easy research topics

Quick and Easy research topics for beginners to try in 2023

Are you searching for easy research topics? If yes, then your search ends here with the best ever guide on easy research topics that you should try in 2023.

Research is an essential component of the academic and professional world. It provides an opportunity to explore and expand our understanding of a topic, issue, or phenomenon. However, choosing a research topic can be a challenging task, especially for beginners or those with limited experience. In this blog post, we will define what easy research topics are and discuss why it is crucial to choose an easy research topic. We will also outline the purpose of this post.

Definition of easy research topics

Table of Contents

Easy research topics refer to topics that are simple, straightforward, and relatively easy to research. These topics are generally broad and do not require extensive knowledge or technical expertise. They are often popular and familiar topics that have been studied before, and there is already a significant amount of information available on them. Examples of easy research topics include the effects of social media on mental health, the impact of climate change on agriculture, or the benefits of exercise on physical health.

Importance of choosing an easy research topic

Choosing an easy research topic can be beneficial for several reasons. First, it can help beginners or those with limited research experience to build their confidence and skills. Starting with a straightforward and well-researched topic can be a stepping stone towards more complex research projects.

Second, easy research topics are often popular and relevant, which means there is already a significant amount of information available on them. This can save time and effort in the research process and enable the researcher to focus on analyzing and interpreting the data.

Finally, easy research topics can be useful for generating new insights and ideas, even if they have been studied before. By approaching a familiar topic from a new perspective, researchers can contribute to the existing body of knowledge and advance the field.

Easy Research Topics

Have a close look at easy research topics.

Social Sciences

Have a close look at easy research topics based on social sciences.

The effects of social media on mental health

Social media has become a ubiquitous part of modern life, and research suggests that excessive use of social media can lead to negative impacts on mental health. Studies have found associations between social media use and depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Exploring this topic in a science fair project could involve designing and conducting surveys or experiments to investigate the relationship between social media use and mental health outcomes.

The impact of exercise on stress levels

Exercise is a well-known way to reduce stress, but the exact mechanisms through which exercise exerts its effects are still being explored. A science fair project on this topic could involve designing and conducting experiments to investigate the impact of different types and durations of exercise on stress levels, as well as exploring the underlying biological and psychological mechanisms involved.

The relationship between poverty and crime

This is a complex and multifaceted topic that has been studied extensively in the field of criminology. A science fair project on this topic could involve analyzing data on crime rates and poverty levels in different communities, as well as conducting surveys or experiments to explore the psychological and social factors that contribute to the relationship between poverty and crime.

The effectiveness of mindfulness meditation in reducing anxiety

Mindfulness meditation has become an increasingly popular technique for reducing anxiety, but its effectiveness has not been fully established. A science fair project on this topic could involve designing and conducting experiments to investigate the impact of mindfulness meditation on anxiety levels, as well as exploring the underlying physiological and psychological mechanisms involved.

The role of gender in career choice and job satisfaction

Despite progress in recent years, there are still significant gender disparities in many career fields. A science fair project on this topic could involve analyzing data on gender ratios in different career fields, as well as conducting surveys or experiments to investigate the psychological and social factors that influence gender differences in career choice and job satisfaction.

The effects of income inequality on social mobility

Income inequality has been increasing in many countries around the world, and research suggests that it can have negative impacts on social mobility. A science fair project on this topic could involve analyzing data on income inequality and social mobility in different communities or countries, as well as exploring the underlying social and economic factors that contribute to the relationship between income inequality and social mobility.

The effects of music on mood and productivity

Music has been shown to have a variety of effects on mood and cognitive performance, but the mechanisms through which it exerts these effects are still not fully understood. A science fair project on this topic could involve designing and conducting experiments to investigate the impact of different types of music on mood and productivity, as well as exploring the underlying neurological and psychological mechanisms involved.

The impact of technology on interpersonal communication

The proliferation of technology has dramatically changed the way that people communicate with each other, and research suggests that it can have both positive and negative impacts on interpersonal communication. A science fair project on this topic could involve conducting surveys or experiments to investigate the impact of different types of technology (such as social media or video conferencing) on interpersonal communication, as well as exploring the underlying psychological and social factors involved.

The role of social norms in decision making

Social norms are unwritten rules that govern behavior in different social contexts, and they can have a powerful impact on decision making. A science fair project on this topic could involve designing and conducting experiments to investigate the impact of social norms on decision making in different contexts, as well as exploring the underlying psychological and social factors involved.

The relationship between social identity and prejudice

Social identity refers to the groups that people belong to (such as race, ethnicity, gender, or religion), and research suggests that social identity can play a significant role in the development of prejudice and discrimination. 

Natural Sciences

Have a close look at easy research topics based on natural sciences.

The effects of caffeine on the human body

This project could explore the various physiological effects that caffeine has on the human body, including its effects on heart rate, blood pressure, and mood. The project could also examine the long-term effects of caffeine consumption on health.

The benefits of meditation for physical and mental health

This project could explore the physical and mental benefits of meditation, including its effects on stress, anxiety, and blood pressure. The project could also investigate the impact of different meditation techniques on health outcomes.

The impact of climate change on ecosystems

This project could explore the effects of climate change on various ecosystems, including the changes in temperature, precipitation, and biodiversity. The project could also investigate the impact of climate change on food webs and the relationships between different species.

The role of genetics in obesity

This project could investigate the genetic factors that contribute to obesity, including the role of genes in regulating appetite, metabolism, and energy balance. The project could also explore the impact of environmental factors on obesity, such as diet and exercise.

The effect of music on plant growth

This project could investigate the impact of different types of music on plant growth, including the effects of different genres, tempos, and volumes. The project could also explore the underlying mechanisms by which music affects plant growth.

The impact of pollution on the quality of air and water

This project could investigate the impact of different types of pollution on the quality of air and water, including the effects of pollutants on human health and ecosystems. The project could also explore ways to reduce pollution and improve air and water quality.

The relationship between exercise and cardiovascular health

This project could investigate the relationship between different types of exercise and cardiovascular health, including the effects of aerobic exercise, resistance training, and stretching on heart health. The project could also explore the underlying mechanisms by which exercise affects cardiovascular health.

The impact of different types of fertilizer on plant growth

This project could investigate the impact of different types of fertilizer on plant growth, including the effects of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium on plant health. The project could also explore the environmental impact of different types of fertilizer.

The effect of temperature on the rate of chemical reactions

This project could investigate the impact of temperature on the rate of chemical reactions, including the effects of temperature on the activation energy and reaction rate. The project could also explore the impact of different factors, such as catalysts, on the rate of chemical reactions.

Investigating the properties of different types of soil

This project could investigate the physical and chemical properties of different types of soil, including their texture, nutrient content, and water-holding capacity. The project could also explore the impact of soil properties on plant growth and ecosystem health.


Have a close look at easy research topics based on humanities.

The portrayal of gender roles in media

This topic focuses on how media represents gender and gender roles in different forms of media, such as TV shows, movies, and advertising. It can examine how media contributes to gender stereotypes and how media can affect gender identity and expectations.

The effects of art therapy on mental health

Art therapy involves using creative activities such as drawing, painting, and sculpture as a way to promote healing and improve mental health. This topic can explore the effectiveness of art therapy in treating mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

The impact of historical events on contemporary culture

Historical events can shape contemporary culture in many ways, from influencing social norms and values to inspiring art and literature. This topic can investigate how specific historical events have influenced contemporary culture, such as the Civil Rights Movement, World War II, or the feminist movement.

The role of language in shaping cultural identity

Language is a crucial aspect of culture and can play a significant role in shaping cultural identity. This topic can examine how language reflects and shapes cultural identity, how language differences can lead to social and political conflicts, and how language can be used to maintain cultural traditions.

The influence of religion on politics and society

Religion has played a significant role in shaping politics and society throughout history. This topic can investigate the relationship between religion and politics, including how religious beliefs can influence political decision-making and how political and social issues can affect religious beliefs and practices.

The portrayal of mental illness in literature and media

Mental illness is a common theme in literature and media, but it can be portrayed in many different ways. This topic can explore how mental illness is depicted in literature and media, how these depictions can affect public perceptions of mental illness, and how accurate or stigmatizing these portrayals are.

The impact of social media on language and communication

Social media has had a significant impact on the way people communicate, from the use of emojis to the creation of new words and phrases. This topic can investigate how social media has changed language and communication and how it affects social interaction and relationships.

The effects of globalization on cultural identity

Globalization has brought people and cultures closer together, but it has also led to concerns about the loss of cultural identity. This topic can explore how globalization affects cultural identity, including the spread of global culture and the impact on local traditions and customs.

The effects of censorship on artistic expression

Censorship can limit the freedom of artistic expression and creativity, but it can also be used to protect social values and cultural norms. This topic can examine the impact of censorship on artistic expression and creativity, including the role of censorship in different cultural and political contexts.

The role of storytelling in preserving cultural traditions

Storytelling is a traditional way of passing down cultural knowledge, values, and traditions from one generation to another. This topic can investigate the role of storytelling in preserving cultural traditions and the ways in which storytelling has evolved with technological advances and changes in society.

Also Read: Exploring Google Scholar Research Topics: Tips and Strategies

Interdisciplinary Studies

Have a close look at easy research topics based on interdisciplinary studies.

The relationship between nutrition and mental health

This topic could explore the connection between diet and mental health, and how certain foods or dietary patterns might affect mood, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. It could also examine the impact of nutritional deficiencies on mental health.

The role of technology in modern healthcare

This topic could investigate the use of technology in healthcare, such as telemedicine, wearable devices, electronic health records, and artificial intelligence. It could also explore the potential benefits and challenges of integrating technology into healthcare systems.

The impact of globalization on cultural identity

This topic could examine how globalization has influenced the cultural identities of different communities around the world. It could explore the ways in which cultural practices and traditions have been adapted or changed in response to globalization, and the potential consequences of these changes.

The effects of bilingualism on cognitive development

This topic could investigate the cognitive benefits of bilingualism, such as improved problem-solving skills and increased creativity. It could also explore the potential challenges of bilingualism, such as language interference and the impact of language proficiency on cognitive development.

The benefits and drawbacks of remote work for employees and employers

This topic could explore the advantages and disadvantages of remote work, such as increased flexibility, reduced commuting time and costs, and potential social isolation. It could also examine the impact of remote work on employee productivity and job satisfaction, as well as the challenges faced by employers in managing remote teams.

The relationship between education and income inequality

This topic could examine the ways in which education and income inequality are related, such as the impact of education on social mobility and economic opportunity. It could also explore the potential consequences of unequal access to education, such as disparities in health outcomes and reduced social cohesion.

The intersection of religion and politics in contemporary society

This topic could investigate the relationship between religion and politics, and how religious beliefs and values can influence political views and policies. It could also explore the challenges of balancing religious freedom and equality, and the potential consequences of religious conflicts and tensions in society.

The ethical considerations of artificial intelligence in healthcare

This topic could explore the ethical challenges of using artificial intelligence in healthcare, such as the potential for bias, the impact on privacy and data protection, and the potential consequences of decisions made by AI systems.

The impact of urbanization on the environment and public health

This topic could examine the environmental and public health consequences of rapid urbanization, such as air pollution, water pollution, and increased risk of infectious diseases. It could also explore potential solutions to these problems, such as urban planning and sustainable development.

The effects of climate change on human migration patterns: This topic could investigate the impact of climate change on human migration, such as the displacement of populations due to natural disasters, droughts, and other climate-related events. It could also explore the potential consequences of these migration patterns on social, economic, and political systems.

Tips for Choosing an Easy Research Topic

Have a close look at the tips for choosing easy research topics.

Consider your interests and passions

When choosing a research topic, it is important to consider your interests and passions. This will make the research process more enjoyable and engaging, and you are likely to put in more effort and produce a better outcome. Think about topics that you have always been curious about, or subjects that you have a natural inclination towards.

Narrow down your topic to a specific research question

Once you have identified a general area of interest, it is important to narrow down your topic to a specific research question. This will help you focus your research and ensure that your project has a clear and defined scope. Your research question should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

Look for existing research to build upon

It is important to review existing research in your chosen area of interest. This will help you identify gaps in the research, and opportunities to build on previous work. You can use online databases, such as Google Scholar or academic journals, to search for research articles and publications.

Seek guidance from your professor or research mentor

If you are struggling to choose an easy research topic, seek guidance from your professor or research mentor. They can offer valuable insights and advice, and may be able to direct you towards existing research or help you refine your research question. Additionally, they can help you stay on track and ensure that you are meeting the necessary requirements for your project.


In conclusion, choosing an easy research topic is crucial to the success of any research project. By considering your interests and passions, narrowing down your topic to a specific research question, looking for existing research to build upon, and seeking guidance from your professor or research mentor, you can find a topic that is both interesting and manageable.

Remember, the purpose of research is to learn something new and contribute to knowledge, so don’t be afraid to dive in and start exploring your chosen topic. Good luck!

If you want to suggest us any other easy research topics then comment down below.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes a research topic easy?

An easy research topic is one that is clear, focused, and manageable within the scope of your resources and timeline. It should be well-defined, and not too broad or too narrow. It should also be interesting and relevant to your field of study.

Should I choose a topic I am already familiar with?

It can be helpful to choose a topic you are familiar with, but it is also important to challenge yourself and explore new areas of research. You can also use your prior knowledge to guide your research and develop new insights.

How do I narrow down a broad topic?

Start by breaking down your broad topic into sub-topics or specific research questions. You can also use existing research or literature to guide you in narrowing down your focus.

How do I find existing research on my topic?

You can use online databases, such as Google Scholar or academic journals, to search for existing research on your topic. You can also consult with your professor or research mentor for recommendations on relevant literature.

What if I am having trouble choosing a topic?

If you are having trouble choosing a topic, try brainstorming ideas with a classmate or research mentor. You can also seek inspiration from current events or recent developments in your field of study.

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