Question 26
For the following code fragment, select the option that
represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
public static int binarySearch(int[]
a, int key) {
int left = 0;
int right = a.length-1;
while (left <= right)
int mid = left + (right-left)/2;
if (key < a[mid]) right = mid-1;
else if
(key > a[mid]) left = mid+1;
else return mid;
//not found
Option 1. Ω( 1 ), O( log n )
Option 2. Ω( n ), O( 2n )
Option 3.
Θ( n log n )
Option 4. Θ( log n )
Select one:
a. Option 1
Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
The correct answer is: Option
Question 27
For the following code fragment, select the choice which
represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
static int function ( n ) {
(k=0; k<n; k++)
A[k] = k;
return A[k];
Choice 1. Θ ( n log n
Choice 2. O( 2n )
Choice 3. O( n )
Choice 4. Ω( n2 )
(NOTE: code fragment
is not intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 28
A list is
Select one:
a. An ADT for storing and
retrieving data
b. A tree data structure
c. Finite ordered sequence of data
d. A collection of operations to implement an ADT
The correct answer is:
Finite ordered sequence of data items
Question 29
Internal Fragmentation
refers to: (select the best answer)
Select one:
a. Space that is left empty because
records do not fit evenly into a sector
b. Space allocated to a file that is not
physically adjacent on the disk drive
c. Space that is left empty because records do not
fit evenly into a sector or Space allocated to a file that is not physically adjacent
None of the options
The correct answer is: Space that is left empty because records
do not fit evenly into a sector or Space allocated to a file that is not physically
Question 30
The best asymptotic analysis for the selection sort is
represented by (select the best option):
Option 1. O( n log n )
Option 2. Ω( n2
Option 3. O( n2 )
Option 4. Θ( n2 )
Select one:
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
The correct answer is: Option
Question 31
Each record of a database normally has a unique identifier
called the:
Select one:
a. Secondary Key
b. Primary index
c. Primary
d. Index key
The correct answer is: Primary key
True/False: The queue data structure is implemented as FIFO structure (first in
first out)
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 33
The benefit of a quicksort is that it provides excellent
performance in both the average and worst case:
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 34
Setting the
dirty bit causes what action to be performed on a block: (select the best answer)
a. It is deleted because it is no longer consistent
b. It flushes or writes the
block out to the disk
c. Refreshes the data by re-reading the block
d. It cleans the
cache by flushing all data from the cache
The correct answer is: It flushes or writes
the block out to the disk
Question 35
According to the properties of
logarithms, log(nm) =
Note: Due to issues with HTML formatting, an exponent is represented
by preceding it with the ^ symbol. As such x^2 is equivalent to x2.
Select one:
log n – log m
b. n log n
c. log n + log m
d. log(n^m)
correct answer is: log n + log m
Question 36
A sorting algorithm that
assigns records to bins and then relies on some other sorting technique to sort the records
within each bin called:
Select one:
a. Radix Sort
b. Quicksort
c. Hash
d. Bucket sort
The correct answer is: Bucket sort
The upper bound for the growth of the Algorithms running time is represented by
(please select the best answer):
1. Big Oh (O)
2. Big Omega (Ω)
3. Big Theta
4. Exponential growth
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice 1
In linked lists there are no NULL links in:
Select one:
a. Single
linked list
b. Linear doubly linked list
c. Circular linked list
d. None of
The correct answer is: Circular linked list
Question 39
the following code fragment, select the option that represents the most appropriate asymptotic
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i *= 2) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
Option 1. O( 1 )
Option 2. O( 2n )
Option 3. O( n
log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
Select one:
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
Option 3
d. Option 4
Explanation: Here the outer loop is done log n times and
the inner loop is done n times, so T(n) = n log n. (Note that the default base for logarithms in
Computer Science is 2.)
The correct answer is: Option 3
Question 40
the following code fragment, select the choice which represents the most appropriate asymptotic
static int function ( n ) {
sum = 0;
for (j=1; j<=n; j++)
for (i=1; i<=j; i++)
return sum;
Choice 1. Θ ( n
Choice 2. O( 2n )
Choice 3. Θ( n2 )
Choice 4. Ω( n2 )
(NOTE: code
fragment is not intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 41
The upper bound for the growth of the Algorithms running time
is represented by:
Select one:
a. Big Oh (O)
b. Big Omega (Ω)
c. Big
Theta (Θ)
d. Exponential growth
The correct answer is: Big Oh
Question 42
Which of the following is NOT one of the design patterns
outlined in our text.
Select one:
a. Flyweight
b. Visitor
d. Synergy
The correct answer is: Synergy
For the following code fragment, select the choice which represents the most
appropriate asymptotic analysis:
function ( n ) {
sum1 = 0;
for (k=1; k<=n;
for (j=1; j<=n; j++)
Choice 1. Θ ( n
Choice 2. O( 2n )
Choice 3. Θ( n log n )
Choice 4. Ω( n2 )
code fragment is not intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 44
When big-Oh and coincide, we indicate this by using (select
the best answer):
1. Big Oh (O)
2. Big Omega (Ω)
3. Big Theta (Θ)
Exponential growth
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice 3
Question 45
traversal that visits the left subtree, then the node, and then the right subtree is
Select one:
a. Preorder Traversal
b. Postorder Traversal
c. Inorder Traversal
d. Outoforder Traversal
The correct answer is: Inorder
Question 46
A sequential tree can be represented using a bit
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 47
A list is said to be empty when all of its elements have
a zero (0) value
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 48
A sort algorithm that uses two nested loops with the
inner loop moving through the array from bottom to top is called the:
Select one:
Insertion sort
b. Bubble sort
c. Inversion sort
d. Selection
The correct answer is: Bubble sort
Question 49
Which of the
following is not a characteristic of an algorithm?
Select one:
a. It must be
b. It must be composed of concrete steps
c. It can ha =Per is: It must be
composed of an infinite number of steps.
Question 50
Which of the following
is not a mathematical proof technique?
Select one:
a. Proof by mathematical
b. Proof by contradiction
c. Direct proof
d. Proof by
The correct answer is: Proof by consensus
True/False: Big Theta (Θ) indicates that the Upper and Lower bounds of an
algorithm are the same.
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 52
A collection of one or more trees is called:
a. Trees
b. Multiple Spanning Trees
c. a Forest
The correct answer is: a Forest
Question 53
The most
time consuming of the following operations on an array based list implementation is:
a. Inserting a new element at position n-1 in the list where n is the number of
elements in the list.
b. Inserting a new element into the head of the list.
Removing an element at position n-1 within the list
d. Removing an element from the tail
of the list.
The correct answer is: Inserting a new element into the head of the
Question 54
In a queue, placing new items in the queue is referred to
as a push and taking an item out of the queue is called a pop.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 55
A method that is
designed to create extremely shallow trees is called:
Select one:
a. Dynamic node
b. Union/Find
c. The list of children method
d. Path
The correct answer is: Path compression
Correctly identify the following heap structure by selecting the best
Select one:
a. partially ordered heap
b. max-heap
c. priority heap
d. min-heap structure
The correct answer is:
max-heap structure
Question 57
True/False: There is always one most
efficient algorithm to solve a particular problem.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 58
For the
following code fragment, select the option that represents the most appropriate asymptotic
if (a.length > 0) {
return a[a.length - 1];
} else {
new NoSuchElementException();
Option 1. O( 1 )
Option 2. O( 2n )
Option 3.
O( n log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
Select one:
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
Explanation: Here n = a.length, and T(n) = 1.
correct answer is: Option 1
Question 59
An ADT is:
Select one:
A type together with a collection of operations to manipulate the type
b. An
implementation of a flyweight design pattern
c. The realization of a data type as a
software component
d. An implementation in java of a class for a data type
correct answer is: The realization of a data type as a software search algorithms:
a. Buffer cache access methods
b. Sequential and list methods
c. Direct
access by key value (hashing)
d. Tree indexing methods
The correct answer is:
Buffer cache access methods
Question 61
A preorder traversal visits every
node starting at the leaf nodes and working up the tree.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 62
A tree whose
internal nodes all have exactly K children is called @8
According to textbook by Shaffer, a
heap data structure has two properties which are:
Select one:
a. every node stores a
value less than or equal to that of its children and it is a complete binary tree
b. it is
a min-heap and is partially ordered
c. it is a complete binary tree and the values stored
in it are partially ordered
d. it is a priority queue and is in Θ( n
The correct answer is: it is a complete binary tree and the values stored in it are
partially ordered
Question 64
A traversal that visits each node before
visiting its children is called �8�U �8�U $�
�U �:�
�U ��8�U @�8�U @ @�8�U r /> d. Outoforder Traversal
correct answer is: Preorder traversal
Question 65
A traversal of a general
tree that traverses the roots subtrees from left to right, then visits the root is called a
preorder traversal.
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 66
Which of the following is NOT one of the buffer pool
heuristics defined in the text : (select the best answer)
Select one:
c. LRU
d. LFU
The correct answer is: LIFO
A solution is said to be efficient if it:
Select one:
a. Solves the
problem within the required resource constraints
b. Executes faster than other
c. Is completed in the fewest number of steps
d. Can be explained in the
context of Big-Oh notation
The correct answer is: Solves the problem within the
required resource constraints
Question 68
The list of children approach uses
both pointers and an array structure to represent the tree.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 69
A characteristic
of RAM (random access memory) is that it is persistent and is not lost when the power to a
computer is turned off.
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 70
For the following code fragment, select option that
represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
// Search in array a for smallest element starting at i to n-1
= findSmallestElement(a, i, n-1)
a[i] = a[minIndex];
findSmallestElement( int
a[], int i, int n ) {
int largest = a[i];
while(i<n) {
largest = i;
1. O( n )
Option 2. O( 2n )
Option 3. O( n log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option
index-of-smallest element in a[i..j] takes j-i+1 operations
• n + (n-1) +
(n-2) + (n-3) + ... + 3 + 2 + 1
• this is n2
The correct answer is: Option
Question 71
Push and Pop are notations associated with which data
Select one:
a. Queue
b. Stack
c. List
The correct answer is: Stack
Question 72
For the following
code fragment, select the choice which represents the most appropriate asymptotic
function ( n ) {
sum2 = 0;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
for (j=1;
j<=i; j++)
Choice 1. Ω ( 1 )
Choice 2. O( 2n
Choice 3. Θ( n2 )
Choice 4. Ω( n2 )
(NOTE: code fragment is not intended
to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice 3
The process of storing records in the order that they were added to a file is
Select one:
a. Entry-sequenced file
b. Binary Sequenced file
LIFO file format
d. Tombstone approach
The correct answer is: Entry-sequenced
Question 74
Secondary storage is characterized by the
Select one:
a. It is persistent
b. It is faster than primary
c. It is volatile
d. It is more expensive than primary
The correct answer is: It is persistent
Question 75
of the following items is NOT true for Array-Based Lists (please select the best
Choice 1. Insertion and deletion operations are ( n )
Choice 2. Direct
access of an item in the array is ( 1 )
Choice 3. Space used grows dynamically as the
array is populated
Choice 4. Array contains wasted space if array positions are not
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice
The correct answer is: Choice 3
Question 76
A linear index is
an index file organized as a sequence of key/pointer pairs where the keys are in a sorter
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 77
In a stack which option would access the 3rd element
from the top of the stack S
Option 1. S.push(-1);
Option 2. S.dequeue(-3);
3. S.pop();
Option 4. S.pop(n-3);
Select one:
Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
The correct answer is:
Option 3
Question 78
For the following code fragment, select the option that
represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
// Recursive Fibonacci
static long fibr(int n) {
if ((n == 1) || (n == 2)) return 1; // Base
return fibr(n-1) + fibr(n-2); // Recursive call
Option 1. O( n
Option 2. O( 2n )
Option 3. O( n log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
correct answer is: Option 2
Question 79
A binary tree traversal that lists
every node in the tree exactly once is called:
Select one:
a. a Traversal
b. A
visitor design pattern
c. An enumeration
d. Natural ordering sequence
correct answer is: An enumeration
Question 80
The process of storing blocks
of data in main memory after reading from disk is referred to as:
Select one:
b. Hashing
c. Pooling
d. Indexing
The correct answer is:
Question 81
For the following code fragment, select the choice
which represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
static int function ( n )
sum = 0;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
sum += n;
Choice 1. Ω( n2 )
Choice 2. Θ ( n2 )
Choice 3. O( log n
Choice 4. O( n )
(NOTE: code fragment is not intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice
The correct answer is: Choice 4
Question 82
For the following
code fragment, select the choice which represents the most appropriate asymptotic
/** @return The position of an element in sorted array A with value k. If k is
not in A,return A.length. */
static int binary(int[] A, int k) {
int l = -1; // Set l
and r
int r = A.length; // beyond array bounds
while (l+1 != r) { // Stop when l, r
int i = (l+r)/2; // Check middle
if (k < A[i]) r = i; // In left half
if (k == A[i]) return i; // Found it
if (k > A[i]) l = i; // In right half
return A.length; // Search value not in A
Choice 1. Θ ( n
Choice 2. O( 2n )
Choice 3. O( log n )
Choice 4. Ω( n2 )
(NOTE: code
fragment is not intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 83
A linked list implementation relies upon static memory
allocation where static refers to the requirement to pre-allocate all of the memory that will be
used for the list.
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 84
A traversal that visits each node after visiting its
children is called:
Select one:
a. Preorder Traversal
b. Postorder
c. Inorder Traversal
d. Outoforder Traversal
The correct answer
is: Postorder Traversal
Question 85
A sort where the list is divided into
halves, the halves sorted and these two halves are merged is called:
Select one:
b. Binary sort
c. Quicksort
d. Heapsort
The correct
answer is: Mergesort
Question 86
A coding scheme that replaces repeated
occurrences of strings with a pointer to the location in the file of the first occurrence of the
string is called Ziv-Lempel coding.
Select one:
correct answer is 'True'.
Question 87
A sort that features a limit of n-1 of
record swaps is called:
Select one:
a. Insertion sort
b. Bubble sort
Inversion sort
d. Selection sort
The correct answer is: Selection
Question 88
A finite set of one or more nodes such that there is one
designated node call the root is a: (select the best answer)
Select one:
a. Parent
b. a B+ tree data structure
c. Index
d. Tree
The correct
answer is: Tree
Question 89
The freelist …
Select one:
Provides access to memory within the operating system that has not yet been allocated
Provides access to memory objects which have no Big O ( n ) time.
c. Facilitates and
encourages the use of the new operator.
d. Holds the list nodes that are no longer in
The correct answer is: Holds the list nodes that are no longer in
Question 90
For the following code fragment, select the option which
represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
static int function ( n ) {
= 0;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
sum += n;
return sum;
Option 1. Ω( n2
Option 2. Θ ( n )
Option 3. O( log n )
Option 4. O( 2n )
(NOTE: code
fragment is not intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 91
True/False: The stack data structure is implemented as a LIFO
structure (last in first out)
Select one:
The correct
answer is 'True'.
Question 92
A leaf is any node that:
a. Has one child
b. Is an internal node with no ancestors
c. Is any node
with two empty children
d. Is the ancestor of the root node
The correct answer
is: Is any node with two empty children
Question 93
Which of the following
is NOT true for Linked Lists structures (please select the best choice):
Choice 1.
Insertion and deletion are ( 1 ).
Choice 2. Direct access of an item in the list structure
is ( n ).
Choice 3. Space grows with number of elements.
Choice 4. There is no
overhead associated with elements in the list structure
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 94
Enqueue and Dequeue are notations associated with which data
Select one:
a. Queue
b. Stack
c. List
d. Array
public E getValue
( ) {
assert (curr >= 0) && (curr < listSize) :
"No current
return listArray[curr];
Choice 1. Θ ( n )
Choice 2. O( 2n
Choice 3. Θ( n log n )
Choice 4. O( 1 )
(NOTE: code fragment is not
intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 96
For the following code fragment, select the option which
represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
/** @return Position of largest value
in "A“ */
static int largest(int[] A) {
int currlarge = 0; // Position of
for (int i=1; i<A.length; i++)
if (A[currlarge] < A[i])
currlarge = i; // Remember pos
return currlarge; // Return largest pos
Choice 1. Θ ( n )
Choice 2. O( 2n )
Choice 3. Θ( n log n
Choice 4. Ω( n2 )
(NOTE: code fragment is not intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice
The correct answer is: Choice 1
Question 97
The process of
determining if two objects are in the same set and then merging those sets is
Select one:
a. a Union Operation
b. Union / Find
c. a Weighted
d. a Merge Operation
The correct answer is: Union /
Question 98
The implementation of a data type as a data structure is
the physical form of an ADT.
Select one:
The correct
answer is 'True'.
Question 99
An important advantage of the sequential tree
implementation is that (select the best answer):
Select one:
a. It is an extremely
shallow tree
b. The data structure can be transmitted between computers
c. It saves
space because no pointers are stored
d. It uses dynamic nodes
The correct
answer is: It saves space because no pointers are stored
Question 100
processing time or cost of a sort is defined by the number of comparisons and exchanges that
must be made during processing. What is the average cost of the heapsort?:
Option 1. O( n
log n )
Option 2. Ω( n2 )
Option 3. O( n2 )
Option 4. Θ( n2 )
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
correct answer is: Option 1
Question 101
A significant benefit to using an
index to hold and sort keys to a file is:
Select one:
a. Smaller keys require less
b. The entire sort can always be completed in memory
c. The head of the disk
drive does not need to move
d. There is no seek time added to the latency of I/O
The correct answer is: Smaller keys require less I/O
If A={1, 2, 3, 4} and B={4, 5, 6}, find A∪ B .
Select one:
b. {4}
Question 103
The process of associating a
key with the location of a corresponding data record is called folding.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Asymptotic Algorithm Analysis is primarily concerned with:
Select one:
a. The size of the constant in the algorithm running time equation
b. The speed of the
computing running the algorithm
c. The speed of the compiler
d. The growth rate
demonstrated in the algorithm running time equation
The correct answer is: The
growth@8 in a quicksort algorithm?
Select one:
a. It identifies the maxkey
b. It specifies the point where the array will be subdivided into partitions and
each partition then sorted
c. It defines the sequence for merging in the sort
d. It
indicates the index of the current record being compared
The correct answer is: It
specifies the point where the array will be subdivided into partitions and each partition then
Question 106
Recursion is when an algorithm uses a series of loop
structures to repeat an operation until the answer has been computed.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
A sort that features a limit of
n-1 of record swaps is called:
Select one:
a. Insertion sort
b. Bubble
c. Inversion sort
d. Selection sort
The correct answer is: Selection
Question 2
A �8�U �8�U $�
�U �:�
�U ��8�U @�8�U @ @�8�U /> False
The correct answer is
Question 3
A characteristic of RAM (random access memory) is that
it is persistent and is not lost when the power to a computer is turned off.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Correctly identify the following heap structure by selecting the best answer:
Select one:
a. partially ordered heap
b. max-heap structure
c. priority
d. min-heap structure
The correct answer is: max-heap
Question 5
True/False: The queue data structure is implemented as
FIFO structure (first in first out)
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 6
The process for
visiting all of the nodes of a binary tree in some order is called a traversal.
The correct answer is 'True'.
A traversal that visits each node before visiting its children is
Select one:
a. Preorder traversal
b. Postorder traversal
Inorder Traversal
d. Outoforder Traversal
The correct answer is: Preorder
Question 8
A sort where the list is divided into halves, the
halves sorted and these two halves are merged is called:
Select one:
b. Binary sort
c. Quicksort
d. Heapsort
The correct
answer is: Mergesort
Question 9
A linked list implementation relies upon
static memory allocation where static refers to the requirement to pre-allocate all of the
memory that will be used for the list.
Select one:
correct answer is 'False'.
Question 10
For the following code fragment,
select the choice which represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
public E
getValue ( ) {
assert (curr >= 0) && (curr < listSize) :
"No current
return listArray[curr];
Choice 1. Θ ( n )
Choice 2. O( 2n
Choice 3. Θ( n log n )
Choice 4. O( 1 )
(NOTE: code fragment is not
intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 11
The list of children approach uses both pointers and an array
structure to represent the tree.
Select one:
The correct
answer is 'True'.
Question 12
The upper bound for the growth of the
Algorithms running time is represented by:
Select one:
a. Big Oh (O)
b. Big
Omega (Ω)
c. Big Theta (Θ)
d. Exponential growth
The correct answer
is: Big Oh (O)
Question 13
A preorder traversal visits every node starting
at the leaf nodes and working up the tree.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 14
Select the
answer that best defines Huffman Coding:
Select one:
a. A set of coding rules that is
typically used for compression
b. A fixed length coding scheme for character
c. A tree structure that trades off space and time requirements to provide
a more efficient priority queue
d. An approach of assigning codes to characters such that
the frequency length of the code depends upon the relative frequency of the corresponding
character in use
The correct answer is: An approach of assigning codes to characters
such that the frequency length of the code depends upon the relative frequency of the
corresponding character in use
Question 15
An exchange sort is one where:
(select the best answer)
Select one:
a. Records in an unsorted list are moved to a
sorted list
b. Adjacent records in the list and compared and exchanged
c. An
inversion is executed
d. The sorting algorithm is said to be stable
The correct
answer is: Adjacent records in the list and compared and exchanged
The processing time or cost of a sort is defined by the number of comparisons and
exchanges that must be made during processing. What is the average cost of the
Option 1. O( n log n )
Option 2. Ω( n2 )
Option 3. O( n2 )
4. Θ( n2 )
Select one:
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
Option 4
The correct answer is: Option 1
Question 17
A linked
list creates order through the use of pointers that link one element to another.
The correct answer is 'True'.
A technique that allows a programmer to use more main memory than exists in the
computer is called: (select the best answer)
Select one:
a. Buffer cache
Random access memory
c. Secondary storage
d. Virtual memory
The correct
answer is: Virtual memory
Question 19
A list that organizes the order of
records within the list based upon patterns of actual record access is called a/an (select the
best answer):
Select one:
a. Quadratic Binary search order
b. A Zipf
c. A Self-organizing list
d. A range query
The correct
answer is: A Self-organizing list
Question 20
For the following code
fragment, select the choice which represents the most appropriate asymptotic
static int function ( n ) {
sum = 0;
for (j=1; j<=n; j++)
for (i=1; i<=j; i++)
return sum;
Choice 1. Θ ( n
Choice 2. O( 2n )
Choice 3. Θ( n2 )
Choice 4. Ω( n2 )
(NOTE: code
fragment is not intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 21
A tree data structure whose shape obeys the following
o A node contains one or two keys
o Every internal node has either 2
children if it contains 1 key or 3 children if it contains two keys
o All leaves are at the
same level in the tree
Is called a/an:
Select one:
a. B*-Tree
c. B+-Tree
d. 2-3 tree
The correct answer is: 2-3
Question 22
A collection of one or more trees is called:
a. Trees
b. Multiple Spanning Trees
c. a Forest
The correct answer is: a Forest
Question 23
The most
significant difference between the B+-Tree and the BST is that the B+-Tree stores records only
at the leaf nodes.
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 24
A list is
Select one:
a. An ADT for storing
and retrieving data
b. A tree data structure
c. Finite ordered sequence of data
d. A collection of operations to implement an ADT
The correct answer is:
Finite ordered sequence of data items
Question 25
Which of the following is
NOT one of the buffer pool heuristics defined in the text : (select the best answer)
c. LRU
d. LFU
The correct answer is:
Question 26
Which of the following is not one of the general approaches
to search algorithms:
Select one:
a. Buffer cache access methods
b. Sequential
and list methods
c. Direct access by key value (hashing)
d. Tree indexing
The correct answer is: Buffer cache access methods
Which of the following is not a mathematical proof technique?
a. Proof by mathematical induction
b. Proof by contradiction
c. Direct
d. Proof by consensus
The correct answer is: Proof by
Question 28
A tree whose internal nodes all have exactly K
children is called a K-ary tree.
Select one:
The correct
answer is 'True'.
Question 29
The freelist …
Select one:
a. Provides access to memory within the operating system that has not yet been allocated
b. Provides access to memory objects which have no Big O ( n ) time.
c. Facilitates and
encourages the use of the new operator.
d. Holds the list nodes that are no longer in
The correct answer is: Holds the list nodes that are no longer in
Question 30
A full binary tree has a restricted shape which starts at
the root and fills the tree by levels from left to right.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 31
For the
following code fragment, select the option that represents the most appropriate asymptotic
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i *= 2) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
Option 1. O( 1 )
Option 2. O( 2n )
Option 3. O( n
log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
Select one:
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
Option 3
d. Option 4
Explanation: Here the outer loop is done log n times and
the inner loop is done n times, so T(n) = n log n. (Note that the default base for logarithms in
Computer Science is 2.)
The correct answer is: Option 3
Question 32
leaf is any node that:
Select one:
a. Has one child
b. Is an internal node with
no ancestors
c. Is any node with two empty children
d. Is the ancestor of the root
The correct answer is: Is any node with two empty children
For the following code fragment, select the most appropriate asymptotic
// Towers of Hanoi
static void solveHanoi(int disks, char fromPole, char
toPole, char withPole) {
if (disks >= 1) {
solveHanoi(disks-1, fromPole,
withPole, toPole);
moveDisk(fromPole, toPole);
solveHanoi(disks-1, withPole, toPole,
static void moveDisk(char fromPole, char toPole) {
Option 1. O( n )
Option 2. O( 2n )
Option 3. O( n log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
Select one:
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option
d. Option 4
The correct answer is: Option 2
For the following code fragment, select the choice which represents the most
appropriate asymptotic analysis:
function ( n ) {
sum1 = 0;
for (k=1; k<=n;
k*=2 =
Choice 3. Θ( n log n )
Choice 4. Ω( n2 )
(NOTE: code fragment is not
intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 35
Asymptotic Algorithm Analysis is primarily concerned
Select one:
a. The size of the constant in the algorithm running time
b. The speed of the computing running the algorithm
c. The speed of the
d. The growth rate demonstrated in the algorithm running time
The correct answer is: The growth rate demonstrated in the algorithm running
time equation
Question 36
For the following code fragment, select the choice
which represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
static int function ( n )
sum = 0;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
sum += n;
Choice 1. Ω( n2 )
Choice 2. Ω( log n2 )
Choice 3. Θ( n log n
Choice 4. O ( n )
(NOTE: code fragment is not intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice 4
Question 37
The benefit
of a quicksort is that it provides excellent performance in both the average and worst
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 38
If A={1, 2, 3, 4} and B={4, 5, 6}, find A∪ B
Select one:
a. {1,2,3,4,4,5,6}
b. {4}
c. {x | x is all positive
d. {1,2,3,4,5,6}
The correct answer is:
Question 39
The weighted union rule joins a tree with fewer
nodes to a tree with more nodes by making the smaller tree’s root point to the root of the
larger tree.
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 40
A compound computed search that combines a binary search
to get close to the required record and then uses sequential search to find the item is referred
to as a/an:
Select one:
a. Zipf search
b. An Exact match search
c. A
Dictionary search
d. bit map vector search
The correct answer is: A Dictionary
Question 41
The process of storing records in the order that they
were added to a file is called:
Select one:
a. Entry-sequenced file
b. Binary
Sequenced file
c. LIFO file format
d. Tombstone approach
The correct
answer is: Entry-sequenced file
Question 42
Each record of a database
normally has a unique identifier called the:
Select one:
a. Secondary Key
Primary index
c. Primary key
d. Index key
The correct answer is: Primary
Question 43
For the following code fragment, select the choice which
represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
static int function ( n ) {
(k=0; k<n; k++)
A[k] = k;
returnpΩ( n2 )
(NOTE: code fragment is not
intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 44
For the following code fragment, select the option that
represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
// Recursive Fibonacci
static long fibr(int n) {
if ((n == 1) || (n == 2)) return 1; // Base
return fibr(n-1) + fibr(n-2); // Recursive call
Option 1. O( n
Option 2. O( 2n )
Option 3. O( n log n )
Option 4. O( n2
Question 45
A traversal that visits each node after visiting
its children is called:
Select one:
a. Preorder Traversal
b. Postorder
c. Inorder Traversal
d. Outoforder Traversal
The correct answer
is: Postorder Traversal
Question 46
True/False: Big Theta (Θ)
indicates that the Upper and Lower bounds of an algorithm are the same.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 47
A sort
algorithm that uses two nested loops with the inner loop moving through the array from bottom to
top is called the:
Select one:
a. Insertion sort
b. Bubble sort
Inversion sort
d. Selection sort
The correct answer is: Bubble
Question 48
The most time consuming of the following operations on an
array based list implementation is:
Select one:
a. Inserting a new element at
position n-1 in the list where n is the number of elements in the list.
b. Inserting a new
element into the head of the list.
c. Removing an element at position n-1 within the
d. Removing an element from the tail of the list.
The correct answer is:
Insert �8�U �8�U $�
�U �:�
�U ��8�U @�8�U @ @�8�U es repeated occurrences of strings with a
pointer to the location in the file of the first occurrence of the string is called Ziv-Lempel
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 50
Internal Fragmentation refers to: (select the best
Select one:
a. Space that is left empty because records do not fit evenly
into a sector
b. Space allocated to a file that is not physically adjacent on the disk
c. Space that is left empty because records do not fit evenly into a sector or Space
allocated to a file that is not physically adjacent
d. None of the options
correct answer is: Space that is left empty because records do not fit evenly into a sector or
Space allocated to a file that is not physically adjacent
True/False: There is always one most efficient algorithm to solve a particular
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 52
A sorting algorithm that assigns records to bins and
then relies on some other sorting technique to sort the records within each bin
Select one:
a. Radix Sort
b. Quicksort
c. Hash sort
Bucket sort
The correct answer is: Bucket sort
Question 53
In a
queue, placing new items in the queue is referred to as a push and taking an item out of the
queue is called a pop.
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 54
A binary tree traversal that lists every node in the
tree exactly once is called:
Select one:
a. a Traversal
b. A visitor design
c. An enumeration
d. Natural ordering sequence
The correct answer
is: An enumeration
Question 55
A finite set of one or more nodes such that
there is one designated node call the root is a: (select the best answer)
Select one:
a. Parent root
b. a B+ tree data structure
c. Index
d. Tree
correct answer is: Tree
Question 56
An important advantage of the sequential
tree implementation is that (select the best answer):
Select one:
a. It is an
extremely shallow tree
b. The data structure can be transmitted between computers
It saves space because no pointers are stored
d. It uses dynamic nodes
correct answer is: It saves space because no pointers are stored
Which of the following items is NOT true for Array-Based Lists (please select the
best choice):
Choice 1. Insertion and deletion operations are ( n )
Choice 2. Direct
access of an item in the array is ( 1 )
Choice 3. Space used grows dynamically as the
array is populated
Choice 4. Array contains wasted space if array positions are not
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice
The correct answer is: Choice 3
Question 58
A linear index is
an index file organized as a sequence of key/pointer pairs where the keys are in a sorter
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 59
For the following code fragment, select the option which
represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
static int function ( n ) {
= 0;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
sum += n;
return sum;
Option 1. Ω( n2
Option 2. Θ ( n )
Option 3. O( log n )
Option 4. O( 2n )
(NOTE: code
fragment is not intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 60
The lower bound for the growth of the Algorithms running time
is represented by (please the best answer):
1. Big Oh (O)
2. Big Omega (Ω)
3. Big
Theta (Θ)
4. Exponential growth
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 61
A solution is said to be efficient if it:
a. Solves the problem within the required resource constraints
b. Executes
faster than other solutions
c. Is completed in the fewest number of steps
d. Can be
explained in the context of Big-Oh notation
The correct answer is: Solves the problem
within the required resource constraints
Question 62
In a stack which option
would access the 3rd element from the top of the stack S
Option 1. S.push(-1);
2. S.dequeue(-3);
Option 3. S.pop();
Option 4.
Select one:
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
Option 4
The correct answer is: Option 3
Question 63
According to
textbook by Shaffer, a heap data structure has two properties which are:
Select one:
a. every node stores a value less than or equal to that of its children and it is a complete
binary tree
b. it is a min-heap and is partially ordered
c. it is a complete binary
tree and the values stored in it are partially ordered
d. it is a priority queue and is in
Θ( n )
The correct answer is: it is a complete binary tree and the values
stored in it are partially ordered
Question 64
The quicksort is typically
slower than the heapsort by a constant factor.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 65
Which of the
following is NOT true for Linked Lists structures (please select the best choice):
1. Insertion and deletion are ( 1 ).
Choice 2. Direct access of an item in the list
structure is ( n ).
Choice 3. Space grows with number of elements.
Choice 4. There is
no overhead associated with elements in the list structure
Select one:
a. Choice
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 66
For the following code fragment, select the option that
represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
Option 1. O( n )
Option 2. O( 2n )
Option 3. O( n log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
Select one:
a. Option 1
Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
The correct answer is: Option
Question 67
Secondary storage is characterized by the
Select one:
a. It is persistent
b. It is faster than primary
c. It is volatile
d. It is more expensive than primary
The correct answer is: It is persistent
Question 68
the following code fragment, select the option which represents the most appropriate asymptotic
/** @return Position of largest value in "A“ */
static int
largest(int[] A) {
int currlarge = 0; // Position of largest
for (int i=1;
i<A.length; i++)
if (A[currlarge] < A[i])
currlarge = i; // Remember pos
return currlarge; // Return largest pos
Choice 1. Θ ( n )
2. O( 2n )
Choice 3. Θ( n log n )
Choice 4. Ω( n2 )
(NOTE: code fragment is
not intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 69
The upper bound for the growth of the Algorithms running time
is represented by (please select the best answer):
1. Big Oh (O)
2. Big Omega
3. Big Theta (Θ)
4. Exponential growth
Select one:
a. Choice
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 70
Data is stored within the disk drive on the: (select the best
Select one:
a. Spindle
b. Platter
c. Cylinder
The correct answer is: Platter
Question 71
A sequential
tree can be represented using a bit vector?
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 72
For the following
code fragment, select the choice which represents the most appropriate asymptotic
function ( n ) {
sum2 = 0;
for (k=1; k<=n; k*=2)
for (j=1;
j<=k; j++)
Choice 1. O( 2n )
Choice 2. Θ ( n
Choice 3. Θ( n log n )
Choice 4. Ω( n2 )
(NOTE: code fragment is not
intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 73
For the following code fragment, select the option that
represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
if (a.length > 0) {
a[a.length - 1];
} else {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
Option 1.
O( 1 )
Option 2. O( 2n )
Option 3. O( n log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option
Explanation: Here n = a.length, and T(n) = 1.
The correct answer is: Option
Question 74
Recursion is when an algorithm uses a series of loop
structures to repeat an operation until the answer has been computed.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 75
process of associating a key with the location of a corresponding data record is called
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 76
An ADT is:
Select one:
a. A type together
with a collection of operations to manipulate the type
b. An implementation of a flyweight
design pattern
c. The realization of a data type as a software component
d. An
implementation in java of a class for a data type
The correct answer is: The
realization of a data type as a software component
Question 77
Enqueue and
Dequeue are notations associated with which data structur =Answer is: Queue
For the following code fragment, select the choice which represents the most
appropriate asymptotic analysis:
function ( n ) {
sum1 = 0;
for (i=1; i<=n;
for (j=1; j<=n; j++)
Choice 1. Θ ( n2
Choice 2. O( 2n )
Choice 3. Θ( n log n )
Choice 4. Ω( log n2
(NOTE: code fragment is not intended to be functioning code)
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
correct answer is: Choice 1
Question 79
Which of the following is not a
characteristic of an algorithm?
Select one:
a. It must be correct
b. It must be
composed of concrete steps
c. It can have no ambiguity
d. It must be composed of an
infinite number of steps.
The correct answer is: It must be composed of an infinite
number of steps.
Question 80
Setting the dirty bit causes what action to be
performed on a block: (select the best answer)
Select one:
a. It is deleted because
it is no longer consistent
b. It flushes or writes the block out to the disk
Refreshes the data by re-reading the block
d. It cleans the cache by flushing all data
from the cache
The correct answer is: It flushes or writes the block out to the
Question 81
A traversal that visits the left subtree, then the node,
and then the right subtree is called:
Select one:
a. Preorder Traversal
b. Postorder Traversal
c. Inorder Traversal
d. Outoforder Traversal
correct answer is: Inorder Traversal
Question 82
For the following code
fragment, select the choice which represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
@return The position of an element in sorted array A with value k. If k is not in A,return
A.length. */
static int binary(int[] A, int k) {
int l = -1; // Set l and r
r = A.length; // beyond array bounds
while (l+1 != r) { // Stop when l, r meet
int i
= (l+r)/2; // Check middle
if (k < A[i]) r = i; // In left half
if (k == A[i])
return i; // Found it
if (k > A[i]) l = i; // In right half
A.length; // Search value not in A
Choice 1. Θ ( n )
Choice 2. O( 2n
Choice 3. O( log n )
Choice 4. Ω( n2 )
(NOTE: code fragment is not intended to
be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice 3
In linked lists there are no NULL links in:
Select one:
a. Single
linked list
b. Linear doubly linked list
c. Circular linked list
d. None of
The correct answer is: Circular linked list
Question 84
process of determining if two objects are in the same set and then merging those sets is
Select one:
a. a Union Operation
b. Union / Find
c. a Weighted
a. It identifies
the maxkey value
b. It specifies the point where the array will be subdivided into
partitions and each partition then sorted
c. It defines the sequence for merging in the
d. It indicates the index of the current record being compared
The correct
answer is: It specifies the point where the array will be subdivided into partitions and each
partition then sorted
Question 86
When big-Oh and coincide, we indicate
this by using (select the best answer):
1. Big Oh (O)
2. Big Omega (Ω)
3. Big
Theta (Θ)
4. Exponential growth
Select one:
traversal of a general tree that traverses the roots subtrees from left to right, then visits
the root is called a preorder traversal.
Select one:
correct answer is 'False'.
Question 88
Which of the following is NOT one of
the design patterns outlined in our text.
Select one:
a. Flyweight
c. Composite
d. Synergy
The correct answer is:
Question 89
Push and Pop are notations associated with which data
Select one:
a. Queue
b. Stack
c. List
The correct answer is: Stack
Question 90
True/False: The
stack data structure is implemented as a LIFO structure (last in first out)
The correct answer is 'True'.
An algorithm that breaks a file to be sorted in smaller files called runs which
are sorted and eventually put back together resulting in a sorted file is called:
a. Quicksort algorithm
b. Replacement sort algorithm
c. An indexed key
sort algorithm
d. Mergesort algorithm
The correct answer is: Mergesort
Question 92
The process of storing blocks of data in main memory
after reading from disk is referred to as:
Select one:
a. Buffering
c. Pooling
d. Indexing
The correct answer is:
Question 93
For the following cod �8�U
�8�U $�
�U �:�
�U ��8�U @�8�U @ @�8�U n; i++) {
// Search in array
a for smallest element starting at i to n-1
minIndex = findSmallestElement(a, i,
a[i] = a[minIndex];
findSmallestElement( int a[], int i, int n ) {
int largest = a[i];
while(i<n) {
if(a[i] >a[largest])
largest = i;
Option 1. O( n )
Option 2. O( 2n
Option 3. O( n log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
Select one:
a. Option 1
Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
index-of-smallest element in a[i..j]
takes j-i+1 operations
• n + (n-1) + (n-2) + (n-3) + ... + 3 + 2 + 1
• this
is n2
The correct answer is: Option 4
Question 94
The depth of node H
in the following tree is:
Select one:
a. 3
b. 2
c. 4
The correct answer is: 3
Question 95
The implementation of a
data type as a data structure is the physical form of an ADT.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 96
A method that is
designed to create extremely shallow trees is called:
Select one:
a. Dynamic node
b. Union/Find
c. The list of children method
d. Path
The correct answer is: Path compression
True/False: Big Theta (Θ) indicates that the Upper and Lower bounds of an
algorithm are the same.
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 98
According to the properties of logarithms, log(nm)
Note: Due to issues with HTML formatting, an exponent is represented by preceding it with
the ^ symbol. As such x^2 is equivalent to x2.
Select one:
a. log n – log
b. n log n
c. log n + log m
d. log(n^m)
The correct answer is:
log n + log m
Question 99
For the following code fragment, select the choice
which represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
static int function ( n )
for (k=0; k<n; k++)
A[k] = k;
return A[k];
Choice 1. O ( n2
Choice 2. O( 2n )
Choice 3. Ω( n2 )
Choice 4. Θ ( n )
(NOTE: code
fragment is not intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 100
The full binary tree theorem states “the number of
leaves in an empty full binary tree is one more than the number of internal
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 101
A significant benefit to using an index to hold and
sort keys to a file is:
Select one:
a. Smaller keys require less I/O
b. The
entire sort can always be completed in memory
c. The head of the disk drive does not need
to move
d. There is no seek time added to the latency of I/O operations
correct answer is: Smaller keys require less I/O
Question 102
For the
following code fragment, select the choice which represents the most appropriate asymptotic
function ( n ) {
sum2 = 0;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
for (j=1;
j<=i; j++)
Choice 1. Ω ( 1 )
Choice 2. O( 2n
Choice 3. Θ( n2 )
Choice 4. Ω( n2 )
(NOTE: code fragment is not intended
to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice 3
The best asymptotic analysis for the selection sort is represented by (select the
best option):
Option 1. O( n log n )
Option 2. Ω( n2 )
Option 3. O( n2
Option 4. Θ( n2 )
Select one:
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
Option 3
d. Option 4
The correct answer is: Option 4
For the following code fragment, select the option that represents the most
appropriate asymptotic analysis:
public static int binarySearch(int[] a, int key) {
int left = 0;
int right = a.length-1;
while (left <= right) {
int mid =
left + (right-left)/2;
if (key < a[mid]) right = mid-1;
else if (key > a[mid])
left = mid+1;
else return mid;
//not found
Option 1. Ω( 1 ), O( log n )
Option 2. Ω( n ), O( 2n )
Option 3.
Θ( n log n )
Option 4. Θ( log n )
Select one:
a. Option 1
Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
The correct answer is: Option
Question 105
For the following code fragment, select the choice which
represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
static int function ( n ) {
= 0;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
sum += n;
return sum;
Choice 1. Ω( n2
Choice 2. Θ ( n2 )
Choice 3. O( log n )
Choice 4. O( n )
(NOTE: code
fragment is not intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 106
Inserting or removing an item at position n-1 within a linked
list has the same cost in terms ( n ) time as the same operation in an array based
implementation of a list.
Select one:
The correct answer
is 'False'.
A solution is said to be efficient if it:
Select one:
a. Solves the
problem within the required resource constraints
b. Executes faster than other
c. Is completed in the fewest number of steps
d. Can be explained in the
context of Big-Oh notation
The correct answer is: Solves the problem within the
required resource constraints
Question 2
An ADT is:
Select one:
a. A type together with a collection of operations to manipulate the type
b. An
implementation of a flyweight design pattern
c. The realization of a data type as a
software component
d. An implementation in java of a class for a data type
correct answer is: The realization of a data type as a software component
The implementation of a data type as a data structure is the physical form of an
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 4
Which of the following is NOT one of the design patterns
outlined in our text.
Select one:
a. Flyweight
b. Visitor
d. Synergy
The correct answer is: Synergy
If A={1, 2, 3, 4} and B={4, 5, 6}, find A∪ B .
Select one:
b. {4}
c. {x | x is all positive integers}
The correct answer is: {1,2,3,4,5,6}
According to the properties of logarithms, log(nm) =
Note: Due to issues with
HTML formatting, an exponent is represented by preceding it with the ^ symbol. As such x^2 is
equivalent to x2.
Select one:
a. log n – log m
b. n log n
c. log n
+ log m
d. log(n^m)
The correct answer is: log n + log m
Recursion is when an algorithm uses a series of loop structures to repeat an
operation until the answer has been computed.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 8
Which of the following
is not a mathematical proof technique?
Select one:
a. Proof by mathematical
b. Proof by contradiction
c. Direct proof
d. Proof by consensus
The correct answer is: Proof by consensus
Question 9
Which of
the following is not a characteristic of an algorithm?
Select one:
a. It must be
b. It must be composed of concrete steps
c. It can have no ambiguity
d. It must be composed of an infinite number of steps.
The correct answer is: It
must be composed of an infinite number of steps
The upper bound for the growth of the
Algorithms running time is represented by:
Select one:
a. Big Oh (O)
b. Big
Omega (Ω)
c. Big Theta (Θ)
d. Exponential growth
The correct answer
is: Big Oh (O)
Question 2
Asymptotic Algorithm Analysis is primarily
concerned with:
Select one:
a. The size of the constant in the algorithm running time
b. The speed of the computing running the algorithm
c. The speed of the
d. The growth rate demonstrated in the algorithm running time equation
The correct answer is: The growth rate demonstrated in the algorithm running time
Question 3
True/False: Big Theta (Θ) indicates that the Upper
and Lower bounds of an algorithm are the same.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 4
For the following
code fragment, select the option that represents the most appropriate asymptotic
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
Option 1. O( n )
Option 2. O( 2n )
Option 3.
O( n log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
Select one:
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
The correct answer is: Option 1
For the following code fragment, select the option that represents the most
appropriate asymptotic analysis:
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i *= 2) {
for (int j =
0; j < n; j++) {
Option 1. O( 1 )
Option 2. O( 2n
Option 3. O( n log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
Select one:
a. Option 1
Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4 =!PT(n) = n log n. (Note that the default base for
logarithms in Computer Science is 2.)
The correct answer is: Option 3
For the following code fragment, select the option that represents the most
appropriate asymptotic analysis:
if (a.length > 0) {
return a[a.length -
} else {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
Option 1. O( 1
Option 2. O( 2n )
Option 3. O( n log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option
Explanation: Here n = a.length, and T(n) = 1.
The correct answer is: Option
Question 7
For the following code fragment, select the most appropriate
asymptotic analysis:
// Towers of Hanoi
static void solveHanoi(int disks, char
fromPole, char toPole, char withPole) {
if (disks >= 1) {
fromPole, withPole, toPole);
moveDisk(fromPole, toPole);
withPole, toPole, fromPole);
static void moveDisk(char fromPole, char
toPole) {
Option 1. O( n )
Option 2. O( 2n )
Option 3. O( n
log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
Select one:
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
Option 3
d. Option 4
The correct answer is: Option 2
For the following code fragment, select the option that represents the most
appropriate asymptotic analysis:
public static int binarySearch(int[] a, int key) {
int left = 0;
int right = a.length-1;
while (left <= right) {
int mid =
left + (right-left)/2;
if (key < a[mid]) right = mid-1;
else if (key > a[mid])
left = mid+1;
else return mid;
//not found
Option 1. Ω( 1 ), O( log n )
Option 2. Ω( n ), O( 2n )
Option 3.
Θ( n log n )
Option 4. Θ( log n )
Select one:
a. Option 1
Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
The correct answer is: Option
Question 9
For the following code fragment, select option that represents
the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
// Search
in array a for smallest element starting at i to n-1
minIndex =
findSmallestElement(a, i, n-1)
a[i] = a[minIndex];
findSmallestElement( int
a[], int i, int n ) {
int largest = a[i];
while(i<n) {
largest = i;
1. O( n )
Option 2. O( 2n )
Option 3. O( n log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
index-of-smallest element in a[i..j] takes j-i+1 operations
• n + (n-1) +
(n-2) + (n-3) + ... + 3 + 2 + 1
• this is n2
The correct answer is: Option
Question 10
For the following code fragment, select the option that
represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:1; // Base case
return fibr(n-1) +
fibr(n-2); // Recursive call
Option 1. O( n )
Option 2. O( 2n )
Option 3.
O( n log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
Select one:
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
The correct answer is: Option 2
Top of Form
list is
Select one:
a. An ADT for storing and retrieving data
b. A tree data
c. Finite ordered sequence of data items
d. A collection of operations to
implement an ADT
The correct answer is: Finite ordered sequence of data
Question 2
A list is said to be empty when all of its elements have a
zero (0) value
Select one:
The corr@8sed list
implementation is:
Select one:
a. Inserting a new element at position n-1 in the list
where n is the number of elements in the list.
b. Inserting a new element into the head of
the list.
c. Removing an element at position n-1 within the list
d. Removing an
element from the tail of the list.
The correct answer is: Inserting a new element
into the head of the list.
Question 4
A linked list implementation relies
upon static memory allocation where static refers to the requirement to pre-allocate all of the
memory that will be used for the list.
Select one:
correct answer is 'False'.
Question 5
A linked list creates order through
the use of pointers that link one element to another.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 6
Inserting or
removing an item at position n-1 within a linked list has the same cost in terms ( n ) time as
the same operation in an array based implementation of a list.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 7
The freelist
Select one:
a. Provides access to memory within the operating system that
has not yet been allocated
b. Provides access to memory objects which have no Big O ( n )
c. Facilitates and encourages the use of the new operator.
d. Holds the list
nodes that are no longer in use.
The correct answer is: Holds the list nodes that
are no longer in use.
Question 8
In a queue, placing new items in the queue
is referred to as a push and taking an item out of the queue is called a pop.
The correct answer is 'False'.
In linked lists there are no NULL links �8�U �8�U $�
�U �:�
�U ��8�U @�8�U @ @�8�U linked list
d. None of
The correct answer is: Circular linked list
Question 10
a stack which option would access the 3rd element from the top of the stack S
Option 1.
Option 2. S.dequeue(-3);
Option 3. S.pop();
Option 4. S.pop(n-3);
Select one:
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
The correct answer is: Option 3
Bottom of
A leaf is any node that:
Select one:
a. Has one child
b. Is an
internal node with no ancestors
c. Is any node with two empty children
d. Is the
ancestor of the root node
The correct answer is: Is any node with two empty
Question 2
The full binary tree theorem states “the number of
leaves in an empty full binary tree is one more than the number of internal
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 3
The process for visiting all of the nodes of a binary
tree in some order is called a traversal.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 4
A full binary tree
has a restricted shape which starts at the root and fills the tree by levels from left to
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 5
A binary tree traversal that lists every node in the
tree exactly once is called:
Select one:
a. a Traversal
b. A visitor design
c. An enumeration
d. Natural ordering sequence
The correct
answer is: An enumeration
Question 6
A preorder traversal visits every node
starting at the leaf nodes and working up the tree.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 7
Correctly identify the
following heap structure by selecting the best answer:
Select one:
partially ordered heap
b. max-heap structure
c. priority heap
d. min-heap
The correct answer is: max-heap structure
Select the answer that best defines Huffman Coding:
Select one:
a. A set
of coding rules that is typically used for compression
b. A fixed length coding scheme for
character representation
c. A tree structure that trades off space and time requirements
to provide a more efficient priority queue
d. An approach of assigning codes to characters
such that the frequency length of the code depends upon the relative frequency of the
corresponding character in use
The correct answer is: An approach of assigning codes
to characters such that the frequency length of the code depends upon the relative frequency of
the corresponding character in use
Question 9
The depth of node H in the
following tree is:
Select one:
a. 3
b. 2
c. 4
The correct answer is: 3
Question 10
According to textbook by
Shaffer, a heap data structure has two properties which are:
Select one:
a. every
node stores a value less than or equal to that of its children and it is a complete binary
b. it is a min-heap and is partially ordered
c. it is a complete binary tree
and the values stored in it are partially ordered
d. it is a priority queue and is in
Θ( n )
The correct answer is: it is a complete binary tree and the values
stored in it are partially ordered
Top of Form
A finite set of one or more nodes such
that there is one designated node call the root is a: (select the best answer)
a. Parent root
b. a B+ tree data structure
c. Index
d. Tree
The correct answer is: Tree
Question 2
A collection of one or
more trees is called:
Select one:
a. Trees
b. Multiple Spanning Trees
a Forest
d. Traversals
The correct answer is: a Forest
The process of determining if two objects are in the same set and then merging
those sets is called:
Select one:
a. a Union Operation
b. Union / Find
c. a Weighted Union
d. a Merge Operation
The correct answer is: Union /
Question 4
A traversal of a general tree that traverses the roots
subtrees from left to right, then visits the root is called a preorder traversal.
The correct answer is 'False'.
A method that is designed to create extremely shallow trees is called:
a. Dynamic node implementation
b. Union/Find
c. The list of children
d. Path compression
The correct answer is: Path
Question 6
A tree whose internal nodes all have exactly K
children is called a K-ary tree.
Select one:
The correct
answer is 'True'.
Question 7
An important advantage of the sequential tree
implementation is that (select the best answer):
Select one:
a. It is an extremely
shallow tree
b. The data structure can be transmitted between computers
c. It saves
space because no pointers are stored
d. It uses dynamic nodes
The correct
answer is: It saves space because no pointers are stored
Question 8
sequential tree can be represented using a bit vector?
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 9
The list of
children approach uses both pointers and an array structure to represent the tree.
The correct answer is 'True'.
The weighted union rule joins a tree with fewer nodes to a tree with more nodes by
making the smaller tree’s root point to the root of the larger tree.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Bottom of
Top of Form
The best asymptotic analysis for the selection sort is represented by
(select the best option):
Option 1. O( n log n )
Option 2. Ω( n2 )
Option 3. O(
n2 )
Option 4. Θ( n2 )
Select one:
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
Option 3
d. Option 4
The correct answer is: Option 4
A sort algorithm that uses two nested loops with the inner loop moving through the
array from bottom to top is called the:
Select one:
a. Insertion sort
b. Bubble
c. Inversion sort
d. Selection sort
The correct answer is: Bubble
Question 3
A sort that features a limit of n-1 of record swaps is
Select one:
a. Insertion sort
b. Bubble sort
c. Inversion
d. Selection sort
The correct answer is: Selection sort
An exchange sort is one where: (select the best answer)
Select one:
Records in an unsorted list are moved to a sorted list
b. Adjacent records in the list and
compared and exchanged
c. An inversion is executed
d. The sorting algorithm is said
to be stable
The correct answer is: Adjacent records in the list and compared and
Question 5
A sort where the list is divided into halves, the
halves sorted and these two halves are merged is called:
Select one:
a. Mergesort
b. Binary sort
c. Quicksort
d. Heapsort
The correct answer is:
Question 6
The benefit of a quicksort is that it provides
excellent performance in both the average and worst case:
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 7
What is the role
of the pivot in a quicksort algorithm?
Select one:
a. It identifies the maxkey
b. It specifies the point where the array will be subdivided into partitions and
each partition then sorted
c. It defines the sequence for merging in the sort
d. It
indicates the index of the current record being compared
The correct answer is: It
specifies the point where the array will be subdivided into partitions and each partition then
Question 8
A sorting algorithm that assigns records to bins and then
relies on some other sorting technique to sort the records within each bin called:
a. Radix Sort
b. Quicksort
c. Hash sort
d. Bucket sort
The correct answer is: Bucket sort
Question 9
The processing
time or cost of a sort is defined by the number of comparisons and exchanges that must be made
during processing. What is the average cost of the heapsort?:
Option 1. O( n log n
Option 2. Ω( n2 )
Option 3. O( n2 )
Option 4. Θ( n2 )
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
correct answer is: Option 1
Question 10
The quicksort is typically slower
than the heapsort by a constant factor.
Select one:
correct answer is 'False'.
Bottom of Form
Setting the dirty bit causes what action to
be performed on a block: (select the best answer)
Select one:
a. It is deleted
because it is no longer consistent
b. It flushes or writes the block out to the
c. Refreshes the data by re-reading the block
d. It cleans the cache by
flushing all data from the cache
=each of the following is NOT one of the buffer
pool heuristics defined in the text : (select the best answer)
Select one:
c. LRU
d. LFU
The correct answer is:
Question 3
A technique that allows a programmer to use more main memory
than exists in the computer is called: (select the best answer)
Select one:
a. Buffer
b. Random access memory
c. Secondary storage
d. Virtual memory
The correct answer is: Virtual memory
Question 4
Fragmentation refers to: (select the best answer)
Select one:
a. Space that is left
empty because records do not fit evenly into a sector
b. Space allocated to a file that is
not physically adjacent on the disk drive
c. Space that is left empty because records do
not fit evenly into a sector or Space allocated to a file that is not physically adjacent
d. None of the options
The correct answer is: Space that is left empty because
records do not fit evenly into a sector or Space allocated to a file that is not physically
Question 5
Data is stored within the disk drive on the: (select the
best answer)
Select one:
a. Spindle
b. Platter
c. Cylinder
The correct answer is: Platter
Question 6
The process of
storing blocks of data in main memory after reading from disk is referred to as:
a. Buffering
b. Hashing
c. Pooling
d. Indexing
correct answer is: Buffering
Question 7
A characteristic of RAM (random
access memory) is that it is persistent and is not lost when the power to a computer is turned
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 8
Secondary storage is characterized by the
Select one:
a. It is persistent
b. It is faster than primary
c. It is volatile
d. It is more expensive than primary
The correct answer is: It is persistent
Question 9
algorithm that breaks a file to be sorted in smaller files called runs which are sorted and
eventually put back together resulting in a sorted file is called:
Select one:
Quicksort algorithm
b. Replacement sort algorithm
c. An indexed key sort algorithm
d. Mergesort algorithm
The correct answer is: Mergesort
Question 10
A significant benefit to using an index to hold and
sort keys to a file is:
Select one:
a. Smaller keys require less I/O
b. The
entire sort can always be completed in memory
c. The head of the disk drive does not need
to move
d. There is no seek time added to the latency of I/O operations
correct answer is: Smaller keys require less I/O
Top of Form
Which of the following is
not one of the general approaches to search algorithms:
Select one:
a. Buffer cache
accespct indexing methods
The correct answer is: Buffer cache access
Question 2
A list that organizes the order of records within the
list based upon patterns of actual record access is called a/an (select the best
Select one:
a. Quadratic Binary search order
b. A Zipf
c. A Self-organizing list
d. A range query
The correct
answer is: A Self-organizing list
Question 3
A compound computed search that
combines a binary search to get close to the required record and then uses sequential search to
find the item is referred to as a/an:
Select one:
a. Zipf search
b. An Exact
match search
c. A Dictionary search
d. bit map vector search
The correct
answer is: A Dictionary search
<@8ion in the file of the first occurrence of the string is called Ziv-Lempel coding.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
The process of storing records in the order that they were added to a file is
Select one:
a. Entry-sequenced file
b. Binary Sequenced file
LIFO file format
d. Tombstone approach
The correct answer is: Entry-sequenced
Question 6
The process of associating a key with the location of a
corresponding data record is called folding.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 7
Each record of a
database normally has a unique identifier called the:
Select one:
a. Secondary
b. Primary index
c. Primary key
d. Index key
The correct
answer is: Primary key
Question 8
A linear index is an index file organized
as a sequence of key/pointer pairs where the keys are in a sorter order.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 9
A tree
data structure whose shape obeys the following definition,
o A node contains one or two
o Every internal node has either 2 children if it contains 1 key or 3 children if it
contains two keys
o All leaves are at the same level in the tree
Is called
Select one:
a. B*-Tree
b. BST
c. B+-Tree
d. 2-3 tree
The correct answer is: 2-3 tree
Question 10
The most significant
difference between the B+-Tree and the BST is that the B+-Tree stores records only at the leaf
Select one:
The correct answer is
Bottom of Form
A traversal that visits the left subtree, then the node, and
then the right subtree is called:
Select one:
a. Preorder Traversal
Postorder Traversal
c. Inorder Traversal
d. Outoforder Traversal
correct answer is: Inorder Traversal
Question 2
Each record of a database
normally has a unique identifier called the:
Se �8�U �8�U $�
�U �:�
�U ��8�U @�8�U @ @�8�U />The correct answer is: Primary
Question 3
An ADT is:
Select one:
a. A type together with a
collection of operations to manipulate the type
b. An implementation of a flyweight design
c. The realization of a data type as a software component
d. An
implementation in java of a class for a data type
The correct answer is: The
realization of a data type as a software component
Question 4
A linked list
creates order through the use of pointers that link one element to another.
The correct answer is 'True'.
The most significant difference between the B+-Tree and the BST is that the B+-Tree
stores records only at the leaf nodes.
Select one:
correct answer is 'True'.
Question 6
A sequential tree can be represented
using a bit vector?
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 7
In linked lists there are no NULL links in:
a. Single linked list
b. Linear doubly linked list
c. Circular linked
d. None of these
The correct answer is: Circular linked
Question 8
Recursion is when an algorithm uses a series of loop
structures to repeat an operation until the answer has been computed.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 9
linked list implementation relies upon static memory allocation where static refers to the
requirement to pre-allocate all of the memory that will be used for the list.
The correct answer is 'False'.
The process of storing records in the order that they were added to a file is
Select one:
a. Entry-sequenced file
b. Binary Sequenced file
LIFO file format
d. Tombstone approach
The correct answer is: Entry-sequenced
Question 11
For the following code fragment, select the choice which
represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
static int function ( n ) {
(k=0; k<n; k++)
A[k] = k;
return A[k];
Choice 1. O ( n2 )
2. O( 2n )
Choice 3. Ω( n2 )
Choice 4. Θ ( n )
(NOTE: code fragment is not
intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 12
For the following code fragment, select the option that
represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
Option 1. O( n )
Option 2. O( 2n )
Option 3. O( n log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
Select one:
a. Option 1
Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
The correct answer is: Option
Question 13
Inserting or removing an item at position n-1 within a linked
list has the same cost in terms ( n ) time as the same operation in an array based
implementation of a list.
Select one:
The correct answer
is 'False'.
Question 14
Which of the following is NOT one of the buffer pool
heuristics defined in the text : (select the best answer)
Select one:
c. LRU
d. LFU
The correct answer is: LIFO
For the following code fragment, select the option that represents the most
appropriate asymptotic analysis:
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i *= 2) {
for (int j =
0; j < n; j++) {
Option 1. O( 1 )
Option 2. O( 2n
Option 3. O( n log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
Select one:
a. Option 1
Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
Explanation: Here the outer loop is done
log n times and the inner loop is done n times, so T(n) = n log n. (Note that the default base
for logarithms in Computer Science is 2.)
The correct answer is: Option 3
The full binary tree theorem states “the number of leaves in an empty full
binary tree is one more than the number of internal nodes”
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 17
processing time or cost of a sort is defined by the number of comparisons and exchanges that
must be made during processing. What is the average cost of the heapsort?:
Option 1. O( n
log n )
Option 2. Ω( n2 )
Option 3. O( n2 )
Option 4. Θ( n2 )
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
correct answer is: Option 1
Question 18
When big-Oh and coincide, we
indicate this by using (select the best answer):
1. Big Oh (O)
2. Big Omega
3. Big Theta (Θ)
4. Exponential growth
Select one:
a. Choice
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 19
A list is said to be empty when all of its elements have a
zero (0) value
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 20
True/False: Big Theta (Θ) indicates that the
Upper and Lower bounds of an algorithm are the same.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 21
A traversal of a
general tree that traverses the roots subtrees from left to right, then visits the root is
called a preorder traversal.
Select one:
The correct
answer is 'False'.
Question 22
Enqueue and Dequeue are notations associated
with which data structure:
Select one:
a. Queue
b. Stack
c. List
The correct answer is: Queue
Question 23
A significant
benefit to using an index to hold and sort keys to a file is:
Select one:
a. Smaller
keys require less I/O
b. The entire sort can always be completed in memory
c. The
head of the disk drive does not need to move
d. There is no seek time added to the latency
of I/O operations
The correct answer is: Smaller keys require less
Question 24
A tree whose internal nodes all have exactly K children is
called a K-ary tree.
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 25
Which of the following is not a characteristic of an
Select one:
a. It must be correct
b. It must be composed of concrete
c. It can have no ambiguity
d. It must be composed of an infinite number of
The correct answer is: It must be composed of an infinite number of
Question 26
For the following code fragment, select the most
appropriate asymptotic analysis:
// Towers of Hanoi
static void solveHanoi(int disks,
char fromPole, char toPole, char withPole) {
if (disks >= 1) {
solveHanoi(disks-1, fromPole, withPole, toPole);
moveDisk(fromPole, toPole);
solveHanoi(disks-1, withPole, toPole, fromPole);
static void moveDisk(char
fromPole, char toPole) {
Option 1. O( n )
Option 2. O( 2n
Option 3. O( n log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
Select one:
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
The correct answer is: Option
Question 27
For the following code fragment, select the option which
represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
static int function ( n ) {
= 0;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
sum += n;
return sum;
Option 1. Ω( n2
Option 2. Θ ( n )
Option 3. O( log n )
Option 4. O( 2n )
(NOTE: code
fragment is not intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 28
True/False: There is always one most efficient algorithm to
solve a particular problem.
Select one:
The correct
answer is 'False'.
Question 29
A technique that allows a programmer to use
more main memory than exists in the computer is called: (select the best answer)
a. Buffer cache
b. Random access memory
c. Secondary storage
Virtual memory
The correct answer is: Virtual memory
A sort that features a limit of n-1 of record swaps is called:
a. Insertion sort
b. Bubble sort
c. Inversion sort
d. Selection
The correct answer is: Selection sort
Question 31
traversal that visits each node before visiting its children is called:
Select one:
a. Preorder traversal
b. Postorder traversal
c. Inorder Traversal
Outoforder Traversal
The correct answer is: Preorder traversal
A list tha =!P�U =an (select the best answer):
Select one:
Quadratic Binary search order
b. A Zipf Distribution
c. A Self-organizing list
d. A range query
The correct answer is: A Self-organizing list
True/False: The stack data structure is implemented as a LIFO structure (last in
first out)
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 34
The process of determining if two objects are in the
same set and then merging those sets is called:
Select one:
a. a Union
b. Union / Find
c. a Weighted Union
d. a Merge
The correct answer is: Union / Find
Question 35
A sort
algorithm that uses two nested loops with the inner loop moving through the array from bottom to
top is called the:
Select one:
a. Insertion sort
b. Bubble sort
Inversion sort
d. Selection sort
The correct answer is: Bubble
Question 36
Which of the following is NOT one of the design patterns
outlined in our text.
Select one:
a. Flyweight
b. Visitor
d. Synergy
The correct answer is: Synergy
Push and Pop are notations associated with which data structure:
a. Queue
b. Stack
c. List
d. Array
The correct answer
is: Stack
Question 38
The process of associating a key with the location of
a corresponding data record is called folding.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 39
For the
following code fragment, select the option that represents the most appropriate asymptotic
// Recursive Fibonacci generator
static long fibr(int n) {
if ((n ==
1) || (n == 2)) return 1; // Base case
return fibr(n-1) + fibr(n-2); // Recursive
Option 1. O( n )
Option 2. O( 2n )
Option 3. O( n log n
Option 4. O( n2 )
Select one:
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option
d. Option 4
The correct answer is: Option 2
For the following code fragment, select the choice which represents the most
appropriate asymptotic analysis:
static int function ( n ) {
for (k=0; k<n;
A[k] = k;
return A[k];
Choice 1. Θ ( n log n )
Choice 2.
O( 2n )
Choice 3. O( n )
Choice 4. Ω( n2 )
(NOTE: code fragment is not intended
to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 41
Which of the following is not one of the general approaches to
search algorithms:
Select one:
a. Buffer cache access methods
b. Sequential and
list methods
c. Direct access by key value (hashing)
d. Tree indexing
ins a tree with fewer nodes to a tree with more nodes by making the smaller
tree’s root point to the root of the larger tree.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 43
The list of
children approach uses both pointers and an array structure to represent the tree.
The correct answer is 'True'.
The depth of node H in the following tree is:
Select one:
b. 2
c. 4
d. 1
The correct answer is: 3
Data is stored within the disk drive on the: (select the best answer)
a. Spindle
b. Platter
c. Cylinder
d. Sector
The correct
answer is: Platter
Question 46
The most time consuming @8at position n-1 in
the list where n is the number of elements in the list.
b. Inserting a new element into
the head of the list.
c. Removing an element at position n-1 within the list
Removing an element from the tail of the list.
The correct answer is: Inserting a new
element into the head of the list.
Question 47
If A={1, 2, 3, 4} and B={4,
5, 6}, find A∪ B .
Select one:
a. {1,2,3,4,4,5,6}
b. {4}
c. {x | x is
all positive integers}
d. {1,2,3,4,5,6}
The correct answer is:
Question 48
For the following code fragment, select the option
which represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
/** @return Position of largest
value in "A“ */
static int largest(int[] A) {
int currlarge = 0; // Position of
for (int i=1; i<A.length; i++)
if (A[currlarge] < A[i])
currlarge = i; // Remember pos
return currlarge; // Return largest pos
Choice 1. Θ ( n )
Choice 2. O( 2n )
Choice 3. Θ( n log n
Choice 4. Ω( n2 )
(NOTE: code fragment is not intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice
The correct answer is: Choice 1
Question 49
For the following
code fragment, select the choice which represents the most appropriate asymptotic
function ( n ) {
sum1 = 0;
for (k=1; k<=n; k*=2)
for (j=1;
j<=n; j++)
Choice 1. Θ ( n )
Choice 2. O( 2n
Choice 3. Θ( n log n )
Choice 4. Ω( n2 )
(NOTE: code fragment is not
intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 50
The implementation of a data type as a data structure is the
physical form of an ADT.
Select one:
The correct answer
is 'True'.
Question 51
An exchange sort is one where: (select the best
Select one:
a. Records in an unsorted list are moved to a sorted list
b. Adjacent records in the list and compared and exchanged
c. An inversion is
d. The sorting algorithm is said to be stable
The correct answer is:
Adjacent records in the list and compared and exchanged
Question 52
For the
�8�U �8�U $�
�U �:�
�U ��8�U @�8�U @ @�8�U r />static int function ( n ) {
sum =
for (j=1; j<=n; j++)
for (i=1; i<=j; i++)
Choice 1. Θ ( n )
Choice 2. O( 2n )
Choice 3. Θ( n2
Choice 4. Ω( n2 )
(NOTE: code fragment is not intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice
The correct answer is: Choice 3
Question 53
An important
advantage of the sequential tree implementation is that (select the best answer):
a. It is an extremely shallow tree
b. The data structure can be transmitted
between computers
c. It saves space because no pointers are stored
d. It uses
dynamic nodes
The correct answer is: It saves space because no pointers are
Question 54
For the following code fragment, select the choice which
represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
function ( n ) {
sum1 = 0;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
for (j=1; j<=n; j++)
Choice 1.
Θ ( n2 )
Choice 2. O( 2n )
Choice 3. Θ( n log n )
Choice 4. Ω( log n2
(NOTE: code fragment is not intended to be functioning code)
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
correct answer is: Choice 1
Question 55
A sort where the list is divided
into halves, the halves sorted and these two halves are merged is called:
Select one:
a. Mergesort
b. Binary sort
c. Quicksort
d. Heapsort
The correct
answer is: Mergesort
Question 56
A traversal that visits each node after
visiting its children is called:
Select one:
a. Preorder Traversal
b. Postorder
c. Inorder Traversal
d. Outoforder Traversal
The correct answer
is: Postorder Traversal
Question 57
The process for visiting all of the
nodes of a binary tree in some order is called a traversal.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 58
A collection of
one or more trees is called:
Select one:
a. Trees
b. Multiple Spanning
c. a Forest
d. Traversals
The correct answer is: a
Question 59
The upper bound for the growth of the Algorithms running
time is represented by (please select the best answer):
1. Big Oh (O)
2. Big Omega
3. Big Theta (Θ)
4. Exponential growth
Select one:
a. Choice
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 60
Which of the following is not a mathematical proof
Select one:
a. Proof by mathematical induction
b. Proof by
c. Direct proof
d. Proof by consensus
The correct answer
is: Proof by consensus
Question 61
For the following code fragment, select
the option that represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
public static int
binarySearch(int[] a, int key) {
int left = 0;
int right = a.length-1;
(left <= right) {
int mid = left + (right-left)/2;
if (key < a[mid]) right =
else if (key > a[mid]) left = mid+1;
else return mid;
return -1;
Option 1. Ω( 1 ), O( log n )
Option 2. Ω( n ), O( 2n
Option 3. Θ( n log n )
Option 4. Θ( log n )
Select one:
Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
The correct answer is:
Option 1
Question 62
For the following code fragment, select the choice
which represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
static int function ( n )
sum = 0;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
sum += n;
Choice 1. Ω( n2 )
Choice 2. Ω( log n2 )
Choice 3. Θ( n log n
Choice 4. O ( n )
(NOTE: code fragment is not intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice 4
Question 63
Which of the
following is NOT true for Linked Lists structures (please select the best choice):
1. Insertion and deletion are ( 1 ).
Choice 2. Direct access of an item in the list
structure is ( n ).
Choice 3. Space grows with number of elements.
Choice 4. There is
no overhead associated with elements in the list structure
Select one:
a. Choice
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 64
For the following code fragment, select the choice which
represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
function ( n ) {
sum2 = 0;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
for (j=1; j<=i; j++)
1. Ω ( 1 )
Choice 2. O( 2n )
Choice 3. Θ( n2 )
Choice 4. Ω( n2
(NOTE: code fragment is not intended to be functioning code)
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
correct answer is: Choice 3
Question 65
Which of the following items is NOT
true for Array-Based Lists (please select the best choice):
Choice 1. Insertion and
deletion operations are ( n )
Choice 2. Direct access of an item in the array is ( 1
Choice 3. Space used grows dynamically as the array is populated
Choice 4. Array
contains wasted space if array positions are not full
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 66
A method that is designed to create extremely shallow trees is
Select one:
a. Dynamic node implementation
b. Union/Find
c. The
list of children method
d. Path compression
The correct answer is: Path
Question 67
The process of storing blocks of data in main memory
after reading from disk is referred to as:
Select one:
a. Buffering
c. Pooling
d. Indexing
The correct answer is:
Question 68
A solution is said to be efficient if it:
a. Solves the problem within the required resource constraints
b. Executes
faster than other solutions
c. Is completed in the fewest number of steps
d. Can be
explained in the context of Big-Oh notation
The correct answer is: Solves the problem
within the required resource constraints
Question 69
A sorting algorithm
that assigns records to bins and then relies on some other sorting technique to sort the records
within each bin called:
Select one:
a. Radix Sort
b. Quicksort
c. Hash
d. Bucket sort
The correct answer is: Bucket sort
In a stack which option would access the 3rd element from the top of the stack
Option 1. S.push(-1);
Option 2. S.dequeue(-3);
Option 3. S.pop();
Option 4. S.pop(n-3);
Select one:
a. Option 1
Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
The correct answer is: Option
Question 71
A leaf is any node that:
Select one:
a. Has one
b. Is an internal node with no ancestors
c. Is any node with two empty
d. Is the ancestor of the root node
The correct answer is: Is any node
with two empty children
Question 72
According to textbook by Shaffer, a heap
data structure has two properties which are:
Select one:
a. every node stores a value
less than or equal to that of its children and it is a complete binary tree
b. it is a
min-heap and is partially ordered
c. it is a complete binary tree and the values stored in
it are partially ordered
d. it is a priority queue and is in Θ( n )
correct answer is: it is a complete binary tree and the values stored in it are partially
Question 73
The upper bound for the growth of the Algorithms running
time is represented by:
Select one:
a. Big Oh (O)
b. Big Omega (Ω)
c. Big
Theta (Θ)
d. Exponential growth
The correct answer is: Big Oh
Question 74
The lower bound for the growth of the Algorithms running
time is represented by (please the best answer):
1. Big Oh (O)
2. Big Omega
3. Big Theta (Θ)
4. Exponential growth
Select one:
a. Choice
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 75
The benefit of a quicks = True
correct answer is 'False'.
Question 76
The best asymptotic analysis for the
selection sort is represented by (select the best option):
Option 1. O( n log n
Option 2. Ω( n2 )
Option 3. O( n2 )
Option 4. Θ( n2 )
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
correct answer is: Option 4
Question 77
A finite set of one or more nodes
such that there is one designated node call the root is a: (select the best answer)
a. Parent root
b. a B+ tree data structure
c. Index
The correct answer is: Tree
Question 78
True/False: The
queue data structure is implemented as FIFO structure (first in first out)
The correct answer is 'True'.
For the following code fragment, select the choice which represents the most
appropriate asymptotic analysis:
function ( n ) {
sum2 = 0;
for (k=1; k<=n;
for (j=1; j<=k; j++)
Choice 1. O( 2n )
Choice 2.
Θ ( n )
Choice 3. Θ( n log n )
Choice 4. Ω( n2 )
(NOTE: code fragment
is not intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 80
A coding scheme that replaces repeated occurrences of strings
with a pointer to the location in the file of the first occurrence of the string is called
Ziv-Lempel coding.
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 81
In a queue, placing new items in the queue is referred
to as a push and taking an item out of the queue is called a pop.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 82
the following code fragment, select the option that represents the most appropriate asymptotic
if (a.length > 0) {
return a[a.length - 1];
} else {
new NoSuchElementException();
Option 1. O( 1 )
Option 2. O( 2n )
Option 3.
O( n log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
Select one:
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
Explanation: Here n = a.length, and T(n) = 1.
correct answer is: Option 1
Question 83
Setting the dirty bit causes what
action to be performed on a block: (select the best answer)
Select one:
a. It is
deleted because it is no longer consistent
b. It flushes or writes the block out to the
c. Refreshes the data by re-reading the block
d. It cleans the cache by
flushing all data from the cache
The correct answer is: It flushes or writes the
block out to the disk
Question 84
Asymptotic Algorithm Analysis is primarily
concerned with:p of the computing running the algorithm
c. The speed of the compiler
d. The growth rate demonstrated in the algorithm running time equation
The correct
answer is: The growth rate demonstrated in the algorithm running time equation
Correctly identify the following heap structure by selecting the best
Select one:
a. partially ordered heap
b. max-heap
c. priority heap
d. min-heap structure
The correct answer is:
max-heap structure
Question 86
For the following code fragment, select
option that represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
// Search in array a for smallest element starting at i to n-1
minIndex = findSmallestElement(a, i, n-1)
a[i] = a[minIndex];
findSmallestElement( int a[], int i, int n ) {
Option 1. O( n
Option 2. O( 2n )
Option 3. O( n log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option
index-of-smallest element in a[i..j] takes j-i+1 operations
• n + (n-1) +
(n-2) + (n-3) + ... + 3 + 2 + 1
• this is n2
The correct answer is: Option
Question 87
An algorithm that breaks a file to be sorted in smaller files
called runs which are sorted and eventually put back together resulting in a sorted file is
Select one:
a. Quicksort algorithm
b. Replacement sort algorithm
c. An indexed key sort algorithm
d. Mergesort algorithm
The correct answer is:
Mergesort algorithm
Question 88
A list is
Select one:
a. An ADT
for storing and retrieving data
b. A tree data structure
c. Finite ordered sequence
of data items
d. A collection of operations to implement an ADT
The correct
answer is: Finite ordered sequence of data items
Question 89
Select the
answer that best defines Huffman Coding:
Select one:
a. A set of coding rules that is
typically used for compression
b. A fixed length coding scheme for character
c. A tree structure that trades off space and time requirements to provide
a more efficient priority queue
d. An approach of assigning codes to characters such that
the frequency length of the code depends upon the relative frequency of the corresponding
character in use
The correct answer is: An approach of assigning codes to characters
such that the frequency length of the code depends upon the relative frequency of the
corresponding character in use
Question 90
True/False: Big Theta (Θ)
indicates that the Upper and Lower bounds of an algorithm are the same.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 91
quicksort is typically slower than the heapsort by a constant factor.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Secondary storage is characterized by the following:
Select one:
a. It
is persistent
b. It is faster than primary storage
c. It is volatile
d. It is
more expensive than primary storage
The correct answer is: It is
Question 93
A compound computed search that combines a binary
search to get close to the required record and then uses sequential search to find the item is
referred to as a/an:
Select one:
a. Zipf search
b. An Exact match search
c. A Dictionary search
d. bit map vector search
The correct answer is: A
Dictionary search
< �8�U �8�U $� �U �:�
�U ��8�U @�8�U @ @�8�U ppropriate asymptotic analysis:
static int function ( n ) {
sum = 0;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
sum += n;
return sum;
Choice 1. Ω( n2 )
Choice 2. Θ ( n2 )
Choice 3. O( log n
Choice 4. O( n )
(NOTE: code fragment is not intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice
The correct answer is: Choice 4
Question 95
According to the
properties of logarithms, log(nm) =
Note: Due to issues with HTML formatting, an exponent
is represented by preceding it with the ^ symbol. As such x^2 is equivalent to x2.
a. log n – log m
b. n log n
c. log n + log m
The correct answer is: log n + log m
Question 96
characteristic of RAM (random access memory) is that it is persistent and is not lost when the
power to a computer is turned off.
Select one:
correct answer is 'False'.
Question 97
A full binary tree has a restricted
shape which starts at the root and fills the tree by levels from left to right.
The correct answer is 'False'.
What is the role of the pivot in a quicksort algorithm?
Select one:
It identifies the maxkey value
b. It specifies the point where the array will be
subdivided into partitions and each partition then sorted
c. It defines the sequence for
merging in the sort
d. It indicates the index of the current record being
The correct answer is: It specifies the point where the array will be
subdivided into partitions and each partition then sorted
Question 99
the following code fragment, select the choice which represents the most appropriate asymptotic
/** @return The position of an element in sorted array A with value k. If k is
not in A,return A.length. */
static int binary(int[] A, int k) {
int l = -1; // Set l
and r
int r = A.length; // beyond array bounds
while (l+1 != r) { // Stop when l, r
int i = (l+r)/2; // Check middle
if (k < A[i]) r = i; // In left half
if (k == A[i]) return i; // Found it
if (k > A[i]) l = i; // In right half
return A.length; // Search value not in A
Choice 1. Θ ( n
Choice 2. O( 2n )
Choice 3. O( log n )
Choice 4. Ω( n2 )
(NOTE: code
fragment is not intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 100
A linear index is an index file organized as a sequence of
key/pointer pairs where the keys are in a sorter order.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 101
The freelist
Select one:
a. Provides access to memory within the operating system that
has not yet been allocated
b. Provides access to memory objects which have no Big O ( n )
c. Facilitates and encourages the use of the new operator.
d. Holds the list
nodes that are no longer in use.
The correct answer is: Holds the list nodes that are
no longer in use.
Question 102
A tree data structure whose shape obeys the
following definition,
o A node contains one or two keys
o Every internal node has
either 2 children if it contains 1 key or 3 children if it contains two keys
o All leaves
are at the same level in the tree
Is called a/an:
Select one:
a. B*-Tree
b. BST
c. B+-Tree
d. 2-3 tree
The correct answer is: 2-3
Question 103
A preorder traversal visits every node starting at the
leaf nodes and working up the tree.
Select one:
correct answer is 'False'.
Question 104
For the following code fragment,
select the choice which represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
public E
getValue ( ) {
assert (curr >= 0) && (curr < listSize) :
"No current
return listArray[curr];
Choice 1. Θ ( n )
Choice 2. O( 2n
Choice 3. Θ( n log n )
Choice 4. O( 1 )
(NOTE: code fragment is not
intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 105
Internal Fragmentation refers to: (select the best
Select one:
a. Space that is left empty because records do not fit evenly
into a sector
b. Space allocated to a file that is not physically adjacent on the disk
c. Space that is left empty because records do not fit evenly into a sector or Space
allocated to a file that is not physically adjacent
d. None of the options
correct answer is: Space that is left empty because records do not fit evenly into a sector or
Space allocated to a file that is not physically adjacent
Question 106
binary tree traversal that lists every node in the tree exactly once is called:
a. a Traversal
b. A visitor design pattern
c. An enumeration
Natural ordering sequence
The correct answer is: An enumeration
The process of
associating a key with the location of a corresponding data record is called
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 2
A characteristic of RAM (random access memory) is that
it is persistent and is not lost when the power to a computer is turned off.
The correct answer is 'False'.
An algorithm that breaks a file to be sorted in smaller files called runs which are
sorted and eventually put back together resulting in a sorted file is called:
a. Quicksort algorithm
b. Replacement sort algorithm
c. An indexed key
sort algorithm
d. Mergesort algorithm
The correct answer is: Mergesort
Question 4
The weighted union rule joins a tree with fewer nodes
to a tree with more nodes by making the smaller tree’s root point to the root of the
larger tree.
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 5
For the following code fragment, select the option that
represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i *= 2) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
Option 1. O( 1
Option 2. O( 2n )
Option 3. O( n log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option
Explanation: Here the outer loop is done log n times and the inner loop is done n
times, so T(n) = n log n. (Note that the default base for logarithms in Computer Science is
The correct answer is: Option 3
Question 6
The best asymptotic
analysis for the selection sort is represented by (select the best option):
Option 1. O( n
log n )
Option 2. Ω( n2 )
Option 3. O( n2 )
Option 4. Θ( n2 )
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
correct answer is: Option 4
Question 7
A leaf is any node that:
a. Has one child
b. Is an internal node with no ancestors
c. Is any node
with two empty children
d. Is the ancestor of the root node
The correct answer
is: Is any node with two empty children
Question 8
A preorder traversal
visits every node starting at the leaf nodes and working up the tree.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 9
the following code fragment, select the option which represents the most appropriate asymptotic
/** @return Position of largest value in "A“ */
static int
largest(int[] A) {
int currlarge = 0; // Position of largest
for (int i=1;
i<A.length; i++)
if (A[currlarge] < A[i])
currlarge = i; // Remember pos
return currlarge; // Return largest pos
Choice 1. Θ ( n )
2. O( 2n )
Choice 3. Θ( n log n )
Choice 4. Ω( n2 )
(NOTE: code fragment is
not intended to be functioning code)
S =Pt answer is: Choice 1
A technique that allows a programmer to use more main memory than exists in the
computer is called: (select the best answer)
Select one:
a. Buffer cache
Random access memory
c. Secondary storage
d. Virtual memory
The correct
answer is: Virtual memory
Question 11
A method that is designed to create
extremely shallow trees is called:
Select one:
a. Dynamic node implementation
b. Union/Find
c. The list of children method
d. Path compression
correct answer is: Path compression
Question 12
For the following code
fragment, select the choice which represents the most appropriate asymptotic
static int function ( n ) {
sum = 0;
for (j=1; j<=n; j++)
for (i=1; i<=j; i++)
return sum;
Choice 1. Θ ( n
Choice 2. O( 2n )
Choice 3. Θ( n2 )
Choice 4. Ω( n2 )
(NOTE: code
fragment is not intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 13
Asymptotic Algorithm Analysis is primarily concerned
Select one:
a. The size of the constant in the algorithm running time
b. The speed of the computing running the algorithm
c. The speed of the
d. The growth rate demonstrated in the algorithm running time
The correct answer is: The growth rate demonstrated in the algorithm running
time equation
Question 14
According to the properties of logarithms, log(nm)
Note: Due to issues with HTML formatting, an exponent is represented by preceding it with
the ^ symbol. As such x^2 is equivalent to x2.
Select one:
a. log n – log
b. n log n
c. log n + log m
d. log(n^m)
The correct answer is:
log n + log m
Question 15
The process for visiting all of the nodes of a
binary tree in some order is called a traversal.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 16
A list is said to
be empty when all of its elements have a zero (0) value
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 17
A list that
organizes the order of records within the list based upon patterns of actual record access is
called a/an (select the best answer):
Select one:
a. Quadratic Binary search
b. A Zipf Distribution
c. A Self-organizing list
d. A range
The correct answer is: A Self-organizing list
Question 18
sort that features a limit of n-1 of record swaps is called:
Select one:
a. Insertion
b. Bubble sort
c. Inversion sort
d. Selection sort
The correct
answer is: Sepng from disk is referred to as:
Select one:
a. Buffering
c. Pooling
d. Indexing
The correct answer is:
Question 20
The upper bound for the growth of the Algorithms
running time is represented by:
Select one:
a. Big Oh (O)
b. Big Omega
c. Big Theta (Θ)
d. Exponential growth
The correct answer is:
Big Oh (O)
Question 21
A coding scheme that replaces repeated occurrences of
strings with a pointer to the location in the file of the first occurrence of the string is
called Ziv-Lempel coding.
Select one:
The correct answer
is 'True'.
Question 22
In linked lists there are no NULL links
Select one:
a. Single linked list
b. Linear doubly linked list
Circular linked list
d. None of these
The correct answer is: Circular linked
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 24
Internal Fragmentation refers to: (select the best
Select one:
a. Space that is left empty because records do not fit evenly
into a sector
b. Space allocated to a file that is not physically adjacent on the disk
c. Space that is left empty because records do not fit evenly into a sector or Space
allocated to a file that is not physically adjacent
d. None of the options
correct answer is: Space that is left empty because records do not fit evenly into a sector or
Space allocated to a file that is not physically adjacent
Question 25
binary tree traversal that lists every node in the tree exactly once is called:
a. a Traversal
b. A visitor design pattern
c. An enumeration
Natural ordering sequence
The correct answer is: An enumeration
Which of the following is not one of the general approaches to search
Select one:
a. Buffer cache access methods
b. Sequential and list
c. Direct access by key value (hashing)
d. Tree indexing
The correct answer is: Buffer cache access methods
In a queue, placing new items in the queue is referred to as a push and taking an
item out of the queue is called a pop.
Select one:
correct answer is 'False'.
Question 28
Which of the following is not a
mathematical proof technique?
Select one:
a. Proof by mathematical induction
Proof by contradiction
c. Direct proof
d. Proof by consensus
The correct
answer is: Proof by consensus
Question 29
True/False: There is always one
most efficient algorithm to solve a particular problem.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 30
The process of
determining if two objects are in the same set and then merging those sets is
Select one:
a. a Union Operation
b. Union / Find
c. a Weighted
d. a Merge Operation
The correct answer is: Union /
Question 31
Data is stored within the disk drive on the: (select the
best answer)
Select one:
a. Spindle
b. Platter
c. Cylinder
The correct answer is: Platter
Question 32
The depth of
node H in the following tree is:
Select one:
a. 3
b. 2
c. 4
d. 1
The correct answer is: 3
Question 33
An ADT is:
a. A type together with a collection of operations to manipulate the type
b. An
implementation of a flyweight design pattern
c. The realization of a data type as a
software component
d. An implementation in java of a class for a data type
correct answer is: The realization of a data type as a software component
A full binary tree ha �8�U �8�U $�
�U �:�
�U ��8�U @�8�U @ @�8�U ct one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 35
For the
following code fragment, select the choice which represents the most appropriate asymptotic
function ( n ) {
sum1 = 0;
for (k=1; k<=n; k*=2)
for (j=1;
j<=n; j++)
Choice 1. Θ ( n )
Choice 2. O( 2n
Choice 3. Θ( n log n )
Choice 4. Ω( n2 )
(NOTE: code fragment is not
intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 36
A linked list creates order through the use of pointers that
link one element to another.
Select one:
The correct
answer is 'True'.
Question 37
The implementation of a data type as a data
structure is the physical form of an ADT.
Select one:
correct answer is 'True'.
Question 38
Secondary storage is characterized by
the following:
Select one:
a. It is persistent
b. It is faster than primary
c. It is volatile
d. It is more expensive than primary
The correct answer is: It is persistent
Question 39
process of storing records in the order that they were added to a file is called:
a. Entry-sequenced file
b. Binary Sequenced file
c. LIFO file
d. Tombstone approach
The correct answer is: Entry-sequenced
Question 40
For the following code fragment, select option that
represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
// Search in array a for smallest element starting at i to n-1
= findSmallestElement(a, i, n-1)
a[i] = a[minIndex];
findSmallestElement( int
a[], int i, int n ) {
int largest = a[i];
while(i<n) {
largest = i;
1. O( n )
Option 2. O( 2n )
Option 3. O( n log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option
index-of-smallest element in a[i..j] takes j-i+1 operations
• n + (n-1) +
(n-2) + (n-3) + ... + 3 + 2 + 1
• this is n2
The correct answer is: Option
Question 41
When big-Oh and coincide, we indicate this by using (select
the best answer):
1. Big Oh (O)
2. Big Omega (Ω)
3. Big Theta (Θ)
Exponential growth
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice 3
Question 42
Which of
the following is not a characteristic of an algorithm?
Select one:
a. It must be
b. It must be composed of concrete steps
c. It can have no ambiguity
d. It must be composed of an infinite number of steps.
The correct answer is: It must
be composed of an infinite number of steps.
Question 43
Each record of a
database normally has a unique identifier called the:
Select one:
a. Secondary
b. Primary index
c. Primary key
d. Index key
The correct answer
is: Primary key
Question 44
Which of the following is NOT one of the buffer
pool heuristics defined in the text : (select the best answer)
Select one:
c. LRU
d. LFU
The correct answer is:
Question 45
A collection of one or more trees is called:
a. Trees
b. Multiple Spanning Trees
c. a Forest
The correct answer is: a Forest
Question 46
and Dequeue are notations associated with which data structure:
Select one:
b. Stack
c. List
d. Array
The correct answer is:
Question 47
A traversal that visits each node after visiting its
children is called:
Select one:
a. Preorder Traversal
b. Postorder
c. Inorder Traversal
d. Outoforder Traversal
The correct answer
is: Postorder Traversal
Question 48
For the following code fragment, select
the choice which represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
function ( n )
sum2 = 0;
for (k=1; k<=n; k*=2)
for (j=1; j<=k; j++)
Choice 1. O( 2n )
Choice 2. Θ ( n )
Choice 3. Θ( n log
n )
Choice 4. Ω( n2 )
(NOTE: code fragment is not intended to be functioning
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice 2
Question 49
For the
following code fragment, select the option that represents the most appropriate asymptotic
public static int binarySearch(int[] a, int key) {
int left = 0;
right = a.length-1;
while (left <= right) {
int mid = left +
if (key < a[mid]) right = mid-1;
else if (key > a[mid]) left =
else return mid;
//not found
return -1;
Option 1.
Ω( 1 ), O( log n )
Option 2. Ω( n ), O( 2n )
Option 3. Θ( n log n )
4. Θ( log n )
Select one:
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
The correct answer is: Option 1
Question 50
processing time or cost of a sort is defined by the number of comparisons and exchanges that
must be made during processing. What is the average cost of the heapsort?:
Option 1. O( n
log n )
Option 2. Ω( n2 )
Option 3. O( n2 )
Option 4. Θ( n2 )
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
correct answer is: Option 1
Question 51
For the following code fragment,
select the choice which represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
public E
getValue ( ) {
assert (curr >= 0) && (curr < listSize) :
"No current
return listArray[curr];
Choice 1. Θ ( n )
Choice 2. O( 2n
Choice 3. Θ( n log n )
Choice 4. O( 1 )
(NOTE: code fragment is not
intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 52
For the following code fragment, select the option that
represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
// Recursive Fibonacci
static long fibr(int n) {
if ((n == 1) || (n == 2)) return 1; // Base
return fibr(n-1) + fibr(n-2); // Recursive call
Option 1. O( n
Option 2. O( 2n )
Option 3. O( n log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
correct answer is: Option 2
Question 53
True/False: Big Theta (Θ)
indicates that the Upper and Lower bounds of an algorithm are the same.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 54
the following code fragment, select the choice which represents the most appropriate asymptotic
static int function ( n ) {
for (k=0; k<n; k++)
A[k] = k;
return A[k];
Choice 1. O ( n2 )
Choice 2. O( 2n )
Choice 3. Ω( n2
Choice 4. Θ ( n )
(NOTE: code fragment is not intended to be functioning
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice 4
Question 55
The freelist
Select one:
a. Provides access to memory within the operating system that
has not yet been allocated
b. Provides access to memory objects which have no Big O ( n )
c. Facilitates and encourages the use of the new operator.
d. Holds the list
nodes that are no longer in use =!
Which of the following is NOT true for Linked
Lists structures (please select the best choice):
Choice 1. Insertion and deletion are ( 1
Choice 2. Direct access of an item in the list structure is ( n ).
Choice 3. Space
grows with number of elements.
Choice 4. There is no overhead associated with elements in
the list structure
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice 4
Question 57
A sort
algorithm that uses two nested loops with the inner loop moving through the array from bottom to
top is called the:
Select one:
a. Insertion sort
b. Bubble sort
Inversion sort
d. Selection sort
The correct answer is: Bubble
Question 58
For the following code fragment, select the option which
represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
static int function ( n ) {
= 0;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
sum += n;
return sum;
Option 1. Ω( n2
Option 2. Θ ( n )
Option 3. O( log n )
Option 4. O( 2n )
(NOTE: code
fragment is not intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 59
A list is
Select one:
a. An ADT for storing and
retrieving data
b. A tree data structure
c. Finite ordered sequence of data
d. A collection of operations to implement an ADT
The correct answer is:
Finite ordered sequence of data items
Question 60
Push and Pop are notations
associated with which data structure:
Select one:
a. Queue
b. Stack
d. Array
The correct answer is: Stack
Question 61
tree whose internal nodes all have exactly K children is called a K-ary tree.
The correct answer is 'True'.
A compound computed search that combines a binary search to get close to the
required record and then uses sequential search to find the item is referred to as
Select one:
a. Zipf search
b. An Exact match search
c. A Dictionary
d. bit map vector search
The correct answer is: A Dictionary
Question 63
Correctly identify the following heap structure by
selecting the best answer:
Select one:
a. partially ordered heap
max-heap structure
c. priority heap
d. min-heap structure
The correct
answer is: max-heap structure
Question 64
A traversal that visits each node
before visiting its children is called:
Select one:
a. Preorder traversal
Postorder traversal
c. Inorder Traversal
d. Outoforder Traversal
correct answer is: Preorderp
o A node contains one or two keys
o Every internal node
has either 2 children if it contains 1 key or 3 children if it contains two keys
o All
leaves are at the same level in the tree
Is called a/an:
Select one:
b. BST
c. B+-Tree
d. 2-3 tree
The correct answer is: 2-3
Question 66
Select the answer that best defines Huffman
Select one:
a. A set of coding rules that is typically used for
b. A fixed length coding scheme for character representation
c. A tree
structure that trades off space and time requirements to provide a more efficient priority
d. An approach of assigning codes to characters such that the frequency length of
the code depends upon the relative frequency of the corresponding character in
The correct answer is: An approach of assigning codes to characters such that the
frequency length of the code depends upon the relative frequency of the corresponding character
in use
Question 67
A significant benefit to using an index to hold and sort
keys to a file is:
Select one:
a. Smaller keys require less I/O
b. The entire
sort can always be completed in memory
c. The head of the disk drive does not need to
d. There is no seek time added to the latency of I/O operations
correct answer is: Smaller keys require less I/O
Question 68
For the
following code fragment, select the choice which represents the most appropriate asymptotic
static int function ( n ) {
sum = 0;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
sum += n;
return sum;
Choice 1. Ω( n2 )
Choice 2. Θ ( n2
Choice 3. O( log n )
Choice 4. O( n )
(NOTE: code fragment is not intended to
be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice 4
The most time consuming of the following operations on an array based list
implementation is:
Select one:
a. Inserting a new element at position n-1 in the list
where n is the number of elements in the list.
b. Inserting a new element into the head of
the list.
c. Removing an element at position n-1 within the list
d. Removing an
element from the tail of the list.
The correct answer is: Inserting a new element
into the head of the list.
Question 70
For the following code fragment,
select the choice which represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
static int
function ( n ) {
sum = 0;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
sum += n;
Choice 1. Ω( n2 )
Choice 2. Ω( log n2 )
Choice 3. Θ( n log n
Choice 4. O ( n )
(NOTE: code fragment is not intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice 4
Question 71
For the
following code fragment, select the choice which represents the most appropriate asymptotic
function ( n ) {
sum1 = 0;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
for (j=1;
j<=n; j++)
Choice 1. Θ ( n2 )
Choice 2. O( 2n
Choice 3. Θ( n log n )
Choice 4. Ω( log n2 )
(NOTE: code fragment is not
intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 72
A linked list implementation relies upon static memory
allocation where static refers to the requirement to pre-allocate all of the memory that will be
used for the list.
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 73
A sorting algorithm that assigns records to bins and
then relies on some other sorting technique to sort the records within each bin
Select one:
a. Radix Sort
b. Quicksort
c. Hash sort
Bucket sort
The correct answer is: Bucket sort
True/False: The stack data structure is implemented as a LIFO structure (last in
first out)
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 75
True/False: The queue data structure is implemented as
FIFO structure (first in first out)
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 76
Recursion is when
an algorithm uses a series of loop structures to repeat an operation until the answer has been
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 77
Which of the following is NOT one of the design
patterns outlined in our text.
Select one:
a. Flyweight
b. Visitor
d. Synergy
The correct answer is: Synergy
In a stack which option would access the 3rd element from the top of the stack
Option 1. S.push(-1);
Option 2. S.dequeue(-3);
Option 3. S.pop();
Option 4. S.pop(n-3);
Select one:
a. Option 1
Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
The correct answer is: Option
Question 79
For the following code fragment, select the choice which
represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
/** @return The position of an element
in sorted array A with value k. If k is not in A,return A.length. */
static int
binary(int[] A, int k) {
int l = -1; // Set l and r
int r = A.length; // beyond
array bounds
while (l+1 != r) { // Stop when l, r meet
int i = (l+r)/2; // Check
if (k < A[i]) r = i; // In left half
if (k == A[i]) return i; // Found
if (k > A[i]) l = i; // In right half
return A.length; // Search value
not in A
Choice 1. Θ ( n )
Choice 2. O( 2n )
Choice 3. O( log n
Choice 4. Ω( n2 )
(NOTE: code fragment is not intended to be functioning code)
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice
The correct answer is: Choice 3
Question 80
A traversal that
visits the left subtree, then the node, and then the right subtree is called:
a. Preorder Traversal
b. Postorder Traversal
c. Inorder Traversal
d. Outoforder Traversal
The correct answer is: Inorder Traversal
Inserting or removing an item at position n-1 within a linked list has the same
cost in terms ( n ) time as the same operation in an array based implementation of a
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 82
For the following code fragment, select the option that
represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
if (a.length > 0) {
a[a.length - 1];
} else {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
Option 1.
O( 1 )
Option 2. O( 2n )
Option 3. O( n log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option
Explanation: Here n = a.length, and T(n) = 1.
The correct answer is: Option
Question 83
The most significant difference between the B+-Tree and the
BST is that the B+-Tree stores records only at the leaf nodes.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 84
According to
textbook by Shaffer, a heap data structure has two properties which are:
Select one:
a. every node stores a value less than or equal to that of its children and it is a complete
binary tree
b. it is a min-heap and is partially ordered
c. it is a complete binary
tree and the values stored in it are partially ordered
d. it is a priority queue and is in
Θ( n )
The correct answer is: it is a complete binary tree and the values
stored in it are partially ordered
Question 85
For the following code
fragment, select the choice which represents the most appropriate asymptotic
static int function ( n ) {
for (k=0; k<n; k++)
A[k] = k;
return A[k];
Choice 1. Θ ( n log n )
Choice 2. O( 2n )
Choice 3. O(
n )
Choice 4. Ω( n2 )
(NOTE: code fragment is not intended to be functioning
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice 3
Question 86
linear index is an index file organized as a sequence of key/pointer pairs where the keys are in
a sorter order.
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 87
An exchange sort is one where: (select the best
Select one:
a. Records in an unsorted list are moved to a sorted list
b. Adjacent records in the list and compared and exchanged
c. An inversion is
d. The sorting algorithm is said to be stable
The correct answer is:
Adjacent records in the list and compared and exchanged
Question 88
What is
the role of the pivot in a quicksort algorithm?
Select one:
a. It identifies the
maxkey value
b. It specifies the point where the array will be subdivided into partitions
and each partition then sorted
c. It defines the sequence for merging in the sort
It indicates the index of the current record being compared
The correct answer is: It
specifies the point where the array will be subdivided into partitions and each partition then
Question 89
If A={1, 2, 3, 4} and B={4, 5, 6}, find A∪ B
Select one:
a. {1,2,3,4,4,5,6}
b. {4}
c. {x | x is all positive
d. {1,2,3,4,5,6}
The correct answer is:
Question 90
Setting the dirty bit causes what action to be
performed on a block: (select the best answer)
Select one:
a. It is deleted because
it is no longer consistent
b. It flushes or writes the block out to the disk
Refreshes the data by re-reading the block
d. It cleans the cache by flushing all data
from the cache
The correct answer is: It flushes or writes the block out to the
Question 91
Which of the following items is NOT true for Array-Based
Lists (please select the best choice):
Choice 1. Insertion and deletion operations are (
n )
Choice 2. Direct access of an item in the array is ( 1 )
Choice 3. Space used
grows dynamically as the array is populated
Choice 4. Array contains wasted space if array
positions are not full
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice 3
The lower bound for the growth of the Algorithms running time is represented by
(please the best answer):
1. Big Oh (O)
2. Big Omega (Ω)
3. Big Theta
4. Exponential growth
Select one:
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice 2
A sequential tree can be represented using a bit vector?
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 94
list of children approach uses both pointers and an array structure to represent the
Select one:
The correct answer is
Question 95
The upper bound for the growth of the Algorithms running
time is represented by (please select the best answer):
1. Big Oh (O)
2. Big Omega
3. Big Theta (Θ)
4. Exponential growth
Select one:
a. Choice
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
The correct answer is: Choice
Question 96
A traversal of a general tree that traverses the roots
subtrees from left to right, then visits the root is called a preorder traversal.
The correct answer is 'False'.
For the following code fragment, select the most appropriate asymptotic
// Towers of Hanoi
static void solveHanoi(int disks, char fromPole, char
toPole, char withPole) {
if (disks >= 1) {
solveHanoi(disks-1, fromPole,
withPole, toPole);
moveDisk(fromPole, toPole);
solveHanoi(disks-1, withPole, toPole,
static void moveDisk(char fromPole, char toPole) {
Option 1. O( n )
Option 2. O( 2n )
Option 3. O( n log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
Select one:
a. Option 1
b. Option 2
c. Option
d. Option 4
The correct answer is: Option 2
The full binary tree theorem states “the number of leaves in an empty full
binary tree is one more than the number of internal nodes”
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 99
quicksort is typically slower than the heapsort by a constant factor.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 100
sort where the list is divided into halves, the halves sorted and these two halves are merged is
Select one:
a. Mergesort
b. Binary sort
c. Quicksort
The correct answer is: Mergesort
Question 101
important advantage of the sequential tree implementation is that (select the best
Select one:
a. It is an extremely shallow tree
b. The data structure
can be transmitted between computers
c. It saves space because no pointers are
d. It uses dynamic nodes
The correct answer is: It saves space because
no pointers are stored
Question 102
True/False: Big Theta (Θ)
indicates that the Upper and Lower bounds of an algorithm are the same.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 103
solution is said to be efficient if it:
Select one:
a. Solves the problem within the
required resource constraints
b. Executes faster than other solutions
c. Is
completed in the fewest number of steps
d. Can be explained in the context of Big-Oh
The correct answer is: Solves the problem within the required resource
Question 104
A finite set of one or more nodes such that there
is one designated node call the root is a: (select the best answer)
Select one:
Parent root
b. a B+ tree data structure
c. Index
d. Tree
correct answer is: Tree
Question 105
For the following code fragment, select
the option that represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
for (int i = 0; i <
a.length; i++) {
Option 1. O( n )
Option 2.
O( 2n )
Option 3. O( n log n )
Option 4. O( n2 )
Select one:
a. Option
b. Option 2
c. Option 3
d. Option 4
The correct answer is: Option
Question 106
For the following code fragment, select the choice which
represents the most appropriate asymptotic analysis:
function ( n ) {
sum2 = 0;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
for (j=1; j<=i; j++)
1. Ω ( 1 )
Choice 2. O( 2n )
Choice 3. Θ( n2 )
Choice 4. Ω( n2
(NOTE: code fragment is not intended to be functioning code)
a. Choice 1
b. Choice 2
c. Choice 3
d. Choice 4
correct answer is: Choice 3
Using Prim’s Algorithm, determine the minimum spanning tree of the following graph. When you have identified the MST, add together the path weights and submit as your answer.
Please enter a numerical answer only; do not enter any letters or words.
The correct answer is: 12
Question 2
Question text
Using Prim’s Algorithm, determine the minimum spanning tree of the following graph.
Which edge, written in the format of: (startnode, endnode), is NOT included in the minimum spanning tree?
Please enter your answer in the following format: (#,#)
The correct answer is: (1, 8)
Question 3
Question text
Using Prim’s Algorithm, determine the minimum spanning tree of the following graph.
What is the weight of the minimum spanning tree (the sum of the weights of the edges included in the minimum spanning tree)?
Please enter a numerical answer only; do not enter any letters or words.
The correct answer is: 22
Information text
For the following questions, please read this problem statement:
A computer manufacturer must determine what product mix to produce. A server requires 4
CPU’s and 8 Memory modules. A desktop computer requires 1 CPU and 4 Memory modules. Each
server is sold for $1850 and each desktop is sold for $925. The manufacturer must produce a
quantity of both units to keep both lines in production so the quantity of servers and desktops
produced must both be greater than 0.
The manufacturer can only get a supply of 1250
CPU’s and 3800 memory modules due to shortages in the supply chain. Using the Simplex
algorithm, determine the number of servers and desktops that should be built to maximize the
profits of the manufacturer and determine how much revenue will be generated.
Please enter a numerical answer only; do not enter any letters or words. If the answer is a dollar amount, please enter in the following format: $#,###
Question 4
Question text
How many servers should be built?
The correct answer is: 150
Question 5
Question text
How many Desktop computers should be built?
The correct answer is: 650
Question 6
Question text
How much Revenue (money in dollars received by selling the desktops and servers) will be generated?
The correct answer is: $878,750.00
True/False: Dynamic Programming reduces asymptotic complexity by eliminating redundant computations.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 2
Question text
True/False: Recursive routines cannot be used in Dynamic Programming algorithms?
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 3
Question text
Which of the following is NOT one of the main principles of dynamic programming algorithms?
Select one:
The correct answer is: Recursion: implemented as a recursive routine to reduce overhead and improve computational efficiency.
Question 4
Question text
True/False: In a dynamic programming algorithm, we can use a table to store results of sub-problems and then refer to this table to ensure that we don't recomputed those sub-problems.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 5
Question text
True/False: Dynamic programming is a variation of the linear programming model in that it breaks the problem down into smaller problems that are solved using the simplex method?
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 6
Question text
True/False: Dynamic programming is less complex asymptotically but is substantially more complex from a programming perspective?
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
If the characters 'D', 'C', 'B', 'A' are placed in a queue (in that order), and then removed one at a time, in what order will they be removed?
Select one:
The correct answer is: DCBA
Question 2
Question text
What is the big-o complexity of the red line?
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(1)
Question 3
Question text
What is the big-o complexity of the purple line?
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(n²)
Question 4
Question text
True/False: Dijkstra's algorithm finds the shortest paths in a graph from all vertices to a given vertex.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 5
Question text
Which method of traversal does not use stack to hold nodes that are waiting to be processed?
Select one:
The correct answer is: Breadth first
Question 6
Question text
What is the big-o complexity of the green line?
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(n log n)
Question 7
Question text
______ is the time complexity of an algorithm that operates in exponential time. This means that process times doubles with the addition of each data element.
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(2n)
Question 8
Question text
Breadth first search __________.
Select one:
The correct answer is: Scans all incident edges before moving to other node.
Question 9
Question text
What is the Big-Oh complexity of the selection sort?
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(n2)
Question 10
Question text
What will be the Big-Oh complexity to search a balanced binary tree?
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(log n)
Question 11
Question text
What will be the Big-Oh complexity of a linear search?
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(n)
Question 12
Question text
_____ is the time complexity of an algorithm that operates in linear time. The process time changes in the same ratio as the data size.
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(n)
Question 13
Question text
True/False: O(1) is the time complexity of an algorithm that operates in constant time. The process time required stays constant regardless of the data size.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 14
Question text
What is the big-o complexity of the blue line?
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(2n)
Question 15
Question text
Suppose you have a directed graph representing all the flights that an airline flies and the flying times for each connection. What algorithm might be used to find the best sequence of connections from one city to another to minimize the overall time of the flight?
Select one:
The correct answer is: A shortest-path algorithm.
Question 16
Question text
What will be the Big-Oh complexity to traverse a linked list?
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(n)
Which of the following is NOT one of the steps used in a Divide-and-conquer algorithm to solve a problem?
Select one:
The correct answer is: Exhaustively searching every potential path of the problem to identify all solution candidates
Question 2
Question text
True/False: Amortized analysis allows for the establishment of a worst-case bound for the performance of an algorithm irrespective of the inputs by looking at all of the operations.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
True/False: Is ?
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 2
Question text
Select one:
The correct answer is: Θ()
Question 3
Question text
What is the Asymptotic complexity of a binary search given the code below and the following recursion equation:
// initially called with low = 0, high = N - 1
BinarySearch_Right(A[0..N-1], value, low,
high) {
// invariants: value >= A[i] for all i < low
value < A[i] for all i
> high
if (high < low)
return low
mid = (low + high) / 2
(A[mid] > value)
return BinarySearch_Right(A, value, low, mid-1)
return BinarySearch_Right(A, value, mid+1, high)
Select one:
The correct answer is:
Question 4
Question text
Given the following algorithm, what is the number of fundamental instructions that this routine will execute if the value of n is 4?
var M = A[ 0 ];
for ( var i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
if ( A[ i ] >= M ) {
M = A[ i ];
Select one:
The correct answer is: 4+2n
Question 5
Question text
True/False: A Boolean variable can take on only 1 value.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 6
Question text
Which of the following is NOT a property of logarithms?
Select one:
The correct answer is:
Question 7
Question text
True/False: An algorithm is a well-defined sequence of steps used to solve a well-defined problem in finite time.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 8
Question text
True/False: The running time of an algorithm is the number of instructions it executes when run on a particular instance.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 9
Question text
True/False: An algorithm is a well-defined sequence of steps used to solve a well-defined problem in an infinite number of steps.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 10
Question text
True/False: The backtracking algorithm treats the solution space as a graph and follows a path to conclusion to find a solution to a problem. The algorithm may 'backtrack' by reversing up to previous branches in a tree and try all branches to find the solution.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 11
Question text
The Backtracking algorithm implements the following search?
Select one:
The correct answer is: Depth First Search
Given the following algorithm, what is the number of fundamental instructions that this routine will execute if the value of n is 4?
var M = A[ 0 ];
for ( var i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
if ( A[ i ] >= M ) {
M = A[ i ];
Select one:
The correct answer is: 4+2n
Question 2
Question text
Suppose you have a directed graph representing all the flights that an airline flies and the flying times for each connection. What algorithm might be used to find the best sequence of connections from one city to another to minimize the overall time of the flight?
Select one:
The correct answer is: A shortest-path algorithm.
Question 3
Question text
What is the big-o complexity of the red line?
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(1)
Question 4
Question text
What is the big-o complexity of the purple line?
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(n²)
Question 5
Question text
True/False: According to our reading assignments, circuit satisfiability is a good example of a problem that we don't know how to solve in polynomial time.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 6
Question text
Breadth first search __________.
Select one:
The correct answer is: Scans all incident edges before moving to other node.
Question 7
Question text
What will be the Big-Oh complexity to traverse a linked list?
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(n)
Question 8
Question text
In the following graph what do the circles represent?
Select one:
The correct answer is: Vertices
Question 9
Question text
True/False: A graph with edges that point in such a way that one could follow such directed edges and visit the same vertex again, as is illustrated in the following diagram is a graph that is said to have or be:
Select one:
The correct answer is: Cyclic or cycles
Question 10
Question text
True/False: A Boolean variable can take on only 1 value.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 11
Question text
Using Prim’s Algorithm, determine the minimum spanning tree of the following graph.
Which edge, written in the format of: (startnode, endnode), is NOT included in the minimum spanning tree?
Please enter your answer in the following format: (#,#)
The correct answer is: (1, 8)
Question 12
Question text
Which method of traversal does not use stack to hold nodes that are waiting to be processed?
Select one:
The correct answer is: Breadth first
Question 13
Question text
How many Desktop computers should be built?
The correct answer is: 650
Question 14
Question text
True/False: Dynamic Programming reduces asymptotic complexity by eliminating redundant computations.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 15
Question text
True/False: In a dynamic programming algorithm, we can use a table to store results of sub-problems and then refer to this table to ensure that we don't recomputed those sub-problems.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 16
Question text
Consider: A farmer can plant up to 8 acres of land with wheat and barley. He can earn $5,000 for every acre he plants with wheat and $3,000 for every acre he plants with barley. His use of a necessary pesticide is limited by federal regulations to 10 gallons for his entire 8 acres. Wheat requires 2 gallons of pesticide for every acre planted and barley requires just 1 gallon per acre. Problem: What is the maximum profit he can make? Assumptions: let x = the number of acres of wheat and let y = the number of acres of barley. Which of the following is a valid constraint for this problem?
Select one:
The correct answer is: y <= 10 - 2x
Question 17
Question text
True/False: In a linear programming problem there can be no more than 3 constraints:
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 18
Question text
True/False: Let T be a minimum spanning tree of G. Then, for any pair of vertices s and t, the shortest path from s to T is G is the path from s to t in T.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 19
Question text
______ is the time complexity of an algorithm that operates in exponential time. This means that process times doubles with the addition of each data element.
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(2n)
Question 20
Question text
True/False: O(1) is the time complexity of an algorithm that operates in constant time. The process time required stays constant regardless of the data size.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 21
Question text
True/False: Linear programming is used primarily to solve problems of optimization?
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 22
Question text
Which of the following is NOT one of the main principles of dynamic programming algorithms?
Select one:
The correct answer is: Recursion: implemented as a recursive routine to reduce overhead and improve computational efficiency.
Question 23
Question text
A process that is designed to visit every vertex in a graph is known as a:
Select one:
The correct answer is: Graph traversal
Question 24
Question text
Which of the following is NOT one of the steps used in a Divide-and-conquer algorithm to solve a problem?
Select one:
The correct answer is: Exhaustively searching every potential path of the problem to identify all solution candidates
Question 25
Question text
True/False: The backtracking algorithm treats the solution space as a graph and follows a path to conclusion to find a solution to a problem. The algorithm may 'backtrack' by reversing up to previous branches in a tree and try all branches to find the solution.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 26
Question text
Consider the following figure:
Select one:
The correct answer is: Pivot column
Question 27
Question text
True/False: In linear programming a constraint must be represented as a inequality.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 28
Question text
Linear programming problems can be solved using which of the following:
Select one:
The correct answer is: Simplex method
Question 29
Question text
True/False: The running time of an algorithm is the number of instructions it executes when run on a particular instance.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 30
Question text
What term best describes this graph?
Select one:
The correct answer is: Undirected Graph
Question 31
Question text
What is the Asymptotic complexity of a binary search given the code below and the following recursion equation:
// initially called with low = 0, high = N - 1
BinarySearch_Right(A[0..N-1], value, low,
high) {
// invariants: value >= A[i] for all i < low
value < A[i] for all i
> high
if (high < low)
return low
mid = (low + high) / 2
(A[mid] > value)
return BinarySearch_Right(A, value, low, mid-1)
return BinarySearch_Right(A, value, mid+1, high)
Select one:
The correct answer is:
Question 32
Question text
True/False: A reduction is solving problem A using problem B where an algorithm for B exists (for example redefining an optimization problem as a search problem).
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
True/False: In linear programming, either the constraints or the optimization criteria must be linear functions.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 2
Question text
True/False: An algorithm is a well-defined sequence of steps used to solve a well-defined problem in an infinite number of steps.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 3
Question text
True/False: Is ?
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 4
Question text
What will be the Big-Oh complexity to search a balanced binary tree?
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(log n)
Question 5
Question text
Consider the following figure:
Select one:
The correct answer is: The optimal solution
Question 6
Question text
True/False: Recursive routines cannot be used in Dynamic Programming algorithms?
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 7
Question text
True/False: Linear programming is an excellent approach for optimization problems where the objective function graphs as a curvilinear line.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 8
Question text
_____ is the time complexity of an algorithm that operates in linear time. The process time changes in the same ratio as the data size.
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(n)
Question 9
Question text
What term best describes this graph?
Select one:
The correct answer is: Undirected Graph
Question 10
Question text
True/False: NP is the set of decision problems that can be solved in polynomial time.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 11
Question text
According to the Cook-Levin Theorem, Circuit satisfiability is:
Select one:
The correct answer is: NP-Complete
Question 12
Question text
The Backtracking algorithm implements the following search?
Select one:
The correct answer is: Depth First Search
Question 13
Question text
Using Prim’s Algorithm, determine the minimum spanning tree of the following graph.
What is the weight of the minimum spanning tree (the sum of the weights of the edges included in the minimum spanning tree)?
Please enter a numerical answer only; do not enter any letters or words.
The correct answer is: 22
Question 14
Question text
Select one:
The correct answer is: Θ()
Question 15
Question text
What is the Big-Oh complexity of the selection sort?
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(n2)
Question 16
Question text
True/False: A graph is a set of vertices and a set of edges such that each edge is a connection between a pair of vertices.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 17
Question text
Which of the following is NOT a property of logarithms?
Select one:
The correct answer is:
Question 18
Question text
How many servers should be built?
The correct answer is: 150
Question 19
Question text
In a linear programming problem, a statement such as max x1 + 6x2 represents:
Select one:
The correct answer is: The Objective function
Question 20
Question text
True/False: A graph with numbers or letters on the vertices is called a labeled graph.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 21
Question text
True/False: Amortized analysis allows for the establishment of a worst-case bound for the performance of an algorithm irrespective of the inputs by looking at all of the operations.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 22
Question text
If the characters 'D', 'C', 'B', 'A' are placed in a queue (in that order), and then removed one at a time, in what order will they be removed?
Select one:
The correct answer is: DCBA
Question 23
Question text
True/False: A graph with edges that have no directional indication as in the following diagram is called a uni-directed graph.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 24
Question text
Consider the following figure. What does the region that is shaded represent?
Select one:
The correct answer is: The Feasible region
Question 25
Question text
True/False: Dynamic programming is a variation of the linear programming model in that it breaks the problem down into smaller problems that are solved using the simplex method?
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 26
Question text
What is the big-o complexity of the blue line?
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(2n)
Question 27
Question text
What is the big-o complexity of the green line?
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(n log n)
Question 28
Question text
In a linear programming problem assuming the Simplex Method the following is known as:
Select one:
The correct answer is: The Tableau
Question 29
Question text
What term best describes this graph?
Select one:
The correct answer is: Directed Acyclic Graph
Question 30
Question text
True/False: Dynamic programming is less complex asymptotically but is substantially more complex from a programming perspective?
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 31
Question text
What will be the Big-Oh complexity of a linear search?
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(n)
Question 32
Question text
True/False: Dijkstra's algorithm finds the shortest paths in a graph from all vertices to a given vertex.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Which of the following is NOT a property of logarithms?
Select one:
The correct answer is:
Question 2
Question text
True/False: O(1) is the time complexity of an algorithm that operates in constant time. The process time required stays constant regardless of the data size.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 3
Question text
True/False: The Simplex method is important for computer programming, as the need for processing power is significantly lower when using it as opposed to other methods.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 4
Question text
_____ is the time complexity of an algorithm that operates in linear time. The process time changes in the same ratio as the data size.
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(n)
Question 5
Question text
Which of the following is NOT one of the main principles of dynamic programming algorithms?
Select one:
The correct answer is: Recursion: implemented as a recursive routine to reduce overhead and improve computational efficiency.
Question 6
Question text
True/False: Dijkstra's algorithm finds the shortest paths in a graph from all vertices to a given vertex.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 7
Question text
True/False: The backtracking algorithm treats the solution space as a graph and follows a path to conclusion to find a solution to a problem. The algorithm may 'backtrack' by reversing up to previous branches in a tree and try all branches to find the solution.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 8
Question text
What is the Asymptotic complexity of a binary search given the code below and the following recursion equation:
// initially called with low = 0, high = N - 1
BinarySearch_Right(A[0..N-1], value, low,
high) {
// invariants: value >= A[i] for all i < low
value < A[i] for all i
> high
if (high < low)
return low
mid = (low + high) / 2
(A[mid] > value)
return BinarySearch_Right(A, value, low, mid-1)
return BinarySearch_Right(A, value, mid+1, high)
Select one:
The correct answer is:
Question 9
Question text
True/False: Is ?
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 10
Question text
Consider the following figure. What does the region that is shaded represent?
Select one:
The correct answer is: The Feasible region
Question 11
Question text
Which method of traversal does not use stack to hold nodes that are waiting to be processed?
Select one:
The correct answer is: Breadth first
Question 12
Question text
True/False: Dynamic programming is a variation of the linear programming model in that it breaks the problem down into smaller problems that are solved using the simplex method?
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 13
Question text
What will be the Big-Oh complexity of a linear search?
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(n)
Question 14
Question text
How much Revenue (money in dollars received by selling the desktops and servers) will be generated?
The correct answer is: $878,750.00
Question 15
Question text
What will be the Big-Oh complexity to traverse a linked list?
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(n)
Question 16
Question text
True/False: Linear programming is an excellent approach for optimization problems where the objective function graphs as a curvilinear line.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 17
Question text
True/False: Amortized analysis allows for the establishment of a worst-case bound for the performance of an algorithm irrespective of the inputs by looking at all of the operations.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 18
Question text
Breadth first search __________.
Select one:
The correct answer is: Scans all incident edges before moving to other node.
Question 19
Question text
Consider the following figure:
Select one:
The correct answer is: Pivot column
Question 20
Question text
Using Prim’s Algorithm, determine the minimum spanning tree of the following graph.
What is the weight of the minimum spanning tree (the sum of the weights of the edges included in the minimum spanning tree)?
Please enter a numerical answer only; do not enter any letters or words.
The correct answer is: 22
Question 21
Question text
Using Prim’s Algorithm, determine the minimum spanning tree of the following graph. When you have identified the MST, add together the path weights and submit as your answer.
Please enter a numerical answer only; do not enter any letters or words.
The correct answer is: 12
Question 22
Question text
In the following graph what do the circles represent?
Select one:
The correct answer is: Vertices
Question 23
Question text
True/False: Dynamic programming is less complex asymptotically but is substantially more complex from a programming perspective?
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 24
Question text
True/False: Let T be a minimum spanning tree of G. Then, for any pair of vertices s and t, the shortest path from s to T is G is the path from s to t in T.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 25
Question text
True/False: Linear programming is used primarily to solve problems of optimization?
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 26
Question text
What is the big-o complexity of the green line?
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(n log n)
Question 27
Question text
True/False: A graph is a set of vertices and a set of edges such that each edge is a connection between a pair of vertices.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 28
Question text
True/False: A graph with edges that point in such a way that one could follow such directed edges and visit the same vertex again, as is illustrated in the following diagram is a graph that is said to have or be:
Select one:
The correct answer is: Cyclic or cycles
Question 29
Question text
True/False: A graph with numbers or letters on the vertices is called a labeled graph.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 30
Question text
According to the Cook-Levin Theorem, Circuit satisfiability is:
Select one:
The correct answer is: NP-Complete
Question 31
Question text
True/False: NP is the set of decision problems that can be solved in polynomial time.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 32
Question text
True/False: An algorithm is a well-defined sequence of steps used to solve a well-defined problem in finite time.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
True/False: In a dynamic programming algorithm, we can use a table to store results of sub-problems and then refer to this table to ensure that we don't recomputed those sub-problems.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 2
Question text
How many Desktop computers should be built?
The correct answer is: 650
Question 3
Question text
True/False: A reduction is solving problem A using problem B where an algorithm for B exists (for example redefining an optimization problem as a search problem).
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 4
Question text
What will be the Big-Oh complexity to search a balanced binary tree?
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(log n)
Question 5
Question text
What term best describes this graph?
Select one:
The correct answer is: Directed Acyclic Graph
Question 6
Question text
True/False: The running time of an algorithm is the number of instructions it executes when run on a particular instance.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 7
Question text
What is the Big-Oh complexity of the selection sort?
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(n2)
Question 8
Question text
True/False: A graph with edges that have no directional indication as in the following diagram is called a uni-directed graph.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 9
Question text
True/False: Recursive routines cannot be used in Dynamic Programming algorithms?
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 10
Question text
Suppose you have a directed graph representing all the flights that an airline flies and the flying times for each connection. What algorithm might be used to find the best sequence of connections from one city to another to minimize the overall time of the flight?
Select one:
The correct answer is: A shortest-path algorithm.
Question 11
Question text
Select one:
The correct answer is: Θ()
Question 12
Question text
A process that is designed to visit every vertex in a graph is known as a:
Select one:
The correct answer is: Graph traversal
Question 13
Question text
True/False: A graph is a set of vertices and a set of edges such that each edge is a connection between a pair of vertices.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 14
Question text
What is the big-o complexity of the blue line?
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(2n)
Question 15
Question text
True/False: Dynamic Programming reduces asymptotic complexity by eliminating redundant computations.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 16
Question text
In a linear programming problem, a statement such as max x1 + 6x2 represents:
Select one:
The correct answer is: The Objective function
Question 17
Question text
Linear programming problems can be solved using which of the following:
Select one:
The correct answer is: Simplex method
Question 18
Question text
Consider the following figure:
Select one:
The correct answer is: The optimal solution
Question 19
Question text
What is the big-o complexity of the red line?
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(1)
Question 20
Question text
True/False: An algorithm is a well-defined sequence of steps used to solve a well-defined problem in finite time.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 21
Question text
In a linear programming problem assuming the Simplex Method the following is known as:
Select one:
The correct answer is: The Tableau
Question 22
Question text
What is the big-o complexity of the purple line?
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(n²)
Question 23
Question text
True/False: In linear programming a constraint must be represented as a inequality.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 24
Question text
True/False: A graph with numbers or letters on the vertices is called a labeled graph.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 25
Question text
Which of the following is NOT one of the steps used in a Divide-and-conquer algorithm to solve a problem?
Select one:
The correct answer is: Exhaustively searching every potential path of the problem to identify all solution candidates
Question 26
Question text
______ is the time complexity of an algorithm that operates in exponential time. This means that process times doubles with the addition of each data element.
Select one:
The correct answer is: O(2n)
Question 27
Question text
If the characters 'D', 'C', 'B', 'A' are placed in a queue (in that order), and then removed one at a time, in what order will they be removed?
Select one:
The correct answer is: DCBA
Question 28
Question text
The Backtracking algorithm implements the following search?
Select one:
The correct answer is: Depth First Search
Question 29
Question text
How much Revenue (money in dollars received by selling the desktops and servers) will be generated?
The correct answer is: $878,750.00
Question 30
Question text
Given the following algorithm, what is the number of fundamental instructions that this routine will execute if the value of n is 4?
var M = A[ 0 ];
for ( var i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
if ( A[ i ] >= M ) {
M = A[ i ];
Select one:
The correct answer is: 4+2n
Question 31
Question text
True/False: According to our reading assignments, circuit satisfiability is a good example of a problem that we don't know how to solve in polynomial time.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 32
Question text
Using Prim’s Algorithm, determine the minimum spanning tree of the following graph. When you have identified the MST, add together the path weights and submit as your answer.
Please enter a numerical answer only; do not enter any letters or words.
The correct answer is: 12
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