how to manage time as astudent

How to Manage Time as a Student

Organization and the management of time is an important factor for students in their work, on mistaking pass marks as well as the levels of stress they attain and other aspects of well-being. Studying, working, sports, hobbies, friends, and family – it is always difficult to divide time into equal parts. But it is possible to gain control over time and, in the process, improve work efficiency and increase the quality of the time available. In this blog, I am going to share useful tips for students on how to manage time as a student.

The Importance of Time Management

However, it will be proper first to appreciate why every student needs to manage their time effectively as follows: Time management enables the students to manage their time well, so as to enable them to accomplish more work within limited time and energy. Further, it assists in the reduction of stress; having a timetable means that there is little stress from the many compressed days just before an examination or non-completion of work. Also, organization means increased performance and better comprehension of classes. 

Here are ten important tips on how to manage time as a student

1. Evaluating Your Present Time Management Ability

The first goal in effective time management is always to evaluate various practices. Reflect on how you currently spend your time by asking yourself questions such as: What do I spend more time doing? Do I tend to turn in my assignments past the due date? What about doing research? Do I often delay? Time spent studying and its efficiency or to those questions that I need to answer during studying, for example: How much time is devoted to studying? In this way, answering these questions, you can find out the issues to address and develop a learning strategy that meets your requirements.

2. Setting Clear Goals

Every business person needs to note that clear and specific goals form the basic framework for managing time. Consider using the SMART criteria for goal setting: SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. For instance, instead of making general and universal goals such as ‘I wish to get better grades in mathematics,’ you make a conditional and realistic goal like ‘I shall solve at least ten math problems every day.’ It also serves to make your goals more achievable and aligned to your overall academic goals.

3. It will thus be necessary to give more structure to your schedule.

A schedule is one of the best techniques that can be used in the management of time. To plan yourself properly, buy a planner, be it online or the traditional paper type, to enable you to balance the assignments, exams and various due dates. There are many apps ranging from Google Calendar, Todoist or Trello, or if one wants to go classic, the good old-fashioned paper calendar. Further, divide your day into blocks of activities or tasks you wish to accomplish during that specific part of the day. For example, set time for studying, going to class, exercising and perhaps fun. It affirms a singular direction is followed to avoid cases of multitasking which are unproductive.

Read More: 10 Essential Mental Health Tips For University Students

4. Prioritizing Tasks

Task management is also important and that involves prioritizing between tasks. Sort tasks according to urgency and relevance by creating the prioritisation matrix low urgent-high important. Urgent and important things should be done as soon as possible While important but non-urgent tasks include steps towards our goals. On the other hand, things that are important but not urgent can usually be delegated, and things that are both Important and Un urgent can be reduced or eliminated. When you prioritize tasks, it helps you to know what should be accomplished first and what can wait.

5. Combatting Procrastination

Time wastage or lack of focus is a well-known problem with learners, although there are powerful tools to address this problem. The first is to divide a large task into many sub-tasks, which makes large projects seem less daunting. For example, if you have a research paper to write, break it down into sections such as choosing the topic, conducting the research, developing an outline, and actually writing the paper.

 Also, if available, setting short time limits for tasks should also be conducted. Taking an example of the Pomodoro Technique, this entails working for 25 minutes on a task, putting into consideration non-interruption and then a 5-minute break. With this method, one can easily concentrate and even make tabling and other such tasks appear less onerous.

6. Eliminating Distractions

Another factor of time management is avoiding anything that can act like a distraction and, therefore, should not be a concern. Un ambit revisite discursif est un endroits ou vous etudier et quel milieu favorise la concentration. If anything on social media or your phone distracts you, you can find applications that lock specific sites during study time.

7. Balancing Academic and Personal Life

Education is important, but free time is also important. Hence, there needs to be a balance between school work and personal activities. Thus, the reach for free time and getting a schedule for hobbies and recreation, as free time must be recovered if the mind is to be rested. For instance, active participation in activities one likes is likely to reduce stress and promote a healthy attitude towards life. 

Also, know when to decline other tasks, which might help overload you or take most time away from school work. [C]ertainly, one would need to split their time, attention and energy effectively so that he or she would not get overwhelmed easily.

8. Leading a Healthy Life

Many a times, work is disciplined by how healthy ones lifestyle is with relation to time management. Make sure you are getting enough sleep, eating right and exercising. Wellness leads to better concentration, physical strength and this is very key when doing college work.

9. Levelling up Time Use: The Role of Technology

While many time management tools have been developed in recent years, there are innumerable tools and applications. Here, some examples of task management applications are Todoist, Asana, and Trello, based on which their functionality and purpose may be determined. They can be useful in group assignments because they will help students coordinate with other members of a group. For instance Google Calendar, you can organize yourself when classes, study sessions, or any deadline are expected to take place, with notifications that enable you not to lose track of time. Also, an app like Forest or focus music like Focus@Will can go a long way to prevent distractions and keep up the study demeanor.

10. Seeking Help When Needed

When you find yourself stuck with time management issues even after trying your best, don’t worry about asking for assistance. In fact, almost every school has resources like counseling services, school advisors or courses dealing with time management and study skills, among others. It is also possible to get more strategies and resources using the following:


It is common knowledge that time management plays a big role in managing work and other obligations in the case of a student. Enhanced output and reduced levels of stress can be achieved if students define their goals, develop a plan, do not procrastinate, and follow the proper regime. Even more, the ability to manage the time will improve correspondingly to the technology used and constant progress analysis. 

Please understand that time is not an indication of filling a day with events or cramming as many hours onto a single day as possible. Still, rather it’s about productivity while ensuring that one’s purpose is fulfilled to the maximum without much compromise on one’s health and general welfare. Follow these practices today and see changes in your academic and personal life change for the better.


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